
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Definition of a princess or anything else Essay

Definition of a princess or anything else - Essay Exampled individual just because you havent ever had to earn a living and even if you would have so all you wouldve done is, buy the entire Macys clothes collection just because to get an hazard to look down on everybody else...While it is true that I enjoy manicures, pedicures and saloon hair treatments at once every forty days but it doesnt make me a mess up spendthrift or even a snob and it is withal true that I work at the local infirmary as a certified Nurses Assistant where Im dedicated to taking misgiving of my patients, my patients image me as a friendly Nurses Assistant. I am a person that enjoys helping out spate in every possible way. I would do almost anything to make the lives of others better. I enjoy working(a) for the betterment of the health care profession and that is the reason, why I have been doing it for the past twenty age and I work hard and put my best foot forward to accomplish the best for my pati ents. delinquent to my love and kindness for mankind, Im sure that I would help anybody regardless of caste, creed and color. Therefore, Im a kind hearted and a hard working person and not a spoiled snob.Im from a small North Dakota town, and I made my way to Grand Forks subsequently graduating from high school, and in order to feed my family and to save money for college I had to become a ultraconservative person. I was earning more than any girl my age and was not only supporting my family but also saving money for college. Later I continued my education to pursue a career as a Licensed Practical Nurse. This means that I have the patience and heart to take care of other people other than myself. It also means that I have the will to devote my behavior for the betterment of others. For me, my patients come first and this is very different from the idea of a snob, therefore Im hardly a cold hearted person who looks down on others.Another reason, why people unremarkably stereoty pe me is because of my aristocratic looks and ice blonde hair. My good

Monday, April 29, 2019

Investigating Problems with Minorities and Community Policing Essay

investigation Problems with Minorities and Community Policing - Essay ExampleHow can we investigate problems between minorities and police force services? Importantly, what is the nature and issue of the problems between the police and minority communities? How widespread argon the problems and for whom are these issues problematic? Aiming to be both descriptive and prescriptive, the following will explore what has been done regarding this problem, and whether or not the innovations were effective? Finally, what are the possible solutions to the fall in problems between police and minority communities? Seeking to address these questions as they pertain to the issue of minorities at heart the coupled States and their relationship to the police services, the following will provide a thorough analysis of a confused phenomenon (Skogan, 2003).The United States of America boasts the highest incarceration rates on the planet, even higher than places such as China, Iran or Russia. Acc ording to a report released by the Pew Center for Research on the United States, or so one in 100 persons in the United States is incarcerated (2008). Accordingly, the state of California alone spends $8.8 billion per annum on incarceration costs and while the statistics above are, remarkable, so too are the racial disparities within the American penal system. Accordingly, while African-Americans account for just 13% of the total race, their incarceration rates are much higher than for all other ethnic groups. With nearly 50% of the total prison population in the United States, African-Americans account for a disproportionate number of inmates in this country. Importantly, it is estimated that African-Americans have a 16% risk of going to prison in their lifetime, compared to a 2% risk for whites.According to scholar Scot Wortley, blacks are still 2 times more likely to experience a stop by police and four times more likely to experience both.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Dynamic DNS in Linux Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

energetic DNS in Linux - Article ExampleThe Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) offered enterprises and Internet service providers (ISPs) to affirm spoken languagees to computers on the fly as they powered up. The Domain Name System brought a method of distributing the pass over information automatically online through recursive queries to remote databases configured for each line of business. In addition, this helped conserve the speak space available, since not all devices might be actively practised at all generation and addresses could be assigned as needed. This feature required that DNS servers be kept current automatically as well. The first implementations of dynamic DNS fulfilled this purpose.The excessive use of the Internet by all even in peoples steads brought a growing shortage of available IP addresses. DHCP became an important tool for ISPs to manage their address spaces for connecting home and small-business end-users with a single IP address each by connecting them through a Network acknowledgment Translation (NAT) router. Behind these routers (in the private network) it was possible to reuse address space set aside for these purposes .This, however, broke the end-to-end principle of Internet methods were required to allow private networks, masqueraded by frequently changing IP addresses, to discover their routable outside address and insert it into the domain key system in order to participate in Internet communications more fully.Today, numerous providers, called Dynamic DNS service providers, offer such technology and work on the Internet. They provide a software client program that automates this function. The client program is executed on a computer in the private network. It connects to the service providers systems and causes those systems to link the discovered public IP address of the home network with a hostname in the domain name system. Depending on the provider, the hostname is registered within a domain owned by the provider or the customers own domain name. These services can function by a number of mechanisms. Often they use an HTTP service request since even restrictive environments usually allow HTTP service. This group of services is commonly also referred to by the term Dynamic DNS, although it is not the standards-based DNS Update method. However, the latter(prenominal) might be involved in the providers systems. Most home networking routers today have this feature already built into their firmware. One of the early routers to support Dynamic DNS was the UMAX UGate-3000 in 1999, which supported the TZO.COM dynamic DNS service. Dynamic DNS forwardnessUnlike DSL, most cable modem providers may not allow you to host sites at home by blocking inbound HTTP (TCP port 80) and SMTP mail (TCP port 25) while allowing most other TCP dealings through. Many DDNS providers are aware of this and provide a redirect service to bypass the problem. Under the system, sack up queries first hit their servers on the regular TCP ports and then these servers automatically redirect the Web clients to use the IP address of your server on a different TCP port. Registering DDNSOnce you have trenchant to go ahead with DDNS youll need to choose between the broad categories of Dynamic DNS service. Free Dynamic DNS Your website name will be a sub domain of the DDNS providers domain. For example if the DDNS provide

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Manifest Destiny and Mission by Frederick Merk Essay

Manifest Destiny and Mission by Frederick Merk - Essay Example paternity in Democratic Review, on December 27, 1845, he used the term Manifest Destiny, to stir the United States to annex geographical areas, then under Britain and Spain, by dint of out north of America. In the undertake titled, Annexations, Osullivan argued that God had destined the United States, to spread republican democracy, (the great experiment of liberty) through out North America. But O Sullivan can claim authorship only to the term, and not to the stem. The idea or concept was a general political sentiment campaigned for by the Democrats then.2) EFFECT Like its nub , the effect of this concept in the history of the United States was also mono dimensional and expansionist, leading to the territorial expansion of the country during 1815 to 1860.The War of 1812 fought between the United States and the British Empire came to an end in 1815, with uncomplete side gaining much. The period after the end of the war, up to 1860, had been called the age of Manifest Destiny. After this trifling war, the United States adopted a new strategy for annexation of bordering territories. Settle down, out number the natives, ability the boundariesthis was the new strategy. A typical example was the Mexican Cession. Mexico was a Spanish colony that got liberated in 1821.The new Mexican Empire inherited, Alta California, New Mexico and Texas from Spain. The new Government, virtually bankrupt and weak, was unable to control the northern territories of the country. These areas were thousands of miles away from the capital of Mexico City. Hence, the Mexican Govt. allowed a few American families to cross over and settle. What followed were huge American settlements in Texas, which became an American majority area. The Texans wanted to accede to the United States. This lead to the Texas revolution, (1835- 36) and Texas was declared as an item-by-item republic. During the war, that

Friday, April 26, 2019

Industrialization and the environment Annotated Bibliography

Industrialization and the environment - Annotated Bibliography ExampleRoome substantiates his railway line by giving the example of Japan and France, countries that industrialized later, which realized peak at intensity of force lower than the ones of United States and United Kingdom, which industrialized earlier. He argues that industrialization paths that were less- strength intensive developed as more than ways of industrial, transport and domestic technologies on the world markets became available. Roome maintains that countries that industrialized earlier continued using older technologies, which reduced the efficiency of their economies. He also points out that generalizing ontogenesis countries as using less zippo and therefore reaching their peaks at lower energy intensities is not right. This is beca habit the energy intensities reached by some developing countries has been very high even to the point exceeding the peaks reached by Japan. Roome suggests that the observa tions show that wealth and resource mathematical function do not have a fixed relationship with the consequent impacts on the environment.This book is liberation to be useful for this research as it helps to argue against the erroneous sentiments that developing countries use less energy and therefore minimal impacts to the environment. Blame made to developed nations that they contribute a lot to environmental degradation through their industries can be refuted from the evidence that some developing countries, for example in the sub-Saharan Africa use the old technologies earlier used by the now developed nations.United Nations Industrial Development judicature (UNIDO). Industrialization, environment and the millennium development goals in Sub-Saharan Africa The new frontier in the fight against poverty, muckle 1. New York United Nations Publications, 2004. Print.UNIDO in this book talks about industry and the environment in the Sub-Saharan Africa. It points out that the

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Its about the three books ( A lone together ), ( Steve Jobs ), and ( Assignment

Its about the three books ( A lone together ), ( Steve Jobs ), and ( Facebook Effect ) - Assignment patternThe economic policies are not the only limitations but the health and education policies together with early(a) alert factors have been considered to put the country into a wrong track. There has been a promise on ancestry creation by the presidential term, which is yet to be accomplished. Income inequality is another of the factors of major interest among the Ameri plentys. How can the government be trusted temporary hookup there is inequality of wealth wealth is concentrated among the few persons while a majority still languish in joblessness and lack of basic income that can sustain their routine needs.Turkle believes in interdependence among people through technology (Turkle, 2011). As for the article in Arthur, there is unsnarl interdependence of the students, staff and the other people involved in the university. The article defines its limits of interdependency to physical. Turkle, on the other hand, believes that through technology many have been interdependent in all aspects which ranges from socializing to information or business sharing. It is inform that both parties define the existence of interdependence among people of different aspects.According to Steve Jobs, encyclopedic design was to include simplicity without minimalism the design was to integrate all the objectives of creation, with ease of use, but not at the cost of functionality. In his designs he articulated for artistic design from the cover, to the inner part of the system. In creating the designs, his main considerations were the usability of the system, as well as the beauty of the design to impress its users (Isaacson, 2011). These parts of architect formed the basis of the company in creating systems. Steve Jobs Company was mainly driven by innovation. The description of his approach can be defined as value disruption design. Whose main objective is to create a

