
Friday, May 31, 2019

Essay --

The lonesome(prenominal) thing we have to charge is fear itself(Franklin D. Roosevelt). On October 29, 1929 The United States stock market crashed. Not huge after, everything took a turn for the worse. Three point two million people lost their jobs and had no money to spare. Shock soon effected everyone and people hie to put their money in the banks (Stock Market Crash of 1929). Many did what they felt they should do and they turned to their president, Herbert Hoover and asked for some guidance during this terrible event. So Herbert ordered the banks to close down, so the money that was in the banks was not returned. That turned everyone against him and they saw him as the creator of the Great Depression. The great depression had adverse personal effects on education and healthcare but it created a favorable government leader.During the great depression education was at a minimum, children hardly ever accompanied school. Many parents would homeschool their children due to the la ck of teachers and school buildings. Unlike the ones who choose to educate their children many another(prenominal) chose to not worry about educating their children and allowed them to stay at home and sustain with the chores and family. Unlike today children enjoyed going to school to get a little time having a normal life againMany people approve what started the great depression. On October 29, 1929 the US stock market crashed. The stock market crashed because during the 1900s many things were being invented. Many people dowered in these products but some chose to invest in the stock market. When people would invest in the stock market the prices went up. Investing in the stockmarket soon became very popular and everyone soon began to do it. The only thing bad about investing into the stock market... ... only has to stand for a couple minutes. This usually did not end very well , many people got in fights and the police always had to break it up. If you would cut you would e ither be kicked from the line or you would have to go to the back. Policemen usually where in the high class at the time and had little to no trouble when it came to money so all they had to worry about was making sure everyone followed the rules. In 1933 president Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected. He was the sign that the great depression was coming to the end according to the people who believed that Hoover was the cause of the great Depression. The first thing President Franklin did was open up the bank and allow people to withdraw money. For many that was the first thing they did. Soon everything started to get back on track. The only thing to fear is fear itself was no longer needed.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

God Should Remain in the Pledge of Allegiance Essay -- Argumentative P

immortal Should Remain in the P guidege of homage One of the to the highest degree controversial issues, if Under God should remain in the pledge, and if children should be required to say it, went to court a few weeks ago. The argument was brought to court by Michael Newdow, the become to the girl on whose behalf the lawsuit was brought forward. Newdow argued in court and on many different public speaking occasions that knowing his child is being led to say One nation under God on a daily basis makes him feel Disenfranchised. (Hamilton, Marci A. CNN Special). He points out that The Pledge, which has liberty for in all is being used to inculcate his daughter in a religious worldview he cannot accept. (Hamilton, Marci A. CNN Special). This means that the state is trying to educate his daughter on religion, and therefore Under God is unconstitutional. Michael Newdow does not have hands of his daughter he is an atheist who feels his daughter is not being treated fairly because she is of the nonage belief in religion. His wife a born over again Christian, says their daughter has no trouble including God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Their daughter is in the stake grade, she has informed her mother that she is comfortable reciting the pledge, her father made this maintain based on his own feelings. As long as the statement Under God is not unwraping anyone it should remain in the Pledge of Allegiance to be recited by all willing students and teachers.The constitution assures immunity to anyone who displeases any other human beings being in practicing their own religious beliefs or if they were to offend the religious views of others, if they are the majority or minority. The constitution does not however guarantee an privilege from doing what socie... ... opinion. The words Under God is not meant to directly offend anyone. It should remain in the Pledge of Allegiance for those willing participants to recite. BibliographyAger, Susan. Pledge of Allegianc e Deserves Attention. Monterey earth The Herald. 2 April 2004 Hamilton, Marci A. Why the Department of Justice is wrong to backing Under God. Posted 210 PM EST. 26 March 2004. Harrison, Maureen. Gilbert, Steve. landmark Decisions of the United States Supreme Court II. La Jolla, California. procure 1992. By Excellent Books. Muqaribu, Mudhillun. Letter. New York Times. Published 3/29/2004. Late Edition. Final Section A. tower 6. Page 20. Taylor, Bonnie B. Education and the Law. Contemporary Legal Issues. Santa Barbara, California. Copyright 1996. Pg. 252-253 God Should Remain in the Pledge of Allegiance Essay -- Argumentative PGod Should Remain in the Pledge of Allegiance One of the most controversial issues, if Under God should remain in the pledge, and if children should be required to say it, went to court a few weeks ago. The argument was brought to court by Michael Newdow, the father to the girl on whose behalf the lawsuit was brought forward. Newdow argued in court and on many different public speaking occasions that knowing his child is being led to say One nation under God on a daily basis makes him feel Disenfranchised. (Hamilton, Marci A. CNN Special). He points out that The Pledge, which has liberty for all is being used to inculcate his daughter in a religious worldview he cannot accept. (Hamilton, Marci A. CNN Special). This means that the state is trying to educate his daughter on religion, and therefore Under God is unconstitutional. Michael Newdow does not have custody of his daughter he is an atheist who feels his daughter is not being treated fairly because she is of the minority belief in religion. His wife a born again Christian, says their daughter has no trouble including God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Their daughter is in the second grade, she has informed her mother that she is comfortable reciting the pledge, her father made this claim based on his own feelings. As long as the statement Under God is not of fending anyone it should remain in the Pledge of Allegiance to be recited by all willing students and teachers.The constitution assures immunity to anyone who offends any other human being in practicing their own religious beliefs or if they were to offend the religious views of others, if they are the majority or minority. The constitution does not however guarantee an exemption from doing what socie... ... opinion. The words Under God is not meant to directly offend anyone. It should remain in the Pledge of Allegiance for those willing participants to recite. BibliographyAger, Susan. Pledge of Allegiance Deserves Attention. Monterey Country The Herald. 2 April 2004 Hamilton, Marci A. Why the Department of Justice is wrong to support Under God. Posted 210 PM EST. 26 March 2004. Harrison, Maureen. Gilbert, Steve. Landmark Decisions of the United States Supreme Court II. La Jolla, California. Copyright 1992. By Excellent Books. Muqaribu, Mudhillun. Letter. New York Times. Pu blished 3/29/2004. Late Edition. Final Section A. Column 6. Page 20. Taylor, Bonnie B. Education and the Law. Contemporary Legal Issues. Santa Barbara, California. Copyright 1996. Pg. 252-253

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Free Oedipus the King Essays: The Downfall of Oedipus Rex :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex

The Downfall(a) of Oedipus Rex The greek playwright, Sophocles, was born around 496 B.C., and died in 406 B.C. During his life, he wrote many plays, one of which was Oedipus Rex. Sophocles was the first playwright to add the third actor to the play. Actors were able to perfrom many different parts, but the play was limited to only three actors and the chorus. (Literature, page 1065) The downfall of Oedipus transpired due to the sad flaw of his character. Oedipus was very temperamental and became easily angered. He was a prideful individual who desired to be a hero and avenge the death of Laius. His earnest need to know the truth, and have the proof that it indeed was the truth also led to his ruin. Oedipus had a very short temper. Oedipus did not want to hear what Tiresias had to cite after he begged him to tell him all that he knew. Am I to listen to such things from him May you be damned Get out of present at once Turn around and go (Literature, Oedipus the King, Ln. 434-436 , page 1085) Oedipus went into a rage when Tiresias told him about the evils that Oedipus was living with. Oedipus took great pride in saving muckle and being seen a hero. He wanted the death of Laius to be avenged and he had to be the one to find the murderer and punish him. Ill fight for him, Ill run no means untried, to cach the one who did it with his hand... (Literature, Oedipus the King, Ln. 270-271, page 1081) He did not want to let the people of Thebes down, and he wanted to show that he would be a true hero once again. Oedipus was in pursuit of the truth to find out what really happened with his birth and life. Oedipus was searching for the truth and needed to know all the facts in order to convict the murderer. Ah All of it was destined to be true (Literature, Oedipus the King, Ln.

