
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Time

A perfect specimen of the Flemish oil painting style with its attention to the tiniest details, the picture under the title The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein the Younger is truly a masterpiece embodying the ideas and world vision of the XVI Century.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Time-Travel to the Renaissance Epoch: Behind the Velvet Curtain specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More With a distinct scent of the German, namely, the Augsburg (Bavaria) culture, this piece makes one plunge into the 1533 and see the world through the prism of the then philosophical ideas. Indeed, if there is anything that can intertwine the Bavarian and the Flemish, this is the painting by Holbein. With help of his peculiar style, the two cultures came as close as ever, making the philosophies of the two countries merge. Taking a closer look at the picture, one can notice that time proved completely helpless to make any damage to it. Each de tail is still there, perfectly outlined and impeccably expressed. It is truly unbelievable that the size of the picture correlates with its grandeur and magnificence – the canvas make 81Ãâ€"82.5†. Created with careful strokes of oil paint on oak panel, this masterpiece is shot through with the spirit of the Renaissance. Depicting the two ambassadors, the painting makes an impression of a piece of the Renaissance life frozen for a moment for the people of the future to see it. Depicting numerous details, the painting creates an impression of a part of real life snatched from 1533 and put into the frame of the XXI century. On a second thought, the picture can tell much more than merely the historical traits of the epoch and the details of the Renaissance epoch. Helping the spectator understand the art of the Renaissance from within, the picture reveals the ideas and philosophies of XVI century together with the temper of the artist and the thing a that inspired him and g uided on his way to creating this masterpiece. It is obvious that the picture is rectangular, which is the most frequent and the most logical picture shape. Since the piece embraces the entire room and the two people in it, it cannot be square – to show the spaciousness, Holbein uses the rectangular and two-dimensional shape.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It must be also mentioned that the use of the light in the picture is quite unusual. With help of the shadows and spots of light, the author emphasizes the most important parts of the picture an places the less significant ones into the background. Thus, the two ambassadors are in the limelight of the picture in the literal sense of the word, whereas less important details are left in the periphery. One more peculiar thing about the painting is the color casts used y the author. With help of the dark-green background, Holbein created the atmosphere of calm meditations and the air of political secrets. It is remarkable that the other colors, including the shade of red, are dark as well, with the white color being the only exception. Although it is clear that tae painting must have a hard and somewhat rough texture, it seems as if the painting were made of velvet. Looking at the dark-green curtains, one cannot help feeling the wish to touch the material and see it swaying in the candlelight. Though this is merely an illusion, the painting does leave a feeling of something extremely soft and refined. Despite the fact that at very first sight the picture might seem a bit shallow, further on it reveals the special depth that the spectator had no idea about previously. Since the people in the picture are set in a single line, the illusion of a flat image is retained for a while; however, as time passes, the spectator catches the play of light and shadow that create additional spaciousness. Leading in the backg round of the picture and beyond its actual boundaries, this spaciousness sets the imagination of the spectator loose, making him/her see the world of the XVI Century in its beauty and innocence. With help of the lines in the picture, Holbein makes the impression of the striking reality complete. It is peculiar that the even and straight lines of the table and the devices in the picture are combined with the natural curves and roughness of the curtain, the folds of the ambassadors’ dresses, etc. Altogether, this draws a distinct line between the world of nature and the artificial world of the mankind. What strikes most in the painting is that it looks completely real. Each detail, each shadow and line makes the spectator dive deep into the Renaissance epoch. Even the eyes of the ambassadors seem live and haunting. Looking wise and breathing with the new ideas and scientific innovations, this piece of Renaissance culture can take one five centuries back. With help of this amazi ng picture, time traveling becomes possible. With help of this amazing piece of the XVI Century Renaissance art, one can feel the pulse of the great scientific discoveries and even greater expectations. For a moment, it seems that the world has held its breathe to meet the future – the XXI Century.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Time-Travel to the Renaissance Epoch: Behind the Velvet Curtain specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on A Time-Travel to the Renaissance Epoch: Behind the Velvet Curtain was written and submitted by user Wra1th to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Homosexuality Research Essays - Behavior, Human Behavior, Gesture