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Minor Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Minor Paper - Essay Exampleidentify that there are issues around the monetary control, particularly the bank reconciliation and capacity and skill direct in fiscal reporting. The 2013 financial statements were not submitted in time (Mulgan, 2013). The finance director informed me that this was due to the late implementation of the regulatory boldness approach and the way the new external auditor was conducting their work with rigor. During the review, the trouble issued me with the draft of the Price Water-house Coopers management letter in relation to the year ended 31st December 2013, which has twenty recommendations to the financial administration.It points break a number of areas in financial administration within the department that needs improvement. These include the public level of skills, capacity and competence reporting of the financial across the department is not at the level they should be in light with the government expansion and the increasing complexity in rep orting of the financial statements (Parliament of Australia, 2007). Close observation of the financial statements of the department reveals that the department has not demonstrated a consistent and train approach to bank reconciliation. This was noted in the external auditors management letter and adjudge by the department.The other area of the review is the supplier and the professional services that are carried out by the department. It was not practicable for the review to look at the entire procurement practices with the department and all those for the government, exactly focused on the issues in board minutes. The board minutes indicated that there had been procedural irregularities in watch to certain contracts of the department and the government lets and that the extent of irregularities was a notch higher in the department (Business Council of Australia, 2008). My procedural review into the discrepancies of the procurement procedures also revealed so. I came to realiz e that there were

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

East Coast Insurance Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

East Coast Insurance Company - Case Study ExampleAs per the facts seted by the case, the social club is facing increased workload of healthcare claims with a dearth of adept and skilled talent. The immaterial environment also does not present opportunity to recruit a professional workforce that could get across the mammoth task.No doubt, the Strategic Planning Committee has come up with a host of solutions that hue through financial, human resources, environmental and even competitive domains of the organization. An important and worth discussing factor in the present case is the involvement of a government agency, which can be an appropriate thriving ground for the maturation of the fungus of non-ethical behavior.Looking a bit closer to the facets of the presented case, it is pretty much obvious that the major bit of the company is its increased workload due to the shortage of talented employees. As such, it is a people caper and not a place problem primarily.Even though the office space is not satisfactory, to date competent workforce in place can solve much of the problems of the company. The major operations of the company are to process the claims, where the expertise of people is required and not magnanimity of the building.Keeping this in mind, the visor focus of the management should be to increase the skill level of its employees. Relocating to a new building or to a suburb facility is not the solution as it allow for only give go to the greater financial burden.If the company relocates, the employees will have to adjust themselves to a new environment, which will advance degrade the quality and the speed of work, which is already under investigation. Similarly, investment in new premises will cut short the chances of the company to look for educated and competent employees or to provide for the training of actual ones.

To what extent do governments shape the global oil economy In your Essay

To what extent do governments shape the global crude economy In your analysis, consider the role of nature, industrial structure and war - Essay Example perpetual discovery of new oil fields is necessary to avoid depletion of current reserves however this is gainsay from both economic and business perspectives. For instance, in Canada the oil reserves are difficult to correctly invoice because of technological difficulties leading to high cost involvement. On the other hand, oil reserves in Alberta which are now considered second largest oil reservoir were considered as non-economical to develop in past decades (Inkpen, 2012, p.2). One of the intimately important aspects of oil industry is that rich and poor nations alike are consumers of oil. However, since oil is location-specific therefore just now a specific number of nations are major oil producers of the world. Over the last decades, the developed nations bring on become leading importers of oil which has resulted in sev ere geographical and political issues. Oil industry is atomic number 53 sector which has experienced large scale government hinderances and regulations ranging from taxation to control over production. OPEC represents government intervention on a global scale (Inkpen, 2012, p.4). For five years Saudi Arabia which is OPECs largest producer sphere controlled price by reducing production during phases of excessive supply and increased production during phases of low supply. It could bear because of low population and excessive production. Thus Saudi Arabia along with other OPEC members strived to maximize their oil revenues in the short run (Spero & Hart, 2009, pp.346-347). OPECs goal is to sustain the bargaining power on oil producing countries by controlling price. The idea is to ensure smooth distribution of oil to consumers, producers getting their regular profits and investors earning medium returns. However, OPECs capacity to fulfill its mission is controversial since increa sing oil prices in the 1980s resulted in storing up of oil by producing countries and new exploration

Monday, April 22, 2019

Historical Analysis Of Leather In India Research Paper

Historical analytic thinking Of Leather In India - Research Paper ExampleSankar, an eminent expert on leather applied science at the Oxford University, says that the industry releases harmful effluents and chemicals that pollute rivers and other body of water bodies (86). Moreover, much of this waste is released in a solid form that cannot be absorbed or disposed off effectively and is therefore alter to the pollution of the environment. The Indian leather industry is composed of both established inventrs as well as thousands of cottage industries engaged in the production of various types of leather. In 2010, the industry processed over 65 million animal hides and over 160 million skins to produce leather of various types and quality (Kaul 108). In fact, the latter constitute over three-fifths of the total industrial output. While leather production has existed in India for thousands of years, the youthful practice of leather production were introduced by the British rules in the mid-nineteenth century. Over 60% of the industrys output constitutes hides and skins. Other leather products manufactured by these industries include leather garments, suitcases, belts and shoes (Kaul 95).Sawhney, a celebrated professor on Leather Technology at the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in Hyderabad, India states that there are more than 2300 tanneries in the country with a combined turnover of $7.5 billion and are primarily concentrated in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and West Bengal (109). The industry exports most of its produce mainly to the western countries, Japan and Australia. The following pattern shows the growth of the leather industry in India over the last 50 years. The information in this in writing(predicate) is of importance as it highlights the gradual growth of the industry, its relative contribution to the national GDP and the extent to which the sphere has go to dominate leather production in the global market. Fig. 1. Growth of the leather industry in India 1951-2007. Source Sawhney, The new face of environmental management in India, 2008. While India remains a go exporter of leather, it has fallen behind Pakistan and Argentina in annual output due to several factors. India has the highest population of cows and enjoys lower labor costs that are essential for leather production. Such conditions would make one intend that India holds a distinct advantage when it comes to manufacturing leather (Sahasranaman 46). However, despite having the basic raw material required for the manufacture of leather, the Indian leather industry suffers from adequate technology and financial incentives required to operate the industries in a clean and pollution-free manner. Further, Indian leather manufacturers are driven by the incentive to keep costs at the very minimum and look upon contending effluents or utilizing cleaner techniques as additional expenditure (Sahasranamam 50). The presence of kindly conditions combined with the present inability of Indian leather manufacturers in coping with global demand has constrained them to adopt cheaper and quicker means of production to enhance output volumes. Such pressures meet however come at the expense of the environment. In fact, Jenkins says that tanneries depend on as many as 700 different chemicals to treat and process animal hides, most of which are water insoluble and capable of rendering land and water toxic and unfit for human use (65). For instance, most leather companies situated near the banks of the Ganges River have simply preferred to dump their wastes directly into the river. These effluents contain large

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Music and Baroque Period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Music and Baroque Period - Essay ExampleThe advancement of symphony and its various genres found competent handling from the likes of great musical composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, George Friederic Handel, Antonio Vivaldi and Jean-Baptiste Lully. In their works, depose be found the different kinds of music. In the work of Bach and Handel, the Oratorio flourished, and the Opera became popular delinquent to Handels compositions. The music of the Church also changed, with greater emphasis laid on the cantata, as well as toccatas, and fugue. This was the flowing, when court life was at its peak and the master of court-style composing was attributed to Jean-Baptiste Lully, while the Concerto grosso, found great significance in the hands of Antonio Vivaldi its master. Baroque music can be divided into three periods - early, middle and late(a) characterized by different styles. The early period was entrenched in religion while the middle period was characterized by music playe d in the court. This was the age of absolutism when the power of the Church and the state created the essential for organized public music and Chamber music. Music began to be treated as an art to be taught under the auspices of a formal structure. Jean-Baptiste Lullys works during that period is marked by assent to the demands made by the court and thus we have in collaborating with Molire in comdie-ballets, i.e. plays with dancing. He still operas for the King, creating the tragdie lyrique based on libretti where the main focus was on the conflict.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Inherit the Wind Movie Analysis Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Inherit the Wind Analysis - Movie fall over ExampleThere is considerable evidence suggesting that the take on is not only biased scarcely preferably highly biased in its intent. That is to say, there was no fairness in the elements of the trial. This is because the inaccuracies are systematic and of the variant presenting consistent biases against a particular class of people and what they believe in. For instance, prior to the trial, no one out of doors the school cared what Scope taught in school, and he maintained to his death that he never taught evolution but rather reviewed the students for their final examinations. Drummond, the defense police forceyer argues for the issues of belief as he chose to defend the accused from beingness prosecuted. It was not fair that none of Drummonds expert witnesses were allowed to testify in court as this undermines the quest for a fair trial. Cates wins over the audience by claiming that the students placed on the stand could not co me back what he taught three months age as they were coached by the lawyers. Cates even declined to say a word until the exacting Court passes his appeal claiming that his lawyer would kill him if he does so (de bivouacking 432).Contrary to the film, it should be show that scope was never jailed for teaching evolution as he was immediately released on bond. The film tries to invoke sympathy in portraying Cates as a prisoner, a man prosecuted for his beliefs by the fundamentalists. De Camp (490) claims in his book that the trial was not a witch hunt as the accused and the defendants, the witches, were the hunters who were stocking the law with an aim of making it unenforceable (de Camp 490). A state law against the teaching of any bringing close together or hypothesis undermines the purpose of education as students are meant to be enlightened about the universe.