Teddy Roosevelt Essay example -- essays research papers

Roosevelt, Theodore (the Statesn President) (c. 1858-1919)Roosevelts presidency began with the chaos of McKinleys assassination in 1901, when Roosevelt was 43 years old, and ended after his second term, achieved by his election to President in 1904. Although Roosevelts selection as McKinleys Vice-President was more of a political pay-off, and the New York political machine, fearing an nonparasitic Roosevelt, was more than ready to say good-bye to Roosevelt as Governor, Roosevelt is acknowledged by most historians as having waged a vigorous and winning campaign, while his presidential nominee seemed content to stay behind. With McKinleys assassination, the Republicans and the country had bought themselves an activist president who, in the span of s unconstipated years, turned an isolationist America into a world powerfulness which created American leadership and power in world affairs, dealt corporations a new set of rules, enacted a philosophy and policy of environmental conserva tion, set forth a progressive agenda which held Victorian values at its fulcrum, and dealt with the social and economic issues presented by the burst of immigrants. The issues of non-english speaking immigrants, large corporate trusts acting with greed, defining Americas role in the world politic, all faced Roosevelt, as they face Bush today. Moreover, Roosevelt fashioned policies, rationales, and enacted legislation to engage this challenge and pursued an even more aggressive presidential activism in his second term. This activist president, currently the public icon invoked by members of both parties, was descended from a mixed cluster of immigrant fall Welsh, German, and French, to name a few. Influencing his political ambitions and policies were his wealthy background he was the son of a wealthy and successful glassware merchant whose Dutch family of origin, the Knickerbockers, had been residents of Manhattan since the mid-1600s. Born on October 27, 1858 in New York City, Teedi e was known as a scrawny, weak child, sick from asthma, until his fathers comments regarding his physique as representative of his manhood, turned young switch around. Because of his fathers tremendous influence over the young boy, Teddy responded to his fathers encouragement and began to work out vigorously in a gym installed in the home by his father. Despite his efforts to improve his physical abili... ...moral decline), the nation was in peril. Thus, these values formed the fulcrum of Roosevelts presidential actions active mind, water-loving body corporations must do the right thing by society or government could compel them to do good immigrants must be assimilated into American society with inter-marriage by the third generation an only English spoken policy was necessary to promote assimilation. He had a natural ability to notify with the American people. Roosevelt integrated the physicality and roughness of the frontiersmen with the values of a reformer. Roosevelt believ ed that politicians could make life better for the average citizen. Roosevelt created and implemented a reformist agenda the leghorn Canal despite Colombias protests, dollar diplomacy became a substitute for inter-countries debt, reserved thousands of acres of federal lands for the people and further, established an activism in the presidential office which has influenced its occupants for years to come. Although Roosevelt wished to serve again in 1912, he failed to halt Woodrow Wilson with his newly formed Bull Moose Party and lived the remainder of his life as a hunter and informal ambassador.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Life and Death :: essays research papers

Throughout history man has made many journeys, far and wide, Moses great march though the Red Sea and Columbus crossing of the Atlantic Ocean are solitary(prenominal) a few of mans greatest voyages. Even today great journeys are being made. In every instances people reach had to rise above themselves and over come emence odds. The Joads did just that by traveling to California to find work. Steinbeck shows angiotensin-converting enzyme aspect of this real life journey by displaying it by a turtle and its struggle to reach the other side of a road. As the turtle is about to reach his goal, it is returned to its pilot burner location, but it does not waver in its determination, and continues across the road until it reaches the other side. The Joad family and Casy identify with this the most because the undergo tremendous heartache, yet they stay authorized to their plans and never give up. They are faced with death and sickness, but they never give up. Steinbeck wrote In the eve ning a strange thing happened twenty families became one family, the children were the children of all the loss of home became one loss, and the golden time in the West was one dream This was what the Joads were searching for they wanted to feel like they belonged. Ma was the one who was mostly searching for this. This is her journey to keep the family together. Her belief that a broken-family will not be able to accomplish anything. This is displayed by her not allowing the two cars to split and arrive at California at different times, when one of the cars breaks down, as they are leaving Oklahoma. Ma says I aint a-gonna go. The only way shell let the family break up is if pa whips her and makes her go. Pas journey is displayed by his trying to fit in and make a difference. He does not handle this move very well, and throughout their journey, he is confused, and not as headstrong as Ma. He realizes this also, he knows that he cant help the family the way he use to. So he searches for anyway he can help. When the rain was coming it was this idea to dig a ditch. It was a good idea but it failed and it reflected on him. Tom Joad is a very complicated individual, who is a tremendous asset and at the same time a tremendous burden.

Life and Death :: essays research papers

Throughout history man has made many journeys, far and wide, Moses great march though the Red ocean and Columbus crossing of the Atlantic Ocean are only a few of mans greatest voyages. Even today great journeys are being made. In every instances people have had to rise above themselves and over come emence odds. The Joads did just that by traveling to California to find work. Steinbeck shows one aspect of this tangible life journey by displaying it by a turtle and its struggle to reach the other side of a road. As the turtle is to the highest degree to reach his goal, it is returned to its original location, but it does not waver in its determination, and continues across the road until it reaches the other side. The Joad family and Casy identify with this the most because the undergo redoubted heartache, yet they stay true to their plans and never give up. They are faced with death and sickness, but they never give up. Steinbeck wrote In the evening a queer thing happened twent y families became one family, the children were the children of all the loss of home became one loss, and the golden time in the West was one dream This was what the Joads were searching for they cute to feel like they belonged. Ma was the one who was mostly searching for this. This is her journey to keep the family together. Her belief that a broken-family will not be able to carry through anything. This is displayed by her not allowing the two cars to split and arrive at California at different times, when one of the cars breaks down, as they are leaving Oklahoma. Ma says I aint a-gonna go. The only way shell let the family break up is if pa whips her and makes her go. Pas journey is displayed by his trying to fit in and make a difference. He does not handle this move very well, and throughout their journey, he is confused, and not as headstrong as Ma. He realizes this also, he knows that he cant help the family the way he use to. So he searches for anyway he can help. When the rain was coming it was this appraisal to dig a ditch. It was a good idea but it failed and it reflected on him. Tom Joad is a very complicated individual, who is a tremendous asset and at the same time a tremendous burden.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 11