Homosexuality Research Essays - Behavior, Human Behavior, Gesture Homosexuality Research Over the past decade the author has been presenting seminars, speeches and workshops around the United States on the subject of international behavior. This book is the result of accumulation of more than ten years of research on the subject and it includes research on his travels to England, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. All this reinforced a conviction that gestures are powerful communicators used by people all over the world. The purpose of this book is to let people know how powerful gestures can be when used correctly or incorrectly. He also wants you to know how a gesture can mean one thing here and another thing somewhere else, something as simple as a wave good bye, could get you into a lot of trouble in another country. This book was broken down into seven chapters: Chapter 1, illustrated with numerous examples, is that not only are gestures and body language powerful communicators, but different cultures use gestures and body language in dramatically different ways. Chapter 2 discusses the most popular gestures found around the world, beginning with how we greet each other. Shaking hand is not the universal greeting. In fact, there are at least a half-dozen other social greetings - even different ways of shaking hands. This chapter also deals with farewells, beckoning, insulting, touching and other types of gestures. Chapter 3 gets into the special types of gestures such as, American Sign Language, Tai Chi, flirting & kissing. Chapter 4 is designed to help you learn or trace a particular gesture, using scores of drawings. Chapter 5 describes what the author calls the ultimate gesture, which is simply the smile. It is rarely misunderstood, scientist believe this particular gesture releases chemicals in the brain called endorphins into the system that create a mild feeling of euphoria. It also may help you slip out of the prickliest or difficult situation's world wide. Chapter 6 is an important list of gestures to keep in mind. It is compiled of 20 gestures that can help you separate right from rude, and rude from crude. Chapter 7 is a listing of country-by-country common gestures and body languages. They group the countries by major geographic region. The organization of the book was a combination of narrative and topical. The basic point of view of the entire book was that if you are planning to leave the United States and travel to another country, you better either keep your hands in you pockets at all times or know the proper gesture for the country you intend on visiting. I would like to site some examples. An American teenager was hitchhiking in Nigeria. A carload of locals passed him. The car screeched to a halt. The locals jumped out and promptly roughed up the teenage visitor. Why? Because in Nigeria, the gesture commonly used in America for hitchhiking (thumb extended upward) is considered a very rude signal. An American couple on an auto tour in Australia was stopped by a police officer in Sydney for failing to signal before turning. Since they were tourists the officer gave them only a friendly warning. Relieved, the American man responded with a smile and the thumbs-up sign. The police officer became enraged, ordered the couple out of the car, called a backup, searched the car, and finally gave the driver an expensive ticket. Later, back in their hotel and recounting their experience, the tourist learned that in Australia the thumbs-up gesture means screw you! As you can see this book has a humorous, but yet serious overtone. It covers important aspects of body languages & gestures in society which is serious stuff, that has a very strong impact on all that come in contact with you. Yet the author is able to express it in a comical nature. I enjoyed the book immensely. There are many ways the ideas in this book can be related to sociology. In fact the whole book is directly related to the subject of sociology especially the culture aspect of it. I will explain in the following paragraphs. Anthologists divide our actions and gestures into three broad categories: instinctive, coded and acquired. Instinctive gestures are those we do almost unconsciously. An example would be when we are suddenly shocked or surprised,

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The oppression of women in KINDREDand Identity crises Essay

