
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Personalized Learning

Abstract This paper informs the reader of the basic theories on attainment styles and nature differences established by David Kolb, Carl Jung, Katherine Briggs, Isabel Briggs-Myers, David Kiersey and Marilyn Bates. I imbibe too disposed(p) my own feedback of their theories after taking their canvass to see which particular science styles and psycheality type I possess. Personalized training Personality and learnedness Styles go hand in hand in manage who you are and how you learn. Personality Typing is a self husk that whoremaster help you in growth and development. Personality is delineate as the quality or collection of qualities which makes a someone a distinct individual. (Storm & deVries, 2006) Discovering the way you prefer to learn send away help you in umpteen aspects of your life. Learning Styles is the way in which each person absorbs and retains information and skills. (Williamson & Watson, 2006) David Kolbs theory on learning styles concludes that there are intravenous feeding principal(prenominal) types of learners. Everyone uses wholly areas of learning to an extent but everyone also has tends to consecrate a preferred style. These styles are: Accomodators, Convergers, Assimilators, and Divergers. Accomodators excel in learning from give on experience. Divergers use imagination and brainstorming time they learn. Convergers learning abilities are focused on finding unimaginative uses for ideas and thinking. Assimilators are best at organizing and analyzing information. (Williamson & Watson, 2006) Kolb developed a test called the Learning Style Inventory, or LSI. This is a test which consisted of many questions to go out exactly which learning style describes you best. In the Bethel College Orientation one hundred one book they have broken down Kolbs four learning types into threesome more simple types. These types are: ocular Learners, audile Learners, and kinesthetic Learners. Visual Learners remember w hat they see break away than what they hear! . Auditory Learners remember what they hear better than what they...If you want to crap a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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