The mist rose up around my feet as I walked toward the willow tree. The sun was quickly setting, but I could still make give forward a shadowy figure nestled between the roots.I glanced again. It was Rosalyn, her companionship dress shimmering in the weak light. Bile rose in my throat. How could she be here? She was buried, her body six feet underground at the Mystic Falls cemetery.As I walked closer, steeling my courage and grasping the knife in my pocket, I noticed her lifeless eyes reflecting the verdant leaves above. Her bootleg curls stuck to her clammy forehead. And her neck wasnt torn out at all. Instead, her neck displayed only two neat little holes, the size of shodding nails. As if guided by an unseen hand, I fell to my knees next to her body.Im sorry, I whispered, staring at the cracked earth below. Then I raised my eyes and froze in horror. Because it wasnt Rosalyns body at all.It was Katherines.A small smile sheer her rosebud lips, as if she were simply dreaming.I f ought the urge to scream. I would not let Katherine die But as I reached toward her wounds, she sat straight up. Her visage morphed, her dark curls faded to blond, and her eyes glowed red.I started backward.Its your fault The words cut through the still night, the tone hollow and otherworldly. The voice belonged neither to Katherine nor Rosalynbut to a demon.I screamed, gripping my penknife and slicing it into the night air. The demon lunged forward and clutched my neck. It lowered its sharpened canines to my scratch up, and everything faded to black.I woke up in a cold sweat, seance upright. A crow cawed outside in the distance, I could hear youngsterren playing. Sunbeams were dappled along my white bedspread, and a dinner tray was stickting on my desk. It was daylight. I was in my own bed.A dream. I remembered the funeral, the ride from the church, my exhaustion as I climbed the stairs to my bedroom. It had just been a dream, a product of too much sensation and stimulation tod ay. A dream, I reminded myself again, willing my heart to stop pounding. I took a long gulp of water straight from the pitcher on the nightstand. My chief slowly stilled, but my heart continued to race and my hands still felt clammy. Because it wasnt a dream, or at least not same(p) each dream Id ever had before. It was as if demons were invading my mind, and I was no longer sure what was real or what thoughts to trust. I stood up, trying to shake off the nightmare, and wandered downstairs. I took the back steps so as not to cross paths with Cordelia in the kitchen. Shed been taking good care of me, just as when I had been a child in mourning for my mother, but something about her watchful gaze made me nervous. I knew shed heard me call out for Katherine, and I fervently hoped she wasnt telling tales to the servants.I walked into Fathers study and glanced at his shelves, finding myself drawn yet again to the Shakespeare section. Saturday seemed like a lifetime ago. Still, the can dle in the silver candlestick holder was just where Katherine and I had left it, and The Mysteries of Mystic Falls was still on the electric chair. If I closed my eyes, I could almost smell lemon.I shook that thought away and hastily picked out a volume of Macbeth, a play about jealousy and love and betrayal and death, which suited my mood perfectly.I forced myself to sit on the leather club chair and glance at the words, forced myself to turn the pages. Maybe thats what I needed in order to proceed with the breathe of my life. If I just kept forcing myself to take action, whitethornbe Id finally get over the guilt and sadness and fear Id been carrying with me since Rosalyns death.Just then, I heard a knock on the doorstep. Fathers not here, I called, hoping whoever it was would go away.Sir Stefan? Alfreds voice called. Its a visitor.No, thank you, I replied. It was probably Sheriff Forbes again. Hed already come by four or five times, speaking to Damon and Father. So far Id mana ged to beg off the visits. I couldnt stand the thought of telling himtelling anyone where Id been at the time of the attack.The visitor is rather insistent, Alfred called.So are you, I muttered under my breath as I strode to the door and opened it. Shes in the sitting room, Alfred said, turning on his heel.Wait I said. She. Could it be Katherine? My heart quickened despite itself.Sir? Alfred asked, mid-step.Ill be there.Frantically, I splashed water from the basin in the corner on my face and used my hands to dispassionate my hair back from my forehead. My eyes still looked hooded, and tiny vessels had broken, reddening the whites, but there was nothing more I could do to make me look, let alone feel, more like myself.I strode purposefully into the parlor. For an instant, my heart fell with disappointment. Instead of Katherine, sitting on the red velvet wingback chair in the corner was her maid, Emily. She had a chair in the corner was her maid, Emily. She had a basket of flower s on her lap and held a daisy to her nose, as if she didnt have a care in the world.Hello, I said formally, already trying to come up with a way to politely excuse myself.Mr. Salvatore. Emily stood up and half- curtseyed. She wore a simple white eyelet dress and bonnet, and her dark skin was smooth and unlined. My mistress and I join you in your sorrows. She asked that I give you this, she said, proffering the basket toward me.Thank you, I said, taking the basket. I absentmindedly put a sprig of lilac to my nose and inhaled.Id use these in your healing, rather than Cordelias concoctions, Emily said.How did you know about that? I wondered.Servants talk. But I fear that whatever Cordelias feeding you may be doing you more harm than good. She plucked a few blossoms from the basket, twining them into a bouquet. Daisies, magnolias, and bleeding heart will help you heal.And pansies for thoughts? I asked, remembering a repeat from Shakespeares Hamlet. As soon as I said it, I realized it w as a foolish statement. How would an uneducated servant girl possibly know what I was speaking of?But Emily simply smiled. No pansies, although my mistress did mention your love of Shakespeare. She reached into the basket and broke off a sprig of lilac, which she then pushed gently into my buttonhole.I held the basket up and inhaled. It smelled like flowers, but there was something else the intoxicating aroma that Id only experienced when I was near Katherine. I inhaled again, feeling the confusion and dimness of the past few days slowly fade.I know everythings very strange right now, Emily said, breaking my reverie. But my mistress only wishes the outperform for you. She nodded toward the couch, as if inviting me to sit down. Obediently, I sat and stared at her. She was remarkably beautiful and carried herself with a type of grace Id never seen before. Her movements and manners were so deliberate that watching her was like watching a painting come to life.She would like to see yo u, Emily said after a moment.The second the words left her lips, I realized that could never be. As I sat there, in the daylight of the parlor, with another person rather than being lost in my own thoughts, everything clicked into focus. I was a widower, and my trading now was to mourn Rosalyn, not to mourn my schoolboy fantasy of love with Katherine. Besides, Katherine was a beautiful orphan with no friends or relations. It would never workcould never work.I did see her. At Rosalyns at the funeral, I said stiffly.Thats hardly a social call, Emily pointed out. Shed like to see you. Somewhere private. When youre ready, she added quickly.I knew what I had to say, what the only prudish thing to say was, but the words were hard to form. I will see, but in my current condition, Im afraid Im probably not in the best mood to go walking. Please send your mistress my regrets, although she will not want for company. I know my brother will go wherever she wishes, I said, the words heavy on my tongue.Y es. She is quite fond of Damon. Emily gathered her skirts and stood up. I stood up as well and felt, even though I towered a head taller, that she was somehow more powerful than me. It was an odd yet not altogether unpleasant feeling. But you cant argue with true love.With that she swept out the door and across the grounds, the daisy in her hair scattering its petals into the wind.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Community vs. Individualism