The oppression of women in KINDREDand Identity crises - Essay Example Although Dana is wise, independent and young, yet she is only recognized by her race by other characters in the novel. That is the fundamental reason why her fate leads her to servitude in the plantation. There, she happens to meet Carrie who makes her realize that she can not change her skin’s color by rubbing Dana’s cheek. Dana has to live with it. Kindred is one of the most bloodiest novels in that there are frequent events of rape, whippings, dog attacks, hangings and similar acts of brutalities. It is noteworthy that most of these forms of brutality are offered to the women in the novel. The novel perfectly conveys how the African American women were threatened and oppressed in the 19th century. Decisions of the women characters in the novel and their personalities are fundamentally influenced by the oppression there are offered by the white men. Quite often, there are events of rape. The white males feel that they own a right as well as a duty to inflict physical abuse upon the women. On the other hand, the black women are quite well aware of the fact that their attempts to escape the plantation would be rewarded with whipping on the least.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organizational politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizational politics - Essay Example Human temperament or characteristics are indeed the prime cause of all politics in any setup but there are certain core environmental factors for all human behavior and it would be mandatory to study and understand them in an effort to understand the reasons for organizational politics. This is also necessary given the central role that politics plays in any work environment. In this presentation it has suggested that power plays a critical role in the politics of an organization (McShane and Travaglione). At all levels the distribution of power is vital to the running of a company. While the types of power vested in a person or group is important in itself, the impact that this power has on the employees is our prime concern here. Power provides a person with the authority to allocate a resource (which is important if resources are scarce), to punish or reward people and to judge their performances. This in turn causes people to attempt build a better picture of themselves in the eyes of the people in whom power is vested. This can be done either by maligning coworkers or by creating circumstances where coworkers promote your image. The dynamics of interpersonal relationships between co workers and also the relationship of managers and team members comes into force in such cases. Ambition and drive which are subjective characters also come into play here. While such reasons present a dark image of ... In recent years in particular, there has been much effort to chanelize the power of politics and turn it into a useful tool for the running of organizations and this indeed is the way to go! Manuscript Explore the main reasons for political behavior in organizations "32% of managers believe it simply isn't possible to use office politics constructively because human nature is so appallingly selfish that people will always guard their turf and abuse their role power" Park, 2002 This quote accurately summarizes the main reasons for political behaviour in organizations. Human temperament or characteristics are indeed the prime cause of all politics in any setup! But then what is it that we call politics in organizations Politics in Organisations The use of power and influence for personal gains within an organizational set up is by far the bets definition of politics. It is distinctly different from nation-state politics in involving more interpersonal relationships (Provis 2002) and involves interplay of ethics morality and personal interest. It is also now increasingly being recognized as inevitable in organizations. The prime cause of politics is the distribution of power in an organization. A widely accepted model for the bases of power in an organization has been described by Foucault, (1980). He refers to several plausible sources of origin of and refers to them as Reward power, coercive Power, legitimate power, expert power. All these manifestations of power are found in any organization and while there is an ongoing debate on which power base is the best in terms of outcome, a functional consequence of any of them is know to be organizational politics. It is interesting to study the correlates of power and politics! Some primary and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Langford, Galileo, Science and the Church Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Langford, Galileo, Science and the Church - Essay Example The Catholic Church faced another threat from the scientist's arguments- one of the demystification of Christ. This was "The man Jesus as the personal, visibleonly way to the actuality of redemption [p.201], not realizing that knowledge was a precursor to salvation simply and succinctly through the Holy Scriptures. The knowledge of Christ was what followers sought. And this was coveted by Churchmen- that the knowledge of Christ = salvation. St.Thomas Aquinas would have earlier stated that one need not have been smart to come to understanding of this. What is needed for an introduction but a name. It would have gone something like: "Jesus meet follower A." It doesn't take much to make an acquaintance. What proves valuable is what kind of relationship ensues. For example, such as Master to Teacher, Parent to Child, Creator to the Created and ideally of Friend to Friend. Galileo's groundbreaking views of the universe were demystified with science and religion working together. Whereas the author of this book deemed the church cautious, this reluctance to accept the fated duo (Science and the church) delegated the Catholic Church to play the role, in a sense, of a magician who vowed never to divulge his tricks. Galileo's ment