Friday, April 19, 2019

An Invaluable Study with Slight Setbacks A Review of Weeks Coming Out Essay

An Invaluable Study with urbane Setbacks A Review of Weeks Coming Out - Essay ExampleA closer examination, however, of how specific tender events influenced transvestite identity would engage greatly aided in creating an understand of the relationship and origins homosexual identity has in British society. Thus, Weeks emphasizes the structural existence of gayness, while failing to consider the forces that might set about naturalised this structure.We tend to think now that the word homosexual has an unvarying meaning, beyond time and history. Weeks writes. In fact it is itself a product of history, a heathenish artifact designed to express a particular concept. (3) Often who we restrict as a homosexual runs no further than the sexual acts in which a person engages. The bum of this definition, however, fails to consider what type of person is or is not a homosexual.Weeks suggests that the reasons for crafting this shallow connotation towards homosexuality appears to have been to provide a standard on which to label permissible and impressible behavior and also to coiffe the number of those who are viewed as untraditional.In addition to carefully describing the differences between historical and social aspects of homosexuality, Weeks makes for sure to describe the differences in treatment towards various types of homosexuals. Weeks pays particular consideration towards Lesbians, who Weeks describes as invisible women (80) and who debatably may have suffered even more hardships than homosexual men. Like most gender studies, Weeks also tackles the objective of showing that although the view of homosexuality is a product of specific circumstances, homosexuality is wide ranging and alludes any historical or cultural constructs. After the introductory section of this book, these two objectives are placed in the background as tools for understanding the history of homosexuality in Britain.As Weeks linearly traces the development of homosexual struggles i n England, he crafts the notion that the sufferance of homosexuality in England is growing significantly. Thus, homosexuality appears to be escaping the negative conceptions with which it has previously been associated. Weeks primarily bases his argument that the acceptance of homosexuality in England is growing by citing the increasing number of gay rights supporters. After levels of prejudice against homosexual rose to peak levels after World War II, radical movements in the 1970s by the Gay ignition Front resulted in stagger numbers of supporters and gay badge wearers. Furthermore, Weeks makes a slight mention that homosexuality was once even more confined than is has been over the course of the previous centuries. Although homosexuality was prevalent, occurring in dashing orders, medieval scandals, and certain monarch courts (35), it was always confined. In Weekss portrait of the widening acceptance of homosexuality end-to-end the previous century, he fails to create an in-d epth portrait of how Englands various cultural and economic transitions helped to impact perspectives of homosexuality. The book is not without its failures. I

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Argument - Pursue my Career of Choice, not that of the VA Essay

Argument - Pursue my C arer of Choice, not that of the VA - Essay Exampleshould pursue, in this respect I swallow found that the skill of negotiating can be developed through constant practice, direct ad hominem experiences and that individuals use different negotiation styles. These differences in negotiation styles depend upon the individuals personality and the position which include the objectives for negotiating. Conflict arises when the interests of people do not coincide. Since each individual is unique in his testify way, the potential for conflict in human interactions is high. For instance, people perceive the same things differently. They may, dealwise, disagree about how things are and how they should be. Sometimes, simple misunderstandings can lead to major disputes.As a military veteran scholar, I have regularly communicated with Mr. Les Sakuma. Upon Mr. Sakumas advice, I should pursue a tip in Business Management or Computer Science, of which I have already had br ief and uninteresting careers in both of the fields. I would like to pursue something that I am actually enthusiastic in doing, rather that something I am agonistic to do.Mr. Les Sakuma has worked with the warhorses Affairs for more than 30 years. He is very hardworking, diligent and determined to work for the accomplishment of the Veterans mission and goals. Mr. Sakuma plainly states that since the Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation Program is pay for me to get educated in order to obtain gainful employment he would not adore the forensic field of study. I am firm to convince him otherwise.Mr. Les Sakuma advised me to pursue a degree in Business Management or Computer Science because of my past experiences. He believes I would be successful in either of these endeavors. Furthermore, he feels that my physical disability would not be greatly challenged by delving into any of these careers. He is also unaware that a career in Forensic Photography is a viable option in Hawa ii, where I am currently based. With these arguments in mind, I need

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Customer Insight for Competitive Advantage Essay

Customer Insight for hawkish Advantage - Essay Example apple Inc. is a renowned multinational parentage corporation which deals with manufacturing, designing along with marketing broad assortment of products related to consumer electronics, personal computers and computer software among others. According to the bribe day context, the organisation is considerably regarded as one of the major global brands in terms of achieving high customer value and brand loyalty through its religious offering of quality products (Apple Inc., 2011). In relation to key the role of customer insight to an organisation, the paper intends to briefly discuss the major roles and significance of customer military service within the organisation of Apple Inc. The paper will also highlight the major contribution of customer service that supports the organisation towards achieving competitive position. Moreover, the paper will further involve the impacts and consequences that could affect on organisati onal nature of Apple while adopting poor customer service initiatives. Therefore, appropriate recommendations have also been discussed somewhat how Apple might enhance its customer service for the motive of increasing its productivity as substantially as profitability, business reputation and most epoch-makingly sustainable competitive advantage. Main Findings Role of Customer answer integrity Revealing insight about the consumers is incessantly becoming one of the major elements for the organisations in format to develop their different products as well as services that deliver skipper value to the final exam customers and generate substantial profit. The idea of customer insight is typically viewed to be the collection as well as the interpretation of valuable information that ultimately facilitates a business to develop and most significantly to retain their valuable customers. It significantly involves certain major features such as gaining comprehensive knowledge about the customers requirements along with their behaviours that eventually raises the brand loyalty and facilitates them to accomplish competitive advantage by a significant level (Michel, 2003). In relation to determine the role of customer service probity, it has been apparently observed that the excellence related to customer service that adopted by Apple are significantly focused upon delivering capital value oriented services to each of its customer segment. In this regard, the organisation significantly considers the offering of superior quality products as customer service excellence initiatives towards its global standing. The organisation involves effective strategy of offering value-based service with its decent product lines through understanding customers requirements. The customer service excellence of the organisation is considered to be one of the prime aspects for the organisation to maintain its dominant position in the global technological business market (Arthur D. Little, 2011). With regard to the customer service excellence of Apple, it has been observed that the organisation took the initiative of AppleCare Service Excellence

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Southwest Airline Co and Cost Accounting Essay Example for Free

southwestern United States Airline Co and Cost Accounting experiment southwestern Airline Co. is a major passenger airline that provides scheduled air transportation in the United States. Southwest provides point-to-point service which allows the use of key assets, including aircrafts, gates, employees, and the ability to provide frequent, conveniently- timed flights and low fares. Southwest Airlines has built its culture from the inside out and believes that the satisfied employees will keep customers coming back.Southwest Airlines operates with a low- personify structure that is designed to allow it to charge low airfares. With that said, cost accounting disregard know a pervasive influence in this and other organizations. From the companys 2006 annual report-Disclosure Regarding Forward-Looking Information, event 1A. Risk Factors fuel price volatility presents one of the companys most significant challenges. Southwest for the past five years of this annual report, has h edged its fuel risk as part of its alienated cost strategy. While this also demonstrates the use of cost accounting, the company entered into fuel derivatives contracts to protect against rising fuel costs.Southwest Airlines uses cost accountants in contributing to the external financial reports such as inventory evaluation as noted on page 55, under Notes Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued) Inventories, which consists of flight equipment expendable parts, materials, aircraft fuel, and supplies. The cost accountant determines the valuation method that is in the best interest of the company and favorable to the stockholder. There is an proceeds to having cost accountants, they create reports used strictly for internal use and are not restricted to broadly speaking accepted accounting principles (GAAP).A cost accountant is free is use any costing epitome that will result in an informative report for management. Such reports may consist of, but especial(a) to job costi ng, direct costing, activity-based costing, process costing and more. Unlike internal reports, external reports are formatted and defined by GAAPCost accountants focus on providing information for management decision fashioning. The cost accountant can contribute several types of costing information to the planning process that are of assistance in making strategy alterations that will result in enhanced levels of profitability or the avoidance of low-profit strategy alternatives.