Community vs. Individualism Individual and community are two words whose meanings contrast all(prenominal) other. An individual is one who is self-sufficient and not reliant on outside forces to get whatever task complete. A community however, is a group of individuals whose sufficiency is intertwined with one another, and therefore clear rely on each other. In her narrative essay, Community and Diversity, Rebekah Nathan unveils the individualistic society that was her college experience. She describes life as a freshman from her own point of view and examines the characteristics of the schoolchild population at her university.She uses her own experience as a microcosm of university life throughout the country, but her account does not represent each schools appropriately. She says, They ( learners) genuinely exigency to have a close community, bandage at the same time they resist the claims that community makes on their schedule and resources in the name of individualism, spo ntaneity, freedom, and choice(Nathan 233). Her definition exposes the student body as being largely individualistic, which is not unendingly the case.In this essay, I will argue that not all campus life in universities right away is individualistic, because there is electrostatic a great deal of community amongst the student body. To begin with, saying that campus life is geared towards being an individual is not always true. Students go out of their way to join clubs and participate in study groups and review sessions. They want to come together and form an alliance for academics or alone to be social. In her essay, Nathan claims that our nation as a whole is becoming an advocate of individualism.While this may be true, it in no way federal agency that university life is affected by this. People come to college to not only further their academic quest, but to expand their horizons and to net elaborate with their peers. For example, an incoming freshman has the talent of join ing a learning community related to their interests or what they think their future major might be. If a product line major wants to get bear on outside the classroom, there are a number of options available to them, such as an academic service learning program, or joining a business fraternity.The variety of choices one has is overwhelming, and these programs and clubs would not be available if they were underused, they would simply turn over. Equally important, is the fact that in todays classrooms, group work is a great deal either encouraged or required. Professors expect classmates to get along and collaborate (just not when their teaching), either during an assignment in class or for a drift assigned to work on outside the classroom. How so then, as Nathan puts it, are students getting more and more individualistic? In his essay, James Surowiecki explains that there is forcefulness in the form of the nonaged group.He says small groups have the opportunity to be more than just the sum of their parts (441). This means that a group can outperform even the smartest of its individuals on their own. That said it isnt hard to see the benefit of community values in an academic workplace, rather than individualism. A skillful example of this is if you were to put five students in a group to complete a series of math equations. If it took the smartest individual thirty minutes to complete twelve problems, it would likely take much less time for the group, including that same individual, to finish the task.For this reason, privatizing the campus experience is not beneficial to the learning process, rather it is harmful. Integrating students from group work keeps them from building social skills that they will need in the real terra firma after college, and it additionally exits students an absence of the cognitive variety show one could discover while working in small groups. Moreover, if an institution wants to inspire a common education goal amongst its students, there are several ways it could initiate it.For one, the university could school living learning communities into the student housing. This allows students with the same majors or interests to live in the same suites, as well as giving them the some of the same core classes. Consequently, students can share information about classes and even form study groups without even leaving their dorms. Another way to instill a sentiency of academic community throughout the campus is to organize free events such as study sessions and reviews for certain classes.For example, offer a math tutoring session available to all students with refreshments, or maybe even ice cream, would be a great way to attract people and get them involved with not only in their studies, but with the campus as well. A university could even go as far as providing incentives for good work, such as raffling off high end electronics and skateboards. The cost of the raffle ticket A papers. On the other hand, Nathan argues, Rather than being located in its shared symbols, meetings, activities, and rituals, the university for an undergraduate was more accurately a world of self-selected people and events (237).This cannot be said for American universities as a whole. Many if not most colleges have strong on-campus communities starting at the roots of student living the dorms. Every week you will find a plethora of activities and events going on no farther than the students downstairs lobby. From events like residents Fest, where the different dormitories await off in multiple competitive events, to comedy shows and entertainers that come to the campus auditorium and perform live for the students, free of fear and welcome to everyone on campus.At the same time, there is still room for individualism in a functional community. Any given community that is profiecient needs individuals to lead operations. In our everyday society, we rely on politicians and small businesses led by headstrong individuals. But the individualism that is essencial for these people is also essencial for the community as a whole, much like that which is found in university life. Resident Assistants or, RAs, are hired in order to not only control the students living in on-campus housing, but to bring them together as one solid body.It is not uncommon for RAs to request input of those students living on their floor during floor meetings. For example, most RAs give each room on their floor living agreement forms. Nathan remembers, After pizza, M&Ms, and yet another icebreaker game, the RA introduced our charge of creating a vocalise compact and handed out cards and pens, asking each person to write down something in the way of a rule or a dont that she would like to obtain for the hall (234).On it, residents are allowed to make rules for their specific suite to make sure everyone gets a say in what goes on in their living space. They want everyone involved with the building they are living in, but also to know that the RA is ultimately the one in charge over them. Interestingly enough, Surowiecki points out, One of the real dangers that small groups face is emphasizing consensus over dissent (444). This concept could lead floor members to agree more right away with the majority, rather than be the black sheep to stand out and argue against it.Without doubt, college campuses around the country display a strong sense of community. In the classrooms students display cooperation with each other in the form of groups and in-class discussion, and review sessions before tests are no rare occurrence. There are a variety ways to get students involved, and it seems that numerous are eager at the opportunity to gather and strive for academic improvement. From learning communities to social events and clubs, there is no lack of student involvement on campus for many universities.Although Nathan says The university community was experienced by most students as a relatively small, p ersonal network of people who did things together, this is simply not true everywhere crosswise the country (237). While there are hints of individualism in the student body, it is overwhelmed by the power of the community that is found in most universities across the states. This is good thing, because an emphasis on individualism could affect the development of cognitive diversity which is a valuable characteristic in society, especially on a college campus.Surowiecki states, Diversity of opinion is the single best guarantee that the group will reap benefits from face-to-face discussion (446). By this, he is saying cognitive diversity sparks a flame in the classroom, whether it through arguing or open discussions with classmates and teachers. If students were not exposed to such diversities in the classroom, they would be unprepared to face them in the real world. Besides, giving students a strong sense of community is almost always more effective than the alternative.Works Cited 1) Surowiecki, James. Committees, Juries, and Teams The Columbia Disaster and How Small Groups Can Be Made to Work. Emerging Contemporary Readings for Writers. Ed Barclay Barrios. Boston, MA. Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. 439-452. Print. 2) Nathan, Rebekah. Community and Diversity Emerging Contemporary Readings for Writers. Ed Barclay Barrios. Boston, MA. Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. 439-452. Print.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Is the Dollar Depreciation Good for the American Economy? Essay

Currency dispraise always affects both sides of the coin. By forbidding the sawbuck, it will enhance the price competitiveness of US product overseas tho lower dollar by chance counter productive especially if at that place is not enough output for further expansion. frankincense the move to depreciate or to appreciate the currency is very signifi grasst for economy not still to the US but in the global economy as well. Maintaining the dollar at its value therefore is similarly very important as it provides equilibrize on imports and export commodities. Over the years the dollar has been swinging high and low against some of the spheres leading currencies.The question that might be ask is, was it on purpose depreciated as part of economic strategy or was it a result of economic decline due to domestic or international circumstances that encumber economic growth, such as, the 9/11 tragedy and the US led war and continues occupation in Iraq? In the midst of ever-increase co mpetitiveness in the world market, dollar depreciation is good for America because it puts them in the economic competitive advantage position in the international market relying on the quality of the US made goods. It is often a deliberate economic action to cope with the stiff international market competition.However, there is a contraindication to this economic action as lowering the dollar would mean lowering the living standard back home. Depreciating the dollar could stimulate strong economic performance but it also poses poorly impact because it will be at the expense of cutting American wages. Paul R. Krugman point out Depreciating the dollar is a bad way to reduce the trade deficit because it amount to meeting international competition by cutting American wages, thus lowering the living standards of the American workers (119) In view of the macroeconomic principles, it will be more advantage for the U.S. to depreciate the dollar at a certain level because it will attend t o settle some of its economic deficits such as unemployment problem and trade deficit. What the US needs to do is expand its market abroad while increasing domestic productions of export goods. If there is enough output for export expansion, the impact of lower dollars maybe minimal as more money will outflank in the market. Japans yen is certainly undervalued compared to the dollar and yet the Japanese enjoy a high standard of living comparable to that of the join States.By mass production it will create more jobs, which can ease the problem of unemployment Anformer(a) thing the U. S. should do is to put a of the essence(p) limit on domestic product for domestic consumption in order to maintain the inflation rate at its current level. Because of the lower dollar, imports from other countries will be balanced by the US exports thereby wiping trade imbalances because of the higher dollar. Thus lowering the dollar provides ample economic benefit for America. It maybe a bitter pill to swallow for others but it may cure some of the economys diseases.But it cannot be denied that depreciating the dollars have a serious economic implications to some developing countries. As a matter of principle the US should not play the role of a shrewd double-decker who only cares of its interest at the expense of the weaker countries. Jacob Frenkel Noted The U. S. decision on an exchange-rate regime will clearly affect foreign economies, and it is not clear that what is outperform for America will be best for the rest of the economy, we must reformulate our notion of how a good exchange rate system performs (158).Frenkel cited that due to dollar depreciation, the corresponding appreciation of foreign currencies against the dollar worsens the situation abroad compared to the fix exchange rate case. Frenkel stated, By allowing the U. S. to export some of its unemployment, the dollars depreciation has a beggar-thy neighbor effect (158). Thus, while the dollar depreciation might shield the U. S. economy from the adverse effect of inflation, but it has an opposite effect on U. S. trading collaborates.To explain this further Frenkel said,The beggar thy-neighbor effect of dollar depreciation can be thought of as a payment made by the foreign country to the United States in states of the world where U. S. aggregate demand is relatively low. In the opposite situation, the United States, by allowing its currency to appreciate, compensates foreign countries (Frenkel, 158). Thus the depreciation of the U. S. dollar requires a more sensitive study of the possible implication on other countries particularly on the trading partners of the U. S. if the United States is tinct of its trading partners economic developments.Not only in the international market that the dollar depreciation had its impact but in domestic economy as well. Allen J. Lenz pointed out that contractionary policies could slow U. S. economic growth relative to foreign growth rates (68). Lenz empha sized that what counts is not just good trade performance but how that performance is achieved. Strong U. S. market performance based on productivity gains contributes to gains in living standards. Strong performance achieved by dollar depreciation can lower living standards.The depreciation therefore is an important economic action of the United States that will have significant impact not only in the U. S. but also to its trading partners. It may be good for the U. S. economy, and bad for the trading partners, but it may also be bad for the U. S.Work Cited icago PressFrenkel, Jacob. substitution Rate and International Macroeconomics. U. S. A. University of Chicago. 1988. Krugman, Paul. Diminished Expectations U. S. A. The Washington Post Company 1994. Lenz, Allen J. Narrowing the U. S. Current Account Deficit A Sectoral Assessment. U. S. A. Institute for International Economic. 1992.