Friday, November 15, 2019

Importance of talent management

Importance of talent management Introduction Changes to the environment in which banks operate was caused by high risk lending which now have higher capital requirements, tougher regulations and scarcer funding. The economic downturn has affected the banking industry in such a way that fighting for survival is a must; to avoid liquidation, acquisition, closures, takeovers and mergers. As a result, banks are faced with managing risks, compensation and growth itself. According to Marcus, who did 25 years of research found out that the most successful organisations were those people who focused on what they did best. The banks approach was to accentuate the positive through talent management and leadership development with a goal of measurably increasing its leadership capacity by 2011. Using the strength based philosophy in the transitional change process, which is valuable in an international environment that is vastly diversified. Importance of talent management Talent management involves individuals and organisational development in response to a changing and complex environment. Talent management focuses on driving superior business results through people by: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Attracting the right people to the industry. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maintaining and keeping employees fully engaged in their work. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Identifying and developing potential leaders. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Motivating and rewarding employees’ efforts in innovative ways. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Aligning human resource programs, policies and processes to business goals. Why Talent Management? à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢ For banks to survive at this period they need to strategise a long term goal of managing employees during the recession which is short term and after the recession which is long term through the continuous individual personal development(CIPD), right from the recruitment stage. As Haley says its everybodys Holy Grail to create local internal pipelines and there having continuous supply of talent. Banks will survive the recession period because of the talent they retain and develop, as Haley said there is not enough supply, so you have to develop your own people. Without the continuous use of talent management, they will not be able to cope once the recession is over, because they will not have the necessary skills to fill positions quickly to meet evolving business needs. The fight for existence has lead to a wide scale of redundancies hence a significant lost of talent. With the continuous use of talents management, banks will grow, expand and develop in a competitive market with the skills and talents they continuously develop after redundancies, because the demand out ways the supply for talented people during the recession. Banks tend to cut down cost, especially on the training and development of employees, forgetting that people and their development is the key to the success of any organisation no matter what the economic climate is. Cutting down cost on training and development can have a long term effect on an organisation, which can lead the organisation to loosing its market share. The bank gains competitive advantages over its competitors by continuously improving its talent. By identifying the key innovative employees to the organisation that can be further trained and equip to anticipate or solve future problems that may arise. This could be the companys core competence and being the success factor which could be its competitive edge over competitors. It develops employees innovative skills needed for and after the recession. Haley said its base on the idea that people will be successful because they play to their strengths not because they manage their weakness, Skills will be available once the recession is over because innovation comes from the best people who are drivers of long term change. It increases the productivity of employees, hence high quality, effectiveness and efficiency is maintained. The risk of loosing employees to competitors due to lack of motivation during the recession, talent management motivates employees to stay with the organisation long term, knowing there is an opportunity for growth and development. Motivation gives the employees the confidence that they need to carry out their job properly hence innovative skills can be transferred or adopted. With staff engagement, career planning and continuous personal development plans from the Human resources development department, there will be enough supply of skills and creative innovation.   The organisations brand will be recognised for its training and development policy, which will attract the best people with the appropriate skills for the Job who can add value to the industry. Importance of change management Change is the process of transforming the manner in which individuals or organisations act and requires most employees to learn new skills. Change is perennial in the economic situation that we currently facing, implementing talent management to incorporate change is essential for the success of standard bank which explores new opportunities for growth and increase productivity. It can be very effective when people are involved in the change process, by providing training in new values, skills and behaviours. Change affects the managers leadership roles and employees in which they are all subjects to the same reactions of resistance and constraints. It is vital that the change process is managed properly to reduce the level of resistance. Change management could have a long term effect of being cost effective; it could reduce the cost of future uncertainties that may occur, hence improving the quality of products in the global economy. Conclusion The continued use of talent management minimises change resistance, it maintains key skills to boost up the bank hence the talent management is incorporated into the banks culture.   In order to maximise the talent management process it is essential that the bank adopts Dave Ulrichs (1997) three legged stool model of Shared Service Centre, Business Partners and Centres of Expertise to make sure the team is well motivated.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Monet Essay examples -- essays research papers fc