The American Dream in Death of a Salesman Essay Example for Free

The American Dream in Death of a Sales gentlemans gentleman EssayConsideration of colour, text size and font rescue an analysis of edit outs and ideas linked to your class texts and atomic number 18ful choice of hyperlinks relating to these subjects Visual representations of your chosen and ideas Character section should profile wiz charcter from each of your texts, detailing their background, interests, etc Compose a blog with at least three messages on a topic relevant to an issue linked to your studyISSUES The American DreamThe American Dream is an issue portrayed by different aspects and characters in Death of a Salesman. Through the play, failed visions of the American Dream ar contrasted with the successful ones, highlighting the abstract quality and implications of such(prenominal) delusions. Willy is unable to accept the disparity between his judgement in his diminutive version of the dream and his own life. The failure of Willys dream is indicative of the detail that the bewildered circle of American society has broken down his personal relationships, and also that the society is unstable. This reveals the tragic side of the American Dream, where it does not bring anticipation, but affliction.In contrary to this, the play also demonstrates the flourishing version of the American Dream, through Willys brother, Ben, whose wealth is an example of tangible success. Ben is not alive and is a figment of Willys troubled imagination. He gloats and says, Why, boys, when I was seventeen I walked into the jungle, and when I was twenty-one I walked out. And by God, I was rich The material wealth and pervasiveness of capitalism in American society drives Ben into vainglorious up his intention of looking for his incur, and instead, flourishing economic every(prenominal)y. Willy associates Ben with qualities that he himself severely lacksRealtiy vs IllusionWilly has dreams of material success, notoriety and has a misguided notion of the American Dream. These hopes dwarf the other aspects of his mentality and ultimately result in a psychological descent. He is then unable to distinguish his wild dreams and unattainable goals from the harsh reality of the present. Willy attempts to change his sons that he is well-liked and know me,boys, they know me up and down New England This demonstrates that he is discernibly delusional, as he is incomplete well-liked nor known. The pressure of striving for success becomes evident in Willy, where he becomes immoral, harsh and illogical.His intense desire for gaining take note results in reliving past memories and triumphs to boost his ego, which is adopted by his family, much to their detriment. His son Biff suffers through immense embarrassment and shame derived from his fathers failed hopes, distorting his own signified of purpose and reality. The Lomans all live in a world of illusions, and their issues nearly revolve around Willy. Linda encourages Willys inflated sense of self by prov iding false compliments and the negative aspects of his personality. Abandonment and Betrayal The issues of abandonment and betrayal are prominent in Death of a Salesman. Willy Lomans father and brother abandoned him as a child, leaving him emotionally unstable.This rendered him to be extremely deficient in terms of nurturing his children and emotional comfort. The betrayal from such a young age resulted in a lack of morals and an unhealthy perception of life, which would most likely have been non-existent with the presence of a father figure. Willy is evidently desperate for memories of his father No, Ben Please severalize me about Dad. As his fear of abandonment grows, Willy attempts to raise flawless children, reflecting his inability to understand reality.Even though he is set on Biffs imminent success, Biff betrays him and he refuses to accept his fathers unattainable, dementia-driven dreams for him. Another example of betrayal in Death of a Salesman is when Willy, who fears b etrayal from his family, ironically betrays Linda, by having an affair with another woman and also buying stockings for her. At this time, stockings were expensive and Willys unfaithfulness to his wife was shown when he bought stockings for a strange woman, rather than for Linda. At the end of the play, Willy ends up abandoning his own family, by committing suicide. synopsisDeath of a Salesman is a tragic play which explores the concept of material success, reputation and dreams. Willy Loman is a man who is chasing his unattainable goals and whose mind lives in the past. His mind is set on materialistic achievements, so much that his dreams are passed on to his family, as well. The Lomans are a family of delusional people a family of lies and deceit. In the end, Willy is unable to finish from reality anymore, and ultimately, results in him committing suicide. This play demonstrates the effect of the American Dream and how peoples dreams can be shattered by false promises in their business lives and also their personal relationships.Willy LOMAN character profile take a crap Willy LomanAge 45-55 years oldPresent Family Linda Loman, Biff Loman, Happy LomanProfession He has been a change of location salesman of the lowest position for 34 years Interests and goals His dream is to become like Dave Singleman, who was a very prevalent salesman. He wants to be successful in life, and to be known to everyone as a great salesman. reach His father and his brother abandoned him as an infant.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Sam Houston Book Review Essay Example for Free

surface-to-air missile Houston Book Review essayHouston and the American Southwest were written by Randolph B. Campbell. Currently Professor Campbell teaches at University of North Texas in Denton. He has written many other moderates including Gone to Texas The history of the Lone star state. This is one of my favorite books Sam Houston had a very interesting life. As a child he was relentless and rebellious. He had puny formal education, but loved to read. He flushtually tired of Tennes see and ran away. He crossed the river and lived among the Cherokee Indians. While existing with the Indians Sam Houston learned a valuable lesson that would soon come to use to him later in life, stop first and war second. He lived among the whites and the Indians for a time. When the War of 1812 broke out Sam did not extend to join, he instead wanted to study mathematic but in 1813 he decided against a didactics career and joined the 7th US Infantry where he quickly became third Lieuten ant. In the bout of reek War he courageously charged toward a well-guarded Creek fortification. He was wounded with arrows doubly in the shoulder and once in the thigh, they won the war.Afterwards he petitioned to remain in the army. Andrew capital of Mississippi and Sam became good friends he later appointed him as a Federal Agent, and assigned him the depute of removing the Cherokees from Tennessee. He resigned from the army in 1818 at age 25. He became an attorney in a uncorrupted six months when he returned to Tennessee. He remained friends with Andrew Jackson and even supported his campaign in 1822-1824 and 1823. He was even elected to the House of Representatives. He was even challenged to a dual, he won and the other person was diagonal but did survive.In 1827 he campaigned for and won governorship of Tennessee. He married Eliza in 1829, a girl 15 years younger than him, and sadly soon afterwards their union she left Sam and after he went into a voluntary exile. In 182 9 he officially became a part of the Cherokee nation, and served as a articulation in Washington D. C for them. Sadly during this time Sam Houston became an alcoholic and the Indians even named him Big wino. He married and Indian wife, Tiana although he was never formally divorced from Eliza. She refused to return to Texas with him so he left her.He later married Margaret Lea in 1840 this was his third and final wife. She was a extensive influence on him, convincing him to stop drinking all together. He and Margaret had 8 children, one of which was named after his dear friend Andrew Jackson and he became a Senator for Texas. I think it is so neat to see that no motion where life to Sam Houston, he always remained so committed to Texas. No matter what he always made it back to Texas and fought for it He was a man of many talents and he held the pip of Lieutenant, lawyer, teacher war hero, Congressman, and even President of TexasHe also ran for Governor of Texas in 1857, but asc ribable to his unpopular views he was defeated. This book is so interesting to me. I think that this book was written for anyone who wants to lie with more about the history of Texas and Sam Houston. It is also written for college students. It is a great read. He was once quoted saying It is a matter of great satisfaction to me to hope that my children will be in mass to receive a good education. Mine was defective and I feel the inconvenience, if not the misfortune of not receiving a classical education.Knowledge is the food of genius, and my son, let no opportunity escape you to treasure up knowledge. He knew the importance of good education and it honestly intrigues me of how intelligent he was and well-rounded despite his miss of one. On his tombstone it reads A Brave SoldierA Fearless StatesmanA colossal Orator a Pure Patriot A Faithful FriendA Loyal CitizenA Devoted Husband and FatherA Consistent Christian an Honest Man. After reading this book I would have to agree with t hat and I wish we had more people like Sam Houston in government today

Sunday, April 14, 2019

How to Create a Marketing Plan Essay Example for Free

How to Create a merchandising Plan EssayWhen was the last time you dusted off that trade programme you created for your bloodline? Wait, you do pass on a selling programme, secure? Well, if your selling plan somehow found its way to the recycle bin or if you have actually never planned show up a merchandising strategy for your business then BusinessMarketingBlog is going to help you.Before we jump into the 6 Simple Steps to Developing A Marketing Plan, it is important that you understand the following elements of every successful merchandise plan1) Spend the time and resources to plot out your marketing strategy and cypher2) utilise your marketing plan3) Analyze and adjust your marketing plan as needed4) Refine your marketing plan for the upcoming year, quarter, month, etc. 6 Steps to an Effective Marketing PlanStep 1 Define the Purpose of Your Marketing EffortsBefore you can create a successful marketing plan you must have a strong understanding of what the purpos e of your marketing plan is. QUESTION What do I want people to do after they have been exposed to my marketing? Your answer should be something very particular, not something vague like I want my marketing to help my business grow. here are some common purposes that business owners use to drive their marketing efforts * Get someone to clean up the phone and call me* Entice someone to email me* Get people to tell others virtually my marketing / business proffer The more thought and planning you put into this first step, the higher your reincarnation rates will be throughout your marketing efforts. Step 2 Determine Your Competitive improvement and Emphasize It Now that you have pinned work through a couple of the purposes for your marketing plan it is time to regain about and plan out how you are going to get people to complete these actions. QUESTION wherefore will people take the specified actions you have identified? You must settle down what your competitive payoff is over your competitors. Sure, you probably have a lot of great benefits and value adds,but you need determine your one strongest and approximately specific competitive advantage. HINT Stress your competitive advantage as a solution to a problem (if possible).Step 3 Determine Your Target AudienceYour marketing plan cannot be effective unless you know the specific demographics of the customers you are trying to r apiece. Again, try to be as specific as possible as the most effective marketing plans are centered around targeted, faithful broadcasting and not so much reaching the highest number of people possible. A thousand random prospects will usually not earn you as much profit as 10 of the right prospects. QUESTION Which group of people will be most accepting and willing to receive my marketing message? You can save a ton of money by knowing who your target hearing is and tailoring your marketing to that group of people. HINT Identify ALL of your target groups, BUT market to each group with tailored, targeted messages.Step 4 Determine Your Marketing MethodsThere are so many shipway to market a business these days however, only a few marketing methods and mediums are upbringing to the top as be the most cost effective and penetrating. Get out of your old, set slipway of how marketing needs to be and expand your efforts into some of todays most effective agency of reaching prospects. Ask yourself this question QUESTION Which marketing strategies will allow me to reach my prospects where they are without mocking or interrupting them and will I be fitted to directly track the results of these efforts? Online marketing is one of, if not, the most cost effective ways to market a business these days. We recommend a comprehensive marketing campaign that includes all of the following online marketing methods* Business Website and/or Blog* Paid Search Marketing* Search Engine Optimization* Social Media Marketing* Email Marketing* Video MarketingHINT Hire a prof essional to implement and maintain these online marketing services for you. You will save a ton of money in the long run.Step 5Determine Your NicheNow that you have pin-pointed your purpose, benefits and target market, you need to define your niche. Ask yourself this question QUESTION When people hear your product / business / company name, whats the first thing that crosses their minds? Is it price, speed, exclusivity, service, value or something else? Your answer to this is your niche, also known as positioning, and it is what your prospects see and expect from you. The more defined and constringed your business becomes, the more likely it is to succeed in the long run so put some thought into this one. HINT Once you define your niche, specialize in it as much as possible and communicate this niche throughout all of your marketingStep 6 Determine Your Marketing BudgetLast, but most definitely not the least important, is to define what your marketing budget is for your business. Y our marketing budget is something that should be evaluated at least 4 propagation a year, if not more. You should stick to your planned budget as much as possible. Too frequently do we see businesses get nervous in tough economies and decide to cut expenses with marketing being one of the first to see cuts. QUESTION Do you really think that cutting your marketing budget or holding off on aggressive marketing is going to position your business suitably in any economy? Marketing is not something you should ever cut corners on, especially in down economies when opportunities are ripe for cheaper market penetration. We recommend preparing to spend at least 10% of your gross gross gross revenue on marketing your business. HINT Calculate your marketing budget using your projected gross sales this will help you operate in a growth mode. If you work off of your current sales then you will be planning a marketing strategy to just tread water. set It All TogetherThese 6 steps are more th an enough to get you started on growing a real marketing plan for your business. There are many more elements to a good scale marketing plan that deserves time, research and planning however, once this work is done and you are able to see, follow, analyze and refine your marketing plan we can almost guarantee that your business will be taken to new levels of success that you have not experienced yet. Good luck andplease let us know if you need assistance or have specific questions about any or all of the steps outlined above.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Professional Roles and Values Essay Example for Free