Friday, May 24, 2019

A Boy Called It

The deficits David Pelzer will have to overcome according to biological and environmental foundations and emotional and social development will deal generally with the neglect he suffered as a child.This environmental history will play a major role and an obstacle at universe genuine into new schools, new families and in any future job he holds. He will have to come to terms with the normal relationships children and parents have as opposed to his neglected childhood upbringing by not only his mother, but the social service system and foster families.The way in which David witness mental health is through the actions of his mother. His mother, Catherine Roerva, tortured David both physically and emotionally by not even considering him a son, or a human being but an it.As such her mental health made it impossible for her to raise her child and instead her disease (and her alcoholism) made her torture him, not feed or clothe him and basically not treat him as a son not to mention a person, SMACK, mother hits me in the face and I whirl around to the floor. I know better than to stand there and take the hit. I learned the hard way that she takes that as an act of defiance, which means more hits or worst of all no food.I regain my posture and dodge her looks as she screams into my ears(Pelzer 3). To a young child, such experiences of mental health make it deadly to authentically experience anything normal for his sense of normalcy is warped due to his exposure of these horrific experiences.Although David did have one of the worst childhood abuse cases in the conjure of California (he was caged in the basement, not allowed to eat, and was threatened physically almost daily) he did end up in the child welfare system where he tested to adjust to a new life outside of his mothers abuse.Finally at the age of 12 David was taken from his mothers care convey to the help of school teachers and other authorities and at that time he entered into the social welfare sys tem through foster care. In this system David experienced other types of both horrible and kind human activity for which he goes into detail with his other book entitled The Lost Boy A A Foster electric shavers Search for the Love of a Family.On the issue of biological deficits, David Pelzer may have to face the fact that his mother neglected him after(prenominal) he was born,Genetic counseling is a communication process designed to help couples assess theirChances of giving birth to a baby with a hereditary unhinge and choose the best course of action in view of risks and family goals.As such, Davids mother, given the choice may not have had her son because of her own actions which was detrimental to his health. In Davids case, it is not a hereditary disorder but more of an environmental disorder that he has in him.Works CitedPelzer, David. (1995). A Boy Called It. HCI. 1995.Wall, Charles M. (April, 1975). Child Abuse A Societal Problem with Educational Implications. Peabody Jo urnal of Education. 52 (3). 222-225.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Producing Isoamyl Acetate from Isoamy

This was so weighed and computed for the percent lied. The theoretical yield and the weighed value must have close values in order for this experiment to be successful. Keywords fruit flavors, banana flavor, call stratification, reflux, extraction, washing, drying, drying agents Introduction Esters are a group of original compounds that give out distinct odors. Examples of esters are fruit flavors such as the product of this experiment. Somali acetate or banana flavor is an ester which resulted from an call stratification between Somali alcohol and Acetic anhydride.Call stratification is a chemical reaction between acid anhydride and call chlorides. Through this experiment, the students that performed It would have learned about reflux, extraction, washing and drying. The reflux technique is the boiling of the reagents while cooling the vapor escaping from it and having it returned in the flask to prevent evaporation. This guarantees that the temperature in the flask is constant. Extraction, washing and drying the resulting chemicals after the reflux technique separates the desired product, in this experiment It was the Somali acetate, from the excess products.Drying agents are utilise twice In this experiment, first to remove the water where the undesired reduces was washed Into and the last to remove the excess. The objectives of this experiment is as follows To synthesize Somali acetate from Somali alcohol and Acetic anhydride To calculate percent yield of Somali acetate To learn the reflux technique To learn the technique of extraction, washing and drying Methodology First, the reagents were brisk and properly labeled. 5 drops of concentrated HOSTS was added into the acetic anhydride while in an ice bath.While still in the ice bath, Somali alcohol was slowly added into the acetic anhydride. The reaction was extremely exothermic which explains the use of an ice bath. See propose 1) The reagents were then transferred into a reaction flask. Three boilin g chips were added in order for the chemicals to boil easily. It was then refluxed for 30 minutes making sure that the temperature remains constant at ICC. (See Figure 2) It is necessary to keep the temperature constant in order to avoid explosions. Figure 2.Reflux Technique It was then poured into a beaker with crushed ice and allowed to melt. After melting, it was transferred into a separating funnel. 15 ml saturated Enhance was added into the solution. This was necessary in order for the organic components to react with it ND become water-soluble. The funnel was then swirled until two layers have separated. (See Figure 3) Figure 3. Swirling the Separating Funnel The lower layer was discarded and 15 ml of saturated NCAA was added. NCAA was a drying agent for the removal of water.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Marketing Strategy Study Guide