Monet   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Over the years there have been many respectable artists but one of the most famous of these artists would have to have been French impressionist Claude Oscar Monet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Monet was born on Nov. 14, 1840 in Paris, France and started showing an appreciation for art at an early age. When he was nineteen Monet decided that he wanted to attend art school and soon after that he entered the studio of Charles Glegre. While he was there he met and worked with other respectable artists such as Frederic Bazille, Auguset Renoir, and Alfred Sisley.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Monet began working outside with the invention of portable tubes of oil paint in the 1840’s. Soon he began presenting his pictures of the outdoors sunlight with a direct sketch-like application of bright color. Many felt that would cut off any possibilities of him ever becoming a successful painter. Many of Monet’s paintings from this time are extremely loosely structured and the colors seemed to have been applied in strong, distinct strokes as if no   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   II reworking had been attempted. This type of art seemed to suggest that the a...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Caring for Children and Young People Booklet Essay

Unit 10 caring for children and young people assignment 2 of 2, report There are 3 types of maltreatment: abuse, neglect, bullying and harassment. Abuse can be physical, emotional (intellectual) and sexual. Signs of physical abuse are: * Unexplained injuries that sound untrue or doesn’t fit in with the injury * Injuries on a non-mobile baby or head injuries on a child who is less than one year old * Nervous behaviour, jumpy, watchful and cautious, scared of psychical contact – shrinking back when touched * Difficulty in making friends and trusting others * Refusing to undress for physical education or medical examination, wearing too many clothes in warm weather to cover up the injuries * Chronic running away and school absences * Repeated attendance at accident&emergency * Self-harm and self-destructive behaviour, being bullied * Aggression towards others, bullying others * Lying, stealing, getting into trouble with the police Signs of emotional abuse are: * Delayed development – emotionally immature for age, physically small and intellectually behind peers * Nervous behaviour such as rocking , hair twisting , self-harm * Speech disorders * Extremes of passive or aggressive behaviour * Fear of making a mistake and a overreacting to a mistake * Fear of new situations but can be over friendly with strangers * Continually putting themselves down * Inability to be spontaneous * Inability to concentrate Signs of sexual abuse are: * Medical problems in the genital area, sexually transmitted illnesses, bed wetting * Being overly affectionate and sexually knowing – demonstrating sexually inappropriate behaviour, flirting or graphic, sexualised play * Changes in behaviour – withdrawn, sad or even more extreme – depression, self-harm and attempts to suicide * Eating  disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, loss of appetite or compulsive overeating * Behaving than much younger child for example thumb-sucking or having a cuddly toy * Thinking badly about them and at the same time trying to be ultra-good and overreacting to criticism * Being afraid of someone they know, not wanting to be alone with them, lack of trust * Being scared of physical contact and fear of undressing Signs of child being neglected are: * Poor personal hygiene * Underweight or constantly hungry, may be stealing food * Always tired and cannot concentrate to learn or play * Clothing inadequate for weather, too small, dirty * May have untreated medical conditions e.g. cough, cold * No friends, might be bullied, socially isolated * Destructive tendencies Risk of maltreatment can be within family, outside family for example in care setting or strangers. Children and young people are more at the risk to be maltreated by people known by them. When a child has specific learning difficulties, communication difficulties, specific development delay, genetic influence, difficult temperament, physical illness, academic failures and low self-esteem then the child is more at risk for maltreatment. Consequences of maltreatment vary depending on child’s age and the type of maltreatment. The long term consequences of maltreatment on children and young people who are not helped effectively have a personal cost and a cost to a society as a whole. Children with constant fear that is experienced when being abused can affect brain development with long life consequences. Brain scans show the difference between abused children and non-abused children. Child from 0 to 3 years needs to bond – make a secure and trusting relationship with the main caregiver in order to develop health. Ability to feel empathy, compassion, trust and love is based on these early experiences. If bonding is not there then the relationship between caregiver and child is not right. There are four theories of maltreatment: medical, sociological, psychological and feminist. The medical model of child abuse is where abuse is viewed as a disease which is called the battered-child syndrome which is a clinical condition is children who  have received abuse and is a cause of permanent injury or even death. The sociological model of maltreatment defines child abuse in terms of social judgement of parental acts which are considered inappropriate by cultural standards and practices. Sociological models focus on contextual condition such as poverty that give rise to abuse. The psychological model of maltreatment is an attachment theory and says that a child needs to develop a relationship with at least one caregiver for development to occur normally. The feminist model say that feminist believe that men like to have all power and they can get it by abusing children or to regain power if they have lost it. If child abuse is suspected then it should be immediately reported. It depends on where the child abuse is suspected, people should always follow the policies of the setting and implementing safe working practices. For example if you work in school or nursery you would talk to the designated person for example manager or head teacher. People should write down causes for concern as and when they happen recording as much information down as possible and writing down only the facts. So if a child tells you something you should write it down exactly as they said it and not what you think they mean. Depending on what has been disclosed would depend on how you react. For example if child has a bump on their head and is very quiet about it and doesn’t tell you it doesn’t mean that they have been abused. You have to know their parents too. If a child discloses something which is of concern to you for example they reveal that they have been abused then action should be taken immediately to ensure child’s safety. A person has a responsibility to maintain confidentiality according to policies of the setting. Person who is suspecting the abuse should always listen and communicate at children or young person’s pace and without any pressure and always take the child seriously. Strategies and methods that can be used to support children, young people and their families where abuse is suspected or confirmed is that person should be respectful towards these children and have a child centred approach. Active support should be provided which empowers children and young people. Their self-confidence, self-esteem, resilience and assertiveness should be supported because it is really low when people were abused and it is needed to really support children and young people because it would have affected them. You should always share information and not to keep secrets from them but giving  information according to their age because you wouldn’t want to give too much information or inappropriate information for example to a 3 year old and you would talk differently with children than with young people. For families it is important to develop supportive relationships with parent and families and involving parents in the assessment of children needs to help them not to make the same mistakes in the future and to make them know what the children needs to have. People should always help parents to recognise the value and significance of their contributions and encourage them to develop their parenting skills. To minimise the effects of abuse you should always encourage expression of feelings within acceptable boundaries to help them deal with their emotions and to help them improve their self image. Helping them to build self esteem and confidence is also really important, for example by play therapy or counselling. Rasheed, Elizabeth; Irvine, Jo; Hetherington, Alison. BTEC Level 3 National Health and Social Care. London, GBR: Hodder Education, 2010. p 224. http://site.ebrary.com/lib/southessex/Doc?id=10448710&ppg=235 Copyright  © 2010. Hodder Education. All rights reserved. http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ncfv-cnivf/pdfs/nfnts-childneglect_e.pdf http://forums.nurseryworld.co.uk/showthread/c23d171e-b642-4e2a-a09c-d21a022f5ca5/ The Battered-Child Syndrome, July 7, 1962. (brak daty). 03 19, 2012 http://jama.ama-assn.org/content/181/1/17.abstract