Professional Roles and Values EssayA. Promoting interdisciplinary C beWhen nurses promote collaborative interdisciplinary upkeep, they are ensuring the availability and accessibility of woodland health assist (ANA, 2010). As the nursing supervisor in this clinical setting, I would hold a staff contact with the family nurse practitioner (FNP), nurse, licensed vocational nurse (LVN), nutritionist, and social worker. I would ask them to speak virtually their areas of expertise and explain how their knowledge will enhance this clinical team. The nutritionists expertise in diet, the social workers fluency in Spanish, the LVNs training in education, and the nurses specialization in union health are all attributes that will promote the delivery of quality patient care. In this meeting, I give examples of how the specialized training and resources of these individuals will improve patient care and ease the workload of other staff members. I foster an open discussion and encourage thoughts, feelings, and questions. I also state that if mortal has a question or concern that they do not want to discuss in front of everyone, they can speak to me in private.B. Delegation and TeamworkAs the nurse supervisor, I would use a coaching approach to speak to Ms. W. Coaching provides a safe environment for nerve-wracking different approaches to new or challenging situations (Robinson-Walker, Detmer, and Schultz, 2011). I would request to have lunch with Ms. W and at this lunch, I begin by praising her work and emphasizing her importance to this clinic. In a light-hearted and non-confrontational way, I say, I know how hard you have been working with Ms. R and you must be so foil I encourage a response by asking, Why do you think she is being non-compliant? I listen to her responses without interrupting and work into the conversation these questions Do you think its possible she does not understand position? What do you think about having the social worker speak to her ? The LVNs expertise in community health and her available resources would also be mentioned. I emphasize that delegate to members of the team will be in thebest interest of the patient, as well as free up some of Ms. Rs valuable time.B1. ResponsibilityThe care for Code of Ethics Provision 2 states that the nurses primary commitment is to the patient and it further implies that nurses should actively promote collaborative multi-disciplinary planning (American Nurses Association, 2012). If Ms. W does not have time to follow through with community services that could benefit Ms. R, then Ms. W has a responsibility to refer Ms. R to people who have the knowledge, resources, and time to help her.In addition to the Nursing Code of Ethics, the National Council of declare Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) states that one of the standards related to the RN scope of practice is that nurses mensurate the patients response to nursing care. They do this by evaluating the patients response to interve ntions, the essential for alternative interventions, the need to consult with other team members, and the need to revise the plan of care (NCSBN, 2012). When Ms. W saw that the patient was not compliant, she should have reevaluated her plan of care. Ms. W can delegate to the LVN, who is experienced in prenatal education, and would be able to explain the importance of finishing antibiotic therapy or performing tests that are essential for a healthy pregnancy. If Ms. W is too busy to educate, then she is responsible for finding someone who can.B2. Recommended ResourceA resource that would benefit Ms. W in learning more about delegating is the continuing education course given by the ANA, Developing Delegation Skills. This course covers delegation and the associated concepts of accountability, responsibility, and say-so (Weydt, 2010). It discusses using nursing judgment and interpersonal relationships during the delegation process and at the courses end, the author speaks about how t o bring about delegation skills. Learning to properly delegate ultimately improves the quality of patient care.B3. Delegation OpportunitiesThe nurse in this scenario has 4 colleagues in the clinic that she can delegate to the LVN, nurse, nutritionist, and social worker. Ms. R had recurrent urinary tract infections the nutritionist can review her food and fluid intake and the LVN can teach prenatal care found on the nutritionists evaluation and recommendations. The nurse in the clinic can explore community resources that whitethorn be available to assist Ms. R. The social worker, however, is the most important person in these collaborations because it is probable that Ms. R does not understand English and needs an interpreter. The social worker is fluent in Spanish and her movement will not only raise the comfort level of Ms. W, but will assure that she is receiving the necessitate information that is pertinent to her pregnancy.ReferencesAmerican Nurses Association. (2012). Code of Ethics for Nursing with Interpretive Statements. Nursing World. Retrieved from http//www.nursingworld.org/codeofethics National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (2012). NCSBN Model Rules. Retrieved from http//www.ncsbn.org/12_model_rules_090512.pdf Weydt, A. (2010). Developing Delegation Skills. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15(2). Retrieved from www.nursingworld.org/mainmenucategories/anamarketplace/anaperiodicals/ojin/tableofcontents/vol152010/no2may2010/delegation-skills

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The effects of the video game industry on Japan Essay Example for Free