MKT 850 Study Guide Chapter 5 * SWOT Analysis * One of the almost useful tools in analyzing grocerying entropy and information * Links companys situation analysis and development of food trade plan * Uses structured information to uncover agonistic advantages and guide survival of the fittest of the strategic focus of the marketing scheme. * Broken down into * Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats * returnive SWOT (manager should) * Use a series of SWOT analyses focusing on particularised fruit/market combinations * Search for competitors both present and future Collaborate with otherwise functional argonas by sharing information and perspectives * Examine issues from the customers perspective by communicate employees * What do customers believe about us as a company? * Which of our weaknesses translate into a decreased ability to serve customers? * Looks for causes non char pretenderistics considering the firms resources for each demote * Separate internal a nd outside(a) issues using this key test * Would this issue exist if the firm did not exist? * If yes, issue classified as external * Strengths & Weaknesses Exist because of resources by the firm, or payable to the nature of key relationships between the firm and its customers/employees/outside organizations * May be leveraged into capabilities ( bearings) or overcome (weaknesses) * Meaningful l angiotensin converting enzyme(prenominal) when they assist or hinder the firm in satisfying customer needs * Opportunities & Threats * Not potential marketing actions. Issues/situations that occur in the firms external environments. * Not ignored as the firm gets caught up in developing strengths and capabilities for fear of creating an efficient, but ineffective organization. Stem from changes in the competitive, customer, economic, political/legal, technological, and sociocultural environments. * SWOT Matrix * Allows marketing manager to visualize the analysis * Serves as a catalyst to guide the groundwork of marketing strategies that will produce sought after results. * Allows manager to see how strengths and opportunities might be connected to create capabilities that ar key to discovering customer needs * Assesses the magnitude and importance of each strength/weak/opp/threat. * Competitive return Capabilities in relations to those held by the rivalry * Based on both internal and external factors * Based on humankind and customer perception * Based on the prefatorial strategies of operational excellence, increase leadership, and customer intimacy. * Strategic Focus Establishment * Based on developing an boilersuit concept or model that guides the firm as it weaves various marketing elements together into a coherent strategy * Tied to firms competitive advantage * Use results of SWOT as firm considers four directions of strategic efforts * Aggressiveness Diversification * Turnaround * Defensiveness * Ensures the firm does not step beyond centre strength s to consider opportunities outside its capabilities * Visualized through the use of a strategy canvas where the goal is to develop a prise curve that is distinct from the competition * Downplay traditional industry competitive factors in favor of crude approaches * Lays groundwork for development of marketing goals and objective, connects SWOT outcomes to the rest of the marketing plan. * foodstuffing Goals Broad, sought after accomplishments started in general terms. * Indicate the direction the firm attempts to move in, as well as the set of priorities will use in evaluating alternative and fashioning decisions. * Should be attainable, realistic, internally consistent, comprehensive, and clarify the roles of all parties in the organization. * Involves some course of intangibility * Marketing Objectives * Specific and quantitative benchmarks that can be use to come close progress toward the achievement of the marketing goals * Should be attainable with reasonable effort Con tinuous or discontinuous depending on the degree to which they depart from present objectives * charge to unique(predicate) areas, departments, or individuals who bugger off the responsibility to accomplish them Chapter Six * Buyer Behavior in Consumer Markets * Often irrational and unpredictable as consumers say one thing and do another * Progress through five stages * Need Recognition * Information Search * military rating of Alternatives * bribe Decision * Post Purchase valuation Dont always follow these stages in order or may skip stages * May be characterized by loyalty where consumers only when bargain for the same point of intersection that they bought last judgment of conviction * Involves parallel sequencing of activities with finding the most suitable merchant. * Consider what product they want, and where to bargain it * faeces occur if a consumer is fiercely loyal to a merchant * Can be affected by * Complexity of the purchase and decision making process * Demo graphics, Psychographics, and Sociocultural factors * companionable influences culture, social class, family, opinion leaders, reference groups. Situational influences physical and spatial influences, social and personal influences, time, purchase task/ example, consumer dis seat * Consumers hopes & Needs * Shouldnt define needs as necessities because everyone has a opposite perspective on what constitutes a need * Needs occur when a consumers rate of flow level of satisfaction doesnt equal their coveted level * Wants are consumers desire for a specific product that will satisfy a specific need * Firm must understand basic needs fulfilled by its products. Allows firm to segment markets and create marketing programs that show needs into wants for their product * Most products are marketed on the basis of wants not need fulfillment * Wants are not the same as demand * Demand occurs when the consumers ability and willingness to pay backs up a want for a specific product * Informat ion Search * Passive and Active * Passive- consumer become much attentive and receptive to information * Active- consumer engages more aggressive seeking information appear * Depends on several issues Degree of risk * Level of expertise * Actual cost of search (time and money) * Culminates in an evoked set of suitable buying alternatives * Evaluation of Alternatives * Translates needs into wants for specific products or brands * Evaluate products as bundles of attributes that bedevil varying abilities to satisfy their needs * Priority of each consumers choice criteria can change * Want the product to be in the evoked set of potential alternatives * Constantly remind them of their company and products * Purchase Stage Intent to purchase and the actual act of buying are distinct concepts * Key issues * product availability how easy is it to get the product where the consumer is * possession utility how easy is it to transfer ownership * Postpurchase Evaluation * Outcome of buying process is linked to the development of long-term customer relationships. Closely follow customers responses to monitor carrying into action and ability to meet customers expectations * Will perplex one potential outcomes Delight, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, or cognitive dissonance * Business Markets * Purchase products for their use in their operations, like buying raw materials, buying office supplies, or leasing cars * Consists of four types of buyers * Commercial markets * Reseller markets * Government markets * Institutional markets * Four unique characteristics not found in consumer markets * The buyer center economic buyers, technical buyers, and users * Hard and easily cost are equally important Hard- monetary worth or purchase costs * Soft- downtime, opportunity costs, HR costs * Reciprocity business buyers and sellers a lot buy products from each other * Mutual dependence sole-source or strangleed-source buying makes both buying and selling firms mutually dependen t * Business Buying performance * Sequence of Stages * Problem Recognition * Development of product specifications * Vendor identification and qualification * Solicitation of proposals and bids * Vendor selection Order processing * Vendor performance review * Can be affected by several factors including environmental conditions, organizational factors, and interpersonal/individual factors * Market class process of dividing the total market for a particular product or product category into relatively homogeneous segments or groups * Groups should have similar members, but groups must be mingled from each other * Fundamental decision of whether to segment at all Allows firms to be more successful due to the fact that they can tailor products to meet the needs of a particular market segment * Traditional market naval division approach * Used successfully for decades, not out of date, and are used by umteen of todays most successful firms * Can be used in combination with spick-an d-spaner approaches by the firm, depending on the brand/product or market in question * Successful segmentation Must be identifiable and measureable * Substantial * Accessible * Responsive * Viable and sustainable * rescind ethical/legally sensitive segments * Avoid viable segments that dont tick off firms mission * Mass Marketing no segmentation and is aimed at the total market for a product * Undifferentiated approach assumes all customers have similar needs/wants * Works best when needs are relatively homogeneous Advantage- production efficiency and lower marketing costs * Disadvantage- risky because a standardized product is vulnerable to competitors that offer specialized products that better(p) match customers needs * Differentiated Marketing divides the total market into groups of customers having relatively homogenous needs, attempting to develop a marketing program that appeals to one or more of these groups * Necessary when customer needs are similar within a single gro up, but the needs differ across groups * Two options * Multi-segment approach * Market concentration approach Niche Marketing focusing efforts on one small, well defined market segment or niche that has a unique, specific set of needs * Requires that firms understand and meet needs of target customers. Although small in size, firms substantial share makes the segment highly profitable * Individualized Segmentation Approaches * Viable due to advances in technology especially in communication and the internet * Organizations can now track customer with a high degree of specificity * Allows firms to combine demographic data with past/current purchasing behavior. Tweak marketing programs in ways that allow them to precisely match customers needs, wants, and preferences * Become more important in the future because their focus on individual customers makes them critical to the development and maintenance of long-term relationships * Expensive to deliver * Two important considerations * alter delivery of the marketing program * Personalization One-to-one Marketing involves the creation of an entire unique product or marketing program for each customer in the target segment * Common in business markets where unique programs and systems are determinationed for each customer * Growing rapidly in consumer markets, in high flavour or custom made products or operate * Mass customization providing unique products and solutions to individual customers on a mass scale * Cost-effective and practical due to advances in supply-chain management. real time inventory control) * Used frequently in business markets, especially electronic procurement systems * Permission Marketing different from matched marketing because customers choose to become a member of the firms target market * Commonly executed via opt in email lists * Advantage customers already interested in firms cracks * Allows precise target of individuals, eliminating the problem of wasted marketing effort and exp ense * Identify Market Segments selecting most relevant variables to station and define the target market, many of which come from the situation analysis of the marketing plan. Isolation of individual characteristics that distinguish one or more segments from the total market (must have homogeneous needs) * Consumer markets convolute examination of factors of one of these categories * Behavioral segmentation most powerful approach because it uses actual consumer behavior or product usage helps to make distinctions among market segments Demographic segmentation divides markets using factors such as gender, age, income, and education * Psychographic segmentation state-of-mind issues such as motives, attitudes, opinions, values, lifestyles, interests, and personality * Geographic segmentation most useful when combined with other segmentation variables, geodemographic segmentation or geoclustering. * Business markets are based on types of market or on things such as organization, char acteristics, benefits sought/buying process, personal/psych characteristics, or relationship intensity. Top Marketing Strategies * Based on evaluation of the attractiveness of each segment and whether each offers opportunities that match firms capabilities and resources * Single segment targeting, selective targeting, mass market targeting, product specialization, and market specialization. * Also consider issues related to noncustomers, like why they do not buy and finding ways to remove obstacles to purchase. Chapter 7 Product Strategy at the heart of every organization and it defines what the organization does and why it exists * Creating a productive offering that is a bundle of physical (tangible), service (intangible), and symbolic (perceptual) attributes designed to satisfy customer wants/needs. * Strives to overcome commoditization by differentiating product offerings via the service and symbolic elements of the offering * Product Portfolio * Used in both consumer (convenien ce, shopping, specialty, etc. and business markets (raw materials, process materials, installations, etc. ) * Used in most firms due to the advantages of selling a variety of products * Consists of a group of closely related product items (product lines) and the total group of products offered by a firm (product mix) * Involves strategic decisions such as variety and assortment of offerings * Can create benefits including economies of scale, package uniformity, standardization, deals and distribution efficiency, etc. Service Products Challenges stem from the intangibility of run. otherwise characteristics include simultaneous production/consumption, and perish ability/ lymph gland based relationships * Other issues * Experience problems in balancing supply and demand * Time and show dependent because customers must be present for delivery * Customers have a difficult time evaluating whole step of service before it is purchased * Quality of service is often inconsistent and hard to standardize * Need for some services are not always apparent to customers.Service marketers often have trouble tying offerings to needs * New Product Development vital part of a firms efforts to sustain growth and profits * Six strategic options related to newness of products * New-to-world products (discontinuous innovations)- which involve a pioneering effort by a firm that leads to the creation of an entirely new market * New product lines- represent new offerings by the firm, but they become introduced into established markets * Product line extensions- supplement an subsisting product line with new styles, models, features, or flavors * Improvements/Revisions of existing products- offer customers improved performance or greater beholdd value * Repositioning- targeting existing products at new markets or segments * Cost reductions- modifying products to offer performance similar to competing products at a lower worth * Depends on firms ability to create differential advan tage for the new product * Proceeds through five stages * Idea generation * Screening and evaluation * Development * Test marketing * Commercialization * Branding Strategy selecting the undecomposed combination of name, symbol, term, and design that identifies a specific product * Two parts * Brand name words, letters, and numbers * Brand mark symbols, figures, or a design * Critical to product identification and factor used by marketers to differentiate a product from its competition * Successful- capture product offering in a way that answers a question in consumers mind *Involves many attributes that make up the way customers think about brands * People (employees and endorsers) * Places (country of origin) * Things (events, causes, third party endorsements) * Other brands (alliances, the company, extensions) * Advantage- make it easier for customers to find and buy products * Four key issues * Manufacturer vs. private-label brands- private label brands are more profitable than manufacturer brands for the retailers that carry them. Manufactured brands have built-in demand, recognition, and product loyalty. * Brand loyalty- positive attitude toward a brand that causes customers to have a consistent preference for that brand over all competing brands in a product category. Three levels brand recognition, brand preference, and brand insistence * Brand equity- the value of a brand or the marketing and financial value associated with a brands position in the marketplace. * Brand alliances- branding strategies, such as co branding that involve developing close relationships with other firms. * Packaging and labeling * Part of developing a product, its benefits, its differentiation, and its image * Issues such as color, shape, size, convenience of the package or container * Are often used in product modifications/co branding to reposition the product or give it new features. * Vital in helping customers make proper product selections * Important environmental and legal consequences * Differentiation and Positioning Creating differences in the firms product offering that set it apart from competing offerings (product differentiation) and the development and maintenance of a relative position for a product in the minds of the target market (product positioning) * Can be monitored through perceptual mapping- a visual, spatial display of customer perceptions on devil or more key dimensions * Based on the brand, but also product descriptors, customer support services and image * Includes positioning strategies to strengthen current position, reposition, or reposition the competition * Managing Products and Brands over time * Traditional product life cycle five stages Development a time of no sale gross, negative cash flow and high risk * Introduction time of rising customer awareness, extensive marketing expenditures, and rapidly increasing gross sales revenue * Growth time of rapidly increasing sales revenue, rising profits, market expansion , and increasing numbers of competitors * Maturity time of sales and profit plateaus, a put forward from customer acquisition to customer retention, and strategies aimed at holding or stealing market share * Decline time of persistent sales and profit decreases, attempts to prolong the decline, or strategies aimed at harvesting or divesting the product * Influence by shifts in the market, or actions of the firms within the industry as they constantly reinvent themselves. Chapter 8 * Pricing * Key factor in producing revenue for a firm * Easiest of all marketing variables to change * Important consideration in competitive cognition * Only real means of differentiation in mature markets that are commoditized * Among most complex decisions to be made in developing a marketing plan * Sellers Actions regarding hurt Tend to inflate prices to receive as much as possible in exchange * Consider four issues in position strategy * Costs * Demand * Customer value * Competitors prices * Ha ve increased power over buyers when products are in short supply, high demand, or skinny economic times. * Buyers Actions regarding Price * See prices as being lower than the market reality dictates * Two issues * perceived value * price sensitivity * Considered value to be the ratio of benefits to costs. More bang for the buck * Increased power over sellers when large number of sellers, economy is weak, product information easy to obtain, or price comparisons are easy to make * Cutting prices Viable means of increasing sales, moving excess inventory, or generating short-term cash flow * Based on two general pricing myths * When business is good, a price cut will capture greater market share * When business is bad, a price cute will stimulate sales * Risky because a price cut must be offset by an increase in sales volume to maintain the same level of gross margin * Not always best strategy, maybe build value into the product instead. * Pricing strategy issues * Pricing objectives * Nature of supply and demand in the market * Firms cost structure * Nature of competition and the structure of the industry * Stage of the product life cycle * Firms cost structure Typically associated with pricing through breakeven analysis or cost-plus pricing * Not be the driving force quarter pricing strategy because different firms have different structures * Used to establish a floor to a lower place which prices cannot be set for an extended period of time * Pricing Strategy in Services * Critical as price may be the only cue to quality in advance of the purchase experience * Becomes important and more difficult when * Service quality hard to detect prior to purchase * Costs associated with providing the service are difficult to determine * Customers are unfamiliar with the service process * Brand names are not well established * Customers can perform the service themselves * Service has indisposed defined units of consumption Advertising within a service category is limit ed * Total price of the service experience is difficult to state advance(prenominal) * Often based on yield management systems allowing a firm to both control capacity and demand in order to maximize revenue and capacity utilization * Yield management knowing when and where to raise prices to increase revenue or to lower prices to increase sales volume. * Implemented by constricting the available capacity at certain prices, controlling demand through price changes, and overbooking capacity * Common in services characterized by high refractory costs and low variable costs, like airlines, hotels, rental cars, cruises, etc. Allows firm to offer same basic product to different market segments at different prices * Price elasticity of demand * Customers responsiveness or sensitivity to changes in price * Inelastic amount of money demanded does not respond to price changes * Elastic quantity demanded is sensitive to price changes * Unitary changes in price and demand offset, keeping t otal revenue the same * Not uniform over time and place because demand is not uniform * Price Sensitivity Increases * Substitute products are widely available * Total expenditure is high * Changes in price are noticeable to customers * Price comparison among competing products is easy Price Sensitivity Decreases * Substitute products are not available * Products are highly differentiated from the competition * Customers perceive products as being necessities * Prices of complementary products go down * Customers believe the product is worth the price * Time pressures or purchase risk are involved for consumers * Major base pricing strategies include * Market introduction pricing used of price skimming or penetration pricing when products are frontmost launched into the market * Prestige pricing intentionally setting prices at the top end of all competing products in order to promote an image of exclusivity and superior quality Value-based pricing (EDLP)- setting reasonably low pric es, but still offering high quality products and adequate customer service * Competitive matching- charging what is considered to be the going away rate for the industry * Nonprice strategies- building a marketing program around factors other than price * Strategies for adjusting prices in consumer markets * Promotional discounting putting products on sale * theatrical role pricing comparing the actual selling price to an internal or external reference price * Odd-even pricing setting prices in odd numbers, sort of than in whole, round numbers * Price bundling bringing together two or more complementary products for a single price * Strategies for adjusting prices in business markets Trade discounts reducing prices for certain intermediaries in the supply chain based on the functions that they perform * Discounts and allowances giving buyers price breaks, including discounts for cash, quantity or start discounts, seasonal discounts, or trade allowances for participation in advert ising or sales support programs * Geographic pricing quotes prices based on transportation costs (distance) * Transfer pricing pricing when one unit in an organization sells products to another unit * Barter and countertrade full or partial payments in goods/services/buying agreements rather than in cash * Price discrimination charging different prices to different customers * Dynamic Pricing * Started to replace fixed pricing in many product categories * Growing in importance and popularity due to the growth of online auction firms * Three pricing levels * Opening position * Aspiration price Price limit * Long process, but is most logical and systematic way for two parties that dont initially agree to reach agreement * Legal & honorable Issues of Pricing * Price discrimination different prices to different customers. Illegal unless its basis is the actual cost differences in selling products to one customer relative to another. * Price fixing when two or more competitors collaborat e to set prices at an artificial level * Predatory pricing firm sets prices for a product below the variable cost to drive out competitors or out of the market * Deceptive pricing firm intentionally mislead customers with price promotions.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Mind Styles examined in American Psycho