Friday, November 8, 2019

Review of Plant Defense Mechanisms essays

Review of Plant Defense Mechanisms essays This 10-page paper discusses plant defense mechanisms. It consists of an abstract, introduction, mechanisms of defense against insects and pathogens, disease resistance genes, biotechnologies, case studies and future research and practical applications. An imperiled plant is somewhat like a person. It has to depend on the defense mechanisms, both structural and metabolic to prevent harmful effects of the pathogens. It includes preexisting defense structures surface waxes, structure of epidermal cell walls, position of stomata and lenticels, thick cell walls, leaf hairs, defense structures formed in response to infection by the pathogen, histological defense structures, metabolic (biochemical) defense preexisting biochemical defense, metabolic defense induced by the attacking pathogen, defense through the hypersensitive reaction, defense through increased levels of phenolic compounds, "common" phenolics etc. Plants also activate a specific set of defense genes in response to the assault. Recent technologies have enabled us to have plants with "useful genes" only, thus providing better crops in larger number. Unlike traditional plant breeding, which involves the crossing of hundreds or thousands of genes, plant biotechnology allows f or the transfer of only one or a few desirable genes. This more precise science allows plant breeders to develop crops with specific beneficial traits and without undesirable traits. Many of these beneficial traits in new plant varieties fight plant pests insects, disease, and weeds that can be devastating to crops. Others provide quality improvements, such as tastier fruits and vegetables; processing advantages, such as tomatoes with higher solids content; and nutrition enhancements, such as oilseeds that produce oils with lower saturated fat content. An imperiled plant is somewhat like a person. It, too, relies on built-in safety mechanisms to ensure its well-being. While it can't exactly flee an...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