The effects of the moving-picture show indorse labor on japan Essay a great deal in the manhood directly is of Japanese origin. Indeed, Japanese influence can be seen each oer the world? on television, in comic checks, in depiction endorses, in electronics, in the film assiduity, and dismantle so in music. In fact, currently, 60% of all the c artificeoon shows being broadcast on television the world over be from Japan. (Croal) Indeed Japanese anime characters retain established a substantial free radical of fans in Europe and North America (Shuhei).Similarly, the Japanese idiot box game patience has been really prospering in the world. It has proven to watch numerous imperative effects on the world, even though m whatsoalways people have repeatedly tried and failed to vilify it. Perhaps one of the most important industries in modern Japan, tv set games have both opened up great possibility for Japans economic approaching and ca habituated the rapid sprea d of its elaboration in the world. The rise in the Japanese video game industry elevated the demesnes standing in the world.The first video games ever were created in com tacking machine labs of prestigious and well- cognize colleges by studious types, whereas in modern times, video games, complete with complex storylines and characters and with sophisticated music and game play, are created by paid professionals. The very first video games were invented by students at colleges with big computer facilities, beca enforce they had nothing break-dance to do. Making games soon became a competitive field of play for these students. (Kohler, 24) Soon afterward, video games became nearlything to sell, and at first were available for Magnavox TVs, played on the Odyssey systems made especially for Magnavoxes. (These Odyssey systems were not as consoles are right away? i. e. , they did not have multiple games, only one game installed in the system, with the first games not even close ly depicting what they were supposed to show. One game, a tennis game, was simply twain white dots that were genuinely squares representing the players or rackets, and one line down the center of the screen signifying the net.)Then, games moved over to computers for a while, after a string of very primitive free rein consoles (which, strangely enough, happened to have the controls for the games on them, with the players having to keep bump off with paper and pencil, for some of the first games). These computer games were mainly based on board games, Dungeons and Dragons, and other phantasy/fiction games with a small emphasis on the graphics of the games. (Fierman) Soon, industry-changing games were released by companies who, before this point, had games only in the arcades.Along with these games came Shigeru Miyamotos invention of the gaming console (these had been invented by now) with a very stylized and appealing design, and with extractable controllers, connected to the sys tem with cables. Innovations like the ones of Miyamoto kept making the industry grow, as it became large and more(prenominal) useful in the worlds markets. Now, video games have evolved into an effective means of pleasure (at least stereotypically for males of 15-25 years of age), even better and more money-making than the movie industry.Japanese video games originality was what gave them a good hold in the relatively bleak and rapidly rising industry. Japanese culture was the major factor making Japanese games different from any other games. The Japanese peoples will to easily accept technology, after having stayed away from it for years, epitomizes Japanese cultures amalgamating nature. Despite the technical advancements that Japan went through, there has always been a traditionally Japanese factor in all of Japans development. The Japanese brought anime-modal value characters into games because of their overwhelming prevalentity elsewhere.In fact, Japanese video games are very heavily influenced by Japanese culture? the styles of art and music, and the various aspects of modern Japanese theater. Another major aspect of Japanese culture? the greatness of depictions over writing? is obviously relevant in video games. As writer Frederik L. Schodt, author of two books and many articles on Japanese comics, puts it The Japanese consider comic books to be an effective? way of transmitting in levelation, and they use them everywhere? people now live in an age that emphasizes the image? and therefore naturally have no bias against comics.They are?the shikaku sedai, the ? visual times. (Kohler, 6) The video game industry as a whole has had a publicly positive effect on the Japanese economy, and the lifestyles of its people. One of the biggest innovations in early video game technology was that of the supposed programmable home gaming console, which was one in which different game cartridges could be made to fit into narrow down s slews in the console, as long as these cartridges were specialized for the console. (Fierman)One of the main economic advantages that this innovation brought was the hiring of designers to fix on video games?prior to this, the programmers of the hardware of the games had to design the characters, backgrounds, and storyboards as well as the game-playing systems.Not more that a decade after this innovation, games became what they are now. In fact, because video games have been a maturation industry ever since they were introduced to the world, they have also change state a replacement for or a cause of the move industries like that of movies. (See chart, compiled by Dentsu) Soon, many aspiring young artists were given chances to make and oversee all the art in these programmable game cartridges.One such man, Shigeru Miyamoto, came to Nintendo (whose Japanese name, nin-ten-dou, translates into English as the place where luck is left hand in heavens hands) as a toy designer (Nintendo was a toy producer an d entertainment company at the time). His talents were soon realized for what they were, and his rising positions within the company eventually led him to become a designer for games. His first game Donkey Kong was a smash hit. In modern video games there has been a rising emphasis on music, especially since there was none or very little in the video games of old, because it can alter the reviews of games, leading to success or failure.This weight put on music makes jobs for composers, synthesizers, and music directors, the soundtracks even selling as well as pop music. (Kohler) In fact, these musicians work is so profitable to the industry (and indeed commonplace) that programmer Fumito Ueda chuckled in response to a apparent motion regarding the idea of taking out even the music from his mainly dialogue-less game. He said, If I took out the music, it would be even harder to bond with Ico the name of the main character and the game itself, even if the players had maximum sound eff ects. (Kohler, 253) boob tube game companies have also had to hire marketing experts and people to work in their sales departments, and they have had to also send their games to production houses where they are produced and made ready to sell. Stats of video game jobs Perhaps because popular video games, ever since the rise of the industry, have been heavily Japanese-influenced, many people the world over have tried to vilify this very profitable industry, and have repeatedly failed. In the years when video games were pioneers in the world market, there was much opposition and skepticism regarding them.Many renowned authors of economics, and even some who became live onn for their pieces regarding video games, reasoned that the budding new industry would cursorily fade away. One author went as far as saying, the invasion of our world United States video gaming industry by these aliens the producers of Space Invaders will quickly find their business being driven back to their own p lanets. (Duus, 135) Another writer, University of Miami professor Eugene F. Provenzo, wrote in his book Video Kids Making Sense of Nintendo, about how children were not being taught some of video games intentional lessons.In Japanese video games, manga-style characters (i. e. , characters from animated anime shows) are usually used because these characters have no characteristic race, and thereby no affiliations with any nationalities this was to teach the players of these games something about different races? that they dont necessarily have to interact negatively. (Another use of the characters of ambiguous race was that anyone could play these games, and consumers would not think these games to be for a certain type of people.)He brought up an example of a single fourth grade boy who he talked to, who did not know much about ninja or their weaponry (these specific ninja refer to the bad-guy foot soldiers of the Shredder, in Teenage pas seul Ninja Turtles) except for the fact t hat the Chinese and Japanese (he was not sure which the ninja were) were enemies. The boy said, just because they are from Japan they might want to do something different from you. And they are dangerous because they might want to fight with you.(Kohler, 9) This affirmation is not very solid, as it is repeated several times in his book and in some conferences Provenzo attended, and yet it relies on a single source? a fourth grade boy who happened not to know about ninja. The Japanese video game, although it has been in a constant state of rising ever since it was started up in the early 70s, has had to face problems with Japans dangerously fluctuating economy. Japan had been in a breathe and bust economic cycle, for about a year before the first video games were made.This bubbling and busting kept most of Japans economy stagnant, even though the gaming industry was slowly ascending the economic hunt of relevance and importance. (Duus, 143) There were also technical difficulties, which made the rise of the gaming industry even pokey? at first, there was a lack of technology like that of today, making the economic climb very difficult, coupled with the opposition of the people in many countries like the United States, of video games in general (but more specifically foreign games).(Throsby) But more recently, things have gotten a lot better for the world-wide gaming industry, an $18-billion-a-year business (Dvorak), and Japans economy has actually gotten a small boost from this great surge of successful video game companies, which created healthy competition for larger companies like Nintendo and Sony, against each other and smaller companies like Sega, Namco, and Atari. With entertainment all forms excluding adult entertainment, and anything to be read?basically movies and TV shows and video games being almost one fifth (about 18%, to be closer to the precise percentage, according to Throsby) of the Japanese Economy, and with video games claiming a bigger and bigger piece of both entertainment and the market in general, it can be easily drawn that this industry is on the rise. (See chart, compiled by Dentsu) Japanese culture has been spread in the world by the widespread display of video games in the economies and lifestyles of the people of the world. The highest form of the art of video games is only seen in Japan, and they influence all other games heavily.(Throsby, p. 5) ? The newer generation is accustomed to having everything visual (Japanese) as opposed to having everything good be verbal (American) ? The highest form of the art of video games is only seen in Japan, and they influence all other games heavily The video game industry has had a legal influence on the modern world. Even though this industry has provided lots of jobs to the Japanese and offered a growing export market to their country, it has been repeatedly yet unsuccessfully attacked by opponents.The industry has brought its country farther in the world than th e preceding flow of anime into the rest of the world. Now, the young generation of today is more thoroughly a visual generation, as opposed to the verbal generations before them? this Japanese style of thought allows for the new generation to easily accept and become attached to Japanese video games, and the Japanese cultural ideas of amalgamation, without leaving tradition behind. III. Conclusion ?The video game industry has had a profound influence on the modern world.?Even though this industry has provided lots of jobs to the Japanese and offered a growing export market to their country, it has been repeatedly yet unsuccessfully attacked ? The Japanese video game industry has brought its country farther in the world than the preceding flow of anime into the rest of the world.oThe young generation of today is a very visual generation, as opposed to the verbal generations before them? this is a Japanese style of thought, and allows for the new generation to easily accept and become attached to Japanese video games?leading the prospective world to become one dominated by Japanese (and other) video games ? The rise of Japanese video games is inevitable.Bibliography Croal, NGai. Fall of the Video King. Newsweek online 18 Oct. 2004. 11 Jan. 2005 . Dentsu Communication Institute Inc.. Japans Video Game Industry. 2004. 2 Apr. 2005 . Duus, Peter. in advance(p) Japan. Boston Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. Dvorak, Phred. Nintendo Girds for New Hand-Held Game Player From Sony. Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition). New York, NY Nov 8, 2004 p. B1. 11 Jan. 2005 .. Fierman, Joseph. electronic game. Encyclop?dia Britannica. 2005.Encyclop? dia Britannica Online 7 Jan. 2005 . Kawakami, Sumie. Video Game Industry Statistics. Mar. 2002. 3 Apr. 2005 . Kohler, Chris. Power-Up. Indianapolis Brady Games Publishing, 2004. Shuhei, Kishimoto. Shoring Up Japans message Industry. Japan Echo. Tokyo Jun 2004, Vol. 31, Issue 3 p. 19-24. 11 Jan. 2005. . Throsby, David. The Producti on and Consumption of the Arts A absorb of Cultural Economics. Journal of Economic Literature. Mar. 1994 p. 1-29. 15 Jan. 2005. http//links. jstor. org/sici? sici=0022-515%28199403%2932%3A1%3C1%3ATP ACOT%3E2. 0. CO%3B2-9.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Advocates of the American Constitution Essay Example for Free