Desires and fears seem so different, yet are at the root of each other. If you say, l want to be loved, its the same thing as saying Im afraid I wont be loved. Brontes Wuthering Heights and Ford Madox Fords The Good Soldier manage to show how similar want and fear truly are. Wuthering Heights is saturated with desire and fear and the two play off of one another in a way that makes them so homogeneous. Similarly, The Good Soldier draws on the desires of many of the characters and in turn the fears, which encapsulate them.Both Bronte and Ford engage with these deas through the use of character, theme, and in a more generic way narration. Desire is linked most commonly with the romance novel, which is what The Good Soldier and Wuthering heights parti ally allude to. Many scholars classify Wuthering Heights as a gothic novel, even though the story centers around romance and relationships.. Wuthering Heights engages with the concept of desire from its origin pages. Bronte uses Lockwoods desire for sociability or what could be looked upon as companionship, as an early device for a theme that is continued throughout the novel.The opening lines show Lockwoods opinion of Heathcliff .. Mr Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolation between us. A capital fellow He little imagined how my heart warmed towards him when I beheld his black look withdraw so suspiciously under their brows, as I rode up, and when his fingers sheltered themselves, with Jealous resolution, still further in his waistcoat, as I announced my name. (Bronte, 1847,20001) The opening lines of the novel show Lockwood relating his first visit to Wuthering Heights, and his initial meeting with Heathcliff. This extract shows the reader how much Lockwood yearns for companionship.The phrase suitable pair suggests that he and Heathcliff are quite an similar. However we the reader know that this is far from the case. Heathcliffs abrupt and dismissive manner would be enough to deter any individual for want of his company, but this does not seem to perturb Lockwood. Lockwood continues to pay reverence towards Heathcliff coining him as a capital fellow. Taken in its context this phrase suggests that Heathcliff is a first rate person. We net see that in this lonely secluded moor Lockwood seems to overlook Heathcliffs abhorrent nature in favour of his comradery.If we take the less obvious meaning of capital we great deal see that this word applied to Heathcliff is appropriate in the sense of someone who has the desire to acquire capital and Heathcliff is Just that, someone who wants to prolong money and land. Desires in The Good Soldier are similarly expressed through relationships. At the beginning of Dowells narration he states If for nine years I have possess a goodly apple that is rotten at the core and discover its rottenness only in nine years and six months less cardinal days, isnt it true to say that for nine years I possessed a goodly apple?Ford, 191 5,201 029) This quote encapsulates everything that is tlawed witn Dowell Narrating the story in retrospect Dowell is aware of all events that have passed, even if it is only through what he has been told from Edward and Leonora. The fact that Dowell compares the couples relationship to an apple gives one the impression that it is something that will not last for very long. The bright nature of an apple is the couples fapde that Dowell does not wish to destroy.Even after learning of Edwards relationship with Florence he still thinks of him as the English gentleman and has a high opinion of im throughout his narration. Not only is Dowells desire that of stasis but also of nostalgia. He does not wish to think of the couples relationship as rotten but only as it was seen from the outside, unblemished and oblivious. It is ironic that Dowell should describe the couples as four people with the same tastes, with the same desires even though they are polar opposites of one another (Ford, 191 5,2 01029) .Dowell is a passionless individual whereas Florence will go to any lengths to obtain her sexual desires. Edward and Florence share the same desire of adultery and social status. It would seem that both Dowell and Leonora have the same desire to help facilitate their partners secret affairs, although in Dowells case he is completely unaware of it. Ford uses Dowells naivety as a diaphysis for his desire for things to remain as they are. In Wuthering Heights Bronte uses characterisation to build a foundation for a complex array of desires.According to Phillip Hill Desire is label by the use of language and signifiers, and is a lack for something that is missing the object of desire (Hill, 199765). Bronte uses Cathys desire for Heathcliff as one of the main focal points of Nellys narrative. Cathys demand is to establish to her childhood relationship with Heathcliff. Out of this comes her desire to be with Heathcliff. She states he shall never know how I love him because he i s more myself than I am formerly a desire is obtained then it is no longer remains the object of desire another object will become substituted in its place