My Years in High School essays

My Years in High School essays From the early stages of my life up to my middle school years, I was always a spoiled brat who would always demand things her way. But when it came time for my high school years, especially the last two years, it was serious business all the way. I had to change my stipulating life to a high flier, where I would not make myself as such superior as I used to. I know that, after eight years of trying to develop identity and friends in the elementary and middle school, students are supposed to mature in high school; thats one main thing Ive accomplished from Kentwood. They say that, You dont have to be great to start! But you have to start to be great, and these words changed my entire outlook on life. I changed from being coddled and having everything sugar-coated to a liable person. When I came to Kentwood, I pushed myself over my limits to reach a higher level. Throughout my three years at Kentwood I have worked very hard and gained many new experiences, such as being responsible, l earning new skills, and how to be mature, that I could use in life to help others and myself. Even though at times life was pretty difficult and complicating at Kentwood, I will never forget the academic and life lessons I have learned those past few years. Looking back on my sophomore year at Kentwood, I learned how to be responsible, be on time, and ask for help when I need it. School taught me that it wasnt good to waste a day of your life. Its like wasting your whole life if you waste valuable class time. The challenges I have experienced at Kentwood included making a PowerPoint into slides with brief information on it. Another challenge was completing a magazine project and a parent ideal book in English. In my biology class, I completed a Bioethics project. All of these projects were fun and challenging because they taught me new skills and new ways to understand and learn. It gave me an idea of what was coming ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Media Industries Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Media Industries - Assignment Example Most of the listeners are enticed to share their opinion in the debate/ongoing conversation by either phone calls to the TV/Radio channel or post their viewpoints on the blogs/websites next issues been discussed. Checking updates: Since people are not always in their homes, online social networking has become a trending fashion. Using computer and smart phone gadgets readers/ viewers can enhance their engagement habit. It is common for people to keen checking for news updates either at time intervals for hourly or daily postings, which also give them an opportunity to comment or offer their feedback (Cameroon, 2011). Other fascinating behaviors: Most times you would witness those watching news with you mimic the voices from a news video clip, because it captured their attention or felt ridiculous. Children are good in such cases. Also laughing and getting emotional for sensitive news clip. Multiple media are necessary to ensure a broad range of geographical regions and people are kept well informed and have various options which they can actively use to engage with the news. This would help the society to participate making decisions and in solving problems in society by offering their opinions and feedbacks to tangible issues. How do such technologies as Netflix and (illegal?) downloads affect our social habits? Do you ever binge-watch or do you watch your preferred programs in a weekly manner? How do these different methods alter your experience of the program? Several years ago, people had still been using DVDs and video cassettes to watch movies and other recorded clips they desired. Netflix technology use of latest streaming model continue to attract millions of people to subscribe for the service, from which they can stream movies/shows in real time. Netfix technology facilitates production of contents and distribution, but also has a

Friday, November 1, 2019

Writing to Share Experiences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writing to Share Experiences - Essay Example This was not exactly a bad thing, as I could grow up without the expectations that some of my older siblings had placed upon their shoulders. Anyone who did not know my family may suspect that I was spoiled when I was a child, but I do not see it this way. In my view, I was lucky enough to be given special attention that perhaps my siblings did not receive. As I grew to be an adult, I was allowed to develop into someone who was able to choose a path in life for himself. The journey that I have taken may not have always been smooth, but I have become a better person because of it. After I got married, I was fortunate enough to be the proud father of two gorgeous daughters. They meant the world to me. I would perhaps spoil them in the fashion that I was when I was a young child. After some time, I grew apart from my wife and we decided to get divorced. Looking back on it now, I can see it was the best thing for me at the time. I may not have realized it then, but I needed to move on wi th my life. I could no longer just go through the motions and pretend to have found fulfillment in life when it was simply not true. It was only in doing this that I was able to be free to explore the possibilities that life had in store for me. The greatest and most challenging experience of my life occurred when I had the privilege of being sent to the United States of America to study.