Advocates of the American Constitution EssayObtained a strategic advantage over those who opposed it by taking up the name Federalist for themselves and by identifying the adversaries Anti-Federalists. Federalists supported state rule and disagreed with a central national government. By property the title Federalist, Hamilton and new(prenominal) authors got an additional advantage for their position and got around an extreme conflict over the turn out of state versus national provide. They emerged as advocates of states rights and this idea was clearly explained in The Federalist Papers, yet they were excessively evidently advocating for a strong national government. The essays were signed Publius after Publius Valerius who was the state builder and who rebuild the Roman republic followers the removing from power Romes last king called Tarquin. Plutarch measured Publius favorably against Solon who was Greeces law giver. And at that instant a modern Publius would have helped erect the new American republic. By opting for a name like Publius, the authors of the Federalist were future(a) a practice which was common among the eighteenth-century writers. The writers used to publish a combined work under a fictitious name instead of a byline.If Hamilton, Madison, and Jay had revealed their identity in The Federalist Papers then they would have been cognise as advocates of specific positions instead of being recognized by their arguments, and also this would have become a part of the argument over the Constitution. Further more choosing secrecy was also because of the enmity between Hamilton and George Clinton the cutting York Governor. Interestingly Hamilton was the single New York ambassador who signed the Constitution. On the contrary, Clinton was an Anti-Federalist who was heading a state where hatful opposing the new Constitution were in majority.Therefore, opting for Publius was somewhat an effort to shift the discussion away from the private bitte rness between Hamilton and Clinton. As the need of unification has been signified, and the Articles of Confederation had arrears, it was explained by the Publius that a strong republican government was shaped by the Constitution, yet checks and balances controlled it. This type of government, which was strong and had checks, would maintain freedom and assets, and bring spinal column respect for America overseas.Although an un-amended Constitution was opposed by two thirds of the nominated representatives at the New York conventions, the provide of other political writers was done by the Publius. At the same time as replying to explicit Anti- nationalist arguments, The Federalist presented an merged theory of the philosophies upon which the new Constitution was based. History, experience, and reason were the bases of this philosophical foundation, and the long existence of the republican government was verify by this foundation in relation with the examples of failed governments i n the past, which were unable to survive.Countering the belief, which is often ascribed to Montesquieu, that republics could stay alive solo in small beas taken by identical inhabitants, Madison in The Federalist no. 10 argued that republics could expand best in large argonas where different groups constantly competed with to each one other. During the constant struggles of these groups the independence of both majorities and minorities would be preserved. This republic would provide better leadership by expanding the group of qualified persons from which delegates would be selected. The Federalist no.10 by Madison, as mentioned before, was very influential in U. S. political history and philosophy. The separation of the three branches of the federal government had to be done, as the role of a check upon the other was played by each branch in the government Although these three branches were not completely separate the practicality of each division was conscious by assigning it enough power to protect itself against the actions of the other division. Furthermore, if any branch exceeded its role as defined in the Constitution then the other branches could proceed by checking on the misuse of power.Moreover, it was also stated by the Publius that freedom was protected by the new Constitution by the provision of power to the central, as well as, state governments. Specific areas of power and simultaneous powers were determined by this new federalism. It was mentioned by the Publius that a central government with restricted powers was created by the Constitution. In this regard, identification of the Congresss, as well as, Presidents powers was also done. The people and the states were left with all the remaining powers completely.If the legislative body hangdog their power and authority bestowed on them then the people could substitute them during the regular elections ensured by the Constitution. On the other hand, if the President or the judiciary breache d the confidence of the people, Congress could prosecute them and if convicted Congress could remove them from their designation and from their office. The deal that was going on was based on vocabulary that is circling around the gist of the thoughts constitutive of republican dialogue.They are liberty, tyranny, virtue, corruption, representation, and even republic. It has been said before, along with rationalizations, that the new created American republic was the combined efforts of Federalists and Anti-federalists. A new political system was created not by ordains of a single lawmaker but instead was fought to bring it to sustenance and was constructed jointly by having a powerful discussion between supporters of different political affiliations and theoretical standpoints.The confirmation debate produced an enormous outpouring of newspaper articles, pamphlets, sermons, and tracts, both for and against the new design. Of the former The Federalist is by far the close famous a nd certainly the most widely read in our day. The Anti-federalist case against the Constitution, by contrast, is today rarely read or even remembered. Once described (and dismissed) as mere nay-Sayers and men of little faith, the Anti-federalists are now more often regarded as the other founders.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Suki Kims Facing Poverty with a Rich Girls Habits Essay Example for Free

Suki Kims Facing Poverty with a Rich Girls Habits EssayThis woman named Suki Kims career changed instantly. In the beginning she talks ab turn out Queens, New York in 1983 where she lived at, at the fourth dimension. She describe their first kinsperson as the upstairs of a two-family brownstone in Woodside(Kim, page 92 ). She in any(prenominal) case said the place was crammed, undeserving place and compared that to where she use to live in South Korea (Kim, Page 92). When she entered s pointth grade her fathers company went bankrupt overnight and he was a millionaire shipping company, mining business and hotels. However, when the bankruptcy materialize jail time was required because that was the punishment for her father.So without any money at all they flew to the States into the state of New York. Sense Suki Kim came from South Korea, she couldnt speak any English at all. In event the only first English word she knew was F. O. B (Fresh off the boat) because in junior high tutor all the teens was saying that about her. neglect Kim had transportation from a chauffeur when she employ to live in South Korea and now that she lives in Queens, New York she has to ride on the public schooltime bus with all the other teens. Another thing that changed in her intent traumatically was that she had never done training without a governess helping Miss Kim.She in addition noticed that a house whoremonger start unfeignedly messy when she dont throw off a maid around anymore to clean up after her. Suki was even humiliated about bringing her dirty laundry to the laundry mat Miss Kim had many life history history changes and she wasnt happy about it at all, she just wanted to go back to how her life was before. At the time when Miss Kim went to junior high she noticed how the Statesn schools are so different from Korean schools. Miss Kim to a fault observed how people overcompensate each other in America different from how Koreans treat each other in South Korea.Suki mentioned how Koreans in schools wore slippers to keep the schools floors clean as she compares to Queens, New York school has graf stopi on the walls and has guards at the school doors searching the teenagers before they enter the school. When Miss Kim entered a English class with other Koreans she thought that she would fit in more but soon realized that she was lifelessness standing out from them. She knew that their was a difference between her and other Koreans. She said, The wealthier Korean immigrants had settled in Westchester or Manhattan, where their children attend private schools (Kim, Page 93).She was in a public school where all the other unforesightful immigrant teens went to. After awhile her family had earned enough money to move out of that neighborhood to get ameliorate housing and education. Suki had volunteered at a family assistant center as a interpreter and she got on her feet-finally adjusting to society. I speak up this muniment is to good read because I can understand how Suki feels. I was interested in how a rich person life changed to cosmos a centerfield class or unworthy person. I liked this memoir of Sukis story because she put all of her opinions and what she disliked into her essay.To me it seemed like she wanted to fit in into the American school society. I think she should just be herself and to ever so have trustfulness that everything is going to be alright. She should take it one day at a time and make friends that can be true to her. I think this memoir teaches people never to regret what you have and always appreciate what you have. Never to be ashamed of where you came from and to always have pride that better days testament come. I wondered what kind of friends she used to have when she used to live in South Korea?I also wondered how Sukis family learned how to survive in America without any money? I could imagine her having that fantasy life that she used to have when she used to live in South Korea. I felt that she didnt show any emotion about the big move her family made to America. It seem like she was brave and didnt think that America was a hard place to survive. I liked how Suki talked about the hip hop culture beingness known by other fellow Koreans. Seems as though to me that she was growing to be like an average American teen that wants her ears pierced.My opinion on the memoir is that it made me feel bad but I was glad that some one in the world experience the hard times like other poor and middle class Americans. Yes its harsh, but all people have their down falls and I think rich people should imagine being in other poor or middle class people shoes. I also think that Immigrants have it hard also when they cant knuckle under to be in their own countries and come to America to make things right. They believe that they would be free to do what they want because they have better opportunity to make more money.Which is true but some immigrants think th at its easy to get money when there is always a struggle to get what we want. I enjoyed this memoir of Suki Kims story because it made me appreciate what I have now. Yes I would love to have what she used to have but I know money doesnt bring happiness because its only the ones you love would. Changes in Sukis life made her change her attitude of being a rich girl into a girl being more well rounded about everything she use to know. I wondered what kind of jobs did her dad and mom get while in Queens, New York?I wondered how did her parents take to poverty because she never mentioned how her parents felt? I also think she could have made more friend if she would have reach out to other races in her school. I know she couldnt speak very good English but she could have at pick out get a Korean girl that speak English to help her. Suki can reach out in her community to go see others that are in her situation and talk to people. She can also be with good friends at a community center a nd be with them to help her get through and through her situation.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Studied male behaviour Essay Example for Free

Studied antheral behaviour EssayOne theatrical role of gender turn is alpha parti pris. This is the tendency to exaggerate differences between males and females. An recitation of this is heightening the value of wowork force (e.g. Gilligans conjecture of object lesson development), and a contrasting example is devaluing them (e.g. Freuds theory of psychosexual development, which says that women develop insufficient superegos). A nonher caseful of gender bias is beta bias, which is the tendency to overlook differences or exaggerate similarities between the sexes. This was an issue in Kohlbergs theory of the development of moral understanding, as his classifications were largely based on justice-based morality for both men and women, when it whitethorn be that women read different moral values. Many psychological studies have been criticised for universe androcentric. An example of this is Milgrams (1963) research into obedience. This bias was particularly methodological he used only male participants, meaning that it is practicable that the findings only apply to males and do not generalise to females. This criticism is supported by a rejoinder study by Kilham Mann (1974), who used both male and female participants, 16% of the female participants obeyed and administered the full shock, comp ard with 40% of the males. This significant difference was overlooked by Milgrams study as he only studied male behaviour.Both of these pieces of research were conducted in a laboratory setting, which is criticised by feminists for being a male-dominated environment that disadvantages women and feminine behaviour this whitethorn have influenced how some of the participants in both studies acted, in that they may have differently acted differently if the setting was more natural. The feminist criticism would suggest that, in Kilham Manns study, slight women would obey in real life however this criticism may itself be criticised for alpha bias and reductio nism, since it may be too simplistic to characterise behaviours and settings as masculine or feminine.A theory criticised for its alpha bias is the sociobiological theory of interpersonal attraction. The theory states that males and females look for different characteristics in either sex, and will stress certain aspects of their deliver characteristics in order to attract a partner of the opposite sex. Dunbar (1995) compared around 900 only(a) hearts advertisements from four newspapers in the United States, and found that 42% of males sought physic everyy attractive characteristics in their partner, compared to 22% of women and 50% of females adv ertised their own physical attraction, compared with 34% of males.Their conclusion was that the theory was supported and, while this is honest to a certain extent, it overlooks the fact that the theory holds true for a maximum of 50% of participants. That is, it was not all males and no females who said that they sought a physically at tractive partner. The research therefore demonstrates the alpha bias of both the theory and Dunbars conclusions. In addition, the sample and setting of the theory may produce alpha bias.It may be that dating agencies augment gender differences in order to optimise success rates, even if this is not representative of real life. Subsequently, people submitting their own advertisements may conform to this norm of augmenting their own gender, therefore lead-in to a biased sample and, therefore, biased results. This research could be improved by using a more representative sample, such as using a random sample from a great range of places for a questionnaire. This is especially important since the sociobiological theory is an evolutionary theory, in that it assumes that our desires are inhering it is therefore important to gain a sample from multiple cultures.Numerous other theories and research have been criticised for their gender bias. Freuds psychosexual theory of development is p articularly vulnerable to this criticism, as it is androcentric. He claimed that women have inferior superegos to men because they do not have a penis, leading to penis envy which would never be fully resolved. In other words, the theory suggests that femininity is a sort of failed masculinity.This is contrary to the widely authorized idea that women and men, despite their differences, are equal and even Freud (1925) admitted his gender bias, saying that we must not take on ourselves to regard the two sexes in completely equal in position and worth. In reaction to this, homey (1926) said that it did not make sense that women would envy a mans penis, instead envying their higher social stance (at the time). Horney also coined the term womb envy, which describes a mans envy of women for their ability to have children, therefore providing a less androcentric view by indicating that men and women are different and envy each others positive characteristics.Kohlbergs (1976) theory of m oral development has been criticised for beta bias and androcentricism. In his research, he presented participants with moral dilemmas and categorised them with respect to how much they had maturate morally based on their responses to the questions subsequently asked. However, this may be seen as androcentric due to the criteria required for motley the dilemmas were based on abstract principles of justice, which Gillian (1982) proposed was an inherently male method of thinking. This meant that Kohlbergs findings classified most women as being morally inferior to men because of the beta bias of the theory.Gilligan (1982), instead, proposed that womens morals are based on financial aid and relationships, whilst those of men are based on justice. However, this theory shows alpha bias, and the existance of this bias is demonstrated by her own findings that roughly as many women base their morals on justice as on care. In fact, Walker (1984) found, in a meta-analysis of 108 studies, t hat only 8 studies showed overall gender differences in morality (which, ironically, displays beta-bias).It may be that the alpha- and beta-bias in such studies arise due to a lack of explanation of individual differences, as it is rarely the case that there are no differences between men and women, or that men and women are completely different.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Genre Analysis Essay Example for Free

Genre Analysis EssayFor this rhetorical analytic thinking I have done research on two electronics engineering documents commonly referred to as cipher aims. The first forcing out design that was reviewed was for Security Guard Monitoring Systems by assembly Engineering Solutions (GES). The piece design is a business-oriented document for Multi- zombie Manipulation and Maintenance for Fault-Tolerant Systems by abduct International Conference mall (SICC).The purpose of this rhetorical analysis is to identify various similarities and differences within the specified texts using Anne Beauforts (a linguistic scientist in the celestial sphere of writing) pentad-knowledge domains genre, subject matter, rhetoric, writing process, and discourse community. The attention of this rhetorical analysis will be mainly foc employ on the intended audience, context of the documents, writing construction and format, and each authors appeal to Anne Beauforts rhetorical knowledge doma in. The strike proposal was written by an electronics engineer for viewing audience within several different qualifications and stat ingestions.App arntly this proposals targeted audiences are people at the snatch Conference Center. The primary audience would consist of employees that are in the workplace genre of mechatronics and automation (MA), such as financers, operators, and managers. The second audience consists of those that may work in smaller sections of the field, such as victuals workers, auditors, and supervisors. There are as well audiences besides the primary and secondary audiences. Other potential audiences might involve legislatures, product testers, and other smaller services within the field of engineering.This is evident through the rendering of the projects nutriment procedures. Someone has to test the machine and meetings must be held to discuss them. Unlike the Shanghai proposal the grouping Solutions Engineer (GES) proposal has various audiences th at dont spread out to the same extent that Shanghais do. The project proposal by GES does not meet the expectations of business companies instead, their proposal meet expectations for unafraid academics. This claim was easily identified at the beginning of text. They clearly stated that Dr. Miguel Figueroa and Dr. Nayda G. Santiago was receiving the proposal.Additional brook to this claim was found through extended research on the two professors. The two professors are both neurologist which seemingly has nothing to do with engineering. This makes it apparent that the professors were teaching at a college or university during the proposal of this project. This similarly explains why they were the targeted audience (primary audience) for the proposal. The secondary audiences for the GES proposal are other university have students. Similar to Shanghai, the GES proposal also has a third audience except, these audiences consist of spectators and scouts.In other words, these viewers are receive students from another university or managers out for potential employees. Moreover, Shanghais proposal contains several rhetorical aspects in is context. Shanghais proposal was obviously written in response to a companys request for improved multi- robot systems. This demand was recognized beca rehearse of the frequently apply term referring to problems, errors, and system malfunctions. More specifically, they used the term failure more consistently than others throughout the paper.For instance, in part a of section five (V Multi- Robot Maintenance insurance policy) the writer of this Shanghai proposal says In this periodthe failure rate of the robot is also increased. Another aspect contained within the Shanghai proposal is on how they express time as an issue. The term failure also implies that thither is a time limit for this project proposal. It is relevant to look at that this project proposal was in the process of being developed during the time that the multi -robot machines were failing to operate accordingly. angiotensin-converting enzyme can also tell that demand for the proposal was growing by reading the maintenance policy section.They take previous robot failures into thoughtfulnesss and develop loop holes to overcome it. Although the company that the proposal was written for isnt mentioned in the document, it is easy to see that this proposal was written in response to some companys policy. Unlike Shanghais proposal, the GES proposal does express who the proposal was written in response to. GES proposal was written in response to the request of the University of Puerto Rico (title rapscallion). Another contextual aspect in which differs from Shanghais proposal is the time constraint that is also posed on their proposal.GES makes it easier to recognize that they are on the job(p) in a timely manner. They clearly state A work breakdown structure has been created in which all memberswork in two variables time and personnel (secti on 1. 3). This evidence arises from the fact that the group of graduate students working on this proposal are attempting to fulfill the requirements for the project. This evidence is also apparent because of diagrams and charts used to shew how much the project proposal has progressed (section 2. 6).In addition to sections 2. 6, section 2. 7 gives explicit feature, also using diagrams and charts, on the work breakdown structure. This section displays the tasks assigned to each genre of the project such as, ad-lib presentation, software prototype, web application, and final report. The work is divided evenly amongst the group to ensure that they have successfully completed the requirements relative to the audiences values which will, later on, be discussed in further detail. In addition to the contexts (frameworks) of the proposals, there are several similarities in both GES and Shanghais writing structures and formats. The first similarity set(p) in the proposals is often used in writing books such as literature, political science, and algebra.Both proposals use a wide range of bold letters, titles, and numbers. They also use titled numbers or subheadings, bullets, and popish numerals. Even though these writing style are incorporated in both project proposals, GES uses titled numbers, subheadings, and bullets (even checks) more frequently than Shanghais proposal. Shanghais proposal repeatedly uses roman numerals, and subheadings with first letters (for example B. Robot Failure). Both seem to be an sound approach to formatting project proposals. Moreover, abbreviations are also used quite frequently throughout the proposals.Like GES, Shanghai makes an effort to use abbreviations to make it less difficult for readers to comprehend. However, their attempt in doing so has obvious flaws that can potentially pose the reader and shorten the number of intended audiences. For example, Weibull distribution depicts the decreasing-failure-rate (DFR)period of the bat htub curve (section B Robot Failure). The proposal tells what each letter in the acronym stands for, but it does not define the abbreviation as a whole whereas, GES proposal doesnt give an explicit description of each term, but defines it completely.Another mode of writing noticed within the proposals is the inclusion of references at the end. These references often consists of others documents that helped produce the current one. It is apparent that references are commonly used in any form of written documents regardless of its field or genre. Adding to the structure and formatting, both proposals present several rhetorical features relative to Anne Beauforts rhetorical knowledge domain (ethos, logos, and pathos). The GES proposal puts most of its efforts into establishing its credibility (ethos).In the personal biography section of their proposal they give explicit detail about their background experiences in their field of study such as, software and hardware engineering. The pr oposal also provides charts and graphs of estimated costs which show that they are the best team to be chosen for the project. It also shows that they are hustling for real life situations. Shanghais proposal does not focus the entirety of its text on ethos, because most of its audiences are professionals within their company.There is no evidence to prove their experience in the field however the credibility that is provided in the document consists of only charts and drawings that show that they will likely have effective productivity. These graphs and charts also help the company see the approach taken to improve the systems. Moreover, both proposals take consideration in establishing logos. The charts and graphs each proposal uses to establish credibility is also used to establish logic. These charts and graphs are used to support their claim that they meet all the required policies for the completion of the project.Pathos is also used wide in Shanghai and GES proposals. As ment ioned earlier both proposals are relevant to the audiences common values (end of page 3). These values are expense, time, proficiency, and development. The charts and graphs used to support the ethos and logos in each proposal are also used to support this claim. They provide a description of estimated cost, efficiency and productivity, and give a timely description of the projects progression. The wide-ranging of appeal to these values allows for each proposal to be very persuasive while head on factual statistics.Most project proposals are done similar to Shanghais and Group Engineering Solutions (GES) proposals. These two documents contain several similarities and differences in their rhetorical features. Although both texts may differ in their proposal method, they both have the same goal. They were meant to convince the reader that they were the most fit group or company for the completion of the project proposal. After completing this rhetorical analysis I realize the import in writing in the specific genre. Each project proposal reflects positively according to the compulsion of the request.