Monday, May 20, 2019

Integrated Circuit Design

Integrated circuit fig, or IC founding, is a sub locate of electrical engineering and calculator engineering, encompassing the particular logic and circuit normal techniques required to end structured circuits, or ICs. ICs consist of miniaturized electronic components built into an electrical network on a monolithic semiconductor substrate by photolithography. IC excogitate can be divided into the broad categories of digital and analog IC approach pattern. digital IC design is to suffer components such as micro outgrowthors, FPGAs, memories (RAM, ROM, and flash) and digital ASICs.Digital design focuses on reproducible correctness, maximizing circuit density, and placing circuits so that clock and time distinguishs be routed efficiently. Analog IC design withal has specializations in power IC design and RF IC design. Analog IC design is use in the design of op-amps, linear regulators, phase locked loops, oscillators and active filters. Analog design is more concerned w ith the physical science of the semiconductor thingamabobs such as gain, matching, power dissipation, and resistance.Fidelity of analog signal amplification and filtering is normally circumstantial and as a result, analog ICs use larger bea active widgets than digital designs and are usually less dense in circuitry. Modern ICs are enormously complicated. A large chip, as of 2009 has belt up to 1 billion transistors. The rules for what can and cannot be manufactured are also extremely complex. An IC process as of 2006 may well rent more than 600 rules. Furthermore, since the manufacturing process itself is not completely predictable, designers must poster for its statistical nature.The complexity of modern IC design, as well as market prescertain(p) to produce designs rapidly, has led to the extensive use of automated design in any casels in the IC design process. In short, the design of an IC using EDA software is the design, test, and verification of the instructions that the IC is to carry out FundamentalsIntegrated circuit design involves the creation of electronic components, such as transistors, resistors, capacitors and the metallic interconnect of these components onto a piece of semiconductor, typically silicon.A method to isolate the undivided components formed in the substrate is necessary since the substrate silicon is semiconductive and often forms an active region of the individual components. The two common methods are p-n junction isolation and insulator isolation. Attention must be given to power dissipation of transistors and interconnect resistances and current density of the interconnect, contacts and vias since ICs chair very tiny impostures compared to discrete components, where such concerns are less of an issue.Electromigration in metallic interconnect and ESD violate to the tiny components are also of concern. Finally, the physical layout of certain circuit subblocks is typically critical, in order to master the desired s peed of operation, to segregate noisy portions of an IC from quiet portions, to balance the effects of heat genesis across the IC, or to facilitate the placement of connections to circuitry outside the IC. Design stepsA typical IC design hertz involves several steps 1. Feasibility study and die size estimate 2. Functional verification 3. electric circuit/RTL design 4. Circuit/RTL simulation Logic simulation 5. Floorplanning 6. Design review 7. Layout 8. Layout verification 9. Static timing analysis 10. Layout review 11. Design For Test and Automatic test pattern generation12. Design for manufacturability (IC) 13. suppress data preparation 14. Wafer fabrication 15. Die test 16. Packaging 17. Post silicon validation 18. doohickey characterization 19. Tweak (if necessary) 20. Datasheet generation Portable Document Format 21. Ramp up 22. Production 23. wages Analysis / Warranty Analysis Reliability (semiconductor) 24. Failure analysis on any returns 25. Plan for following generat ion chip using ware information if possible Digital designRoughly speaking, digital IC design can be divided into three parts ESL design This step creates the substance abuser useful specification. The user may use a variety of languages and tools to create this description. Examples include a C/C++ model, SystemC, SystemVerilog exertion Level Models, Simulink and MATLAB. RTL design This step converts the user specification (what the user wants the chip to do) into a register channelize level (RTL) description.The RTL describes the exact behavior of the digital circuits on the chip, as well as the interconnections to inputs and outputs. Physical design This step takes the RTL, and a library of available logic render, and creates a chip design. This involves figuring out which gates to use, defining places for them, and wiring them together. Note that the second step, RTL design, is responsible for the chip doing the in good order thing. The third step, physical design, does no t affect the functionality at all (if done correctly) but lay outs how fast the chip operates and how much it personifys.RTL designThis is the hardest part, and the domain of functional verification. The spec may have some terse description, such as en edicts in the MP3 format or implements IEEE floating-point arithmetic. Each of these innocent looking statements expands to hundreds of pages of text, and thousands of lines of computer code. It is extremely thorny to verify that the RTL ordain do the right thing in all the possible cases that the user may throw at it. Many techniques are used, none of them perfect but all of them useful extensive logic simulation, formal methods, hardware emulation, lint-like code checking, and so on.A tiny error here can make the whole chip useless, or worse. The famous Pentium FDIV bug caused the results of a division to be wrong by at most 61 parts per million, in cases that occurred very infrequently. No one even noticed it until the chip ha d been in production for months. Yet Intel was forced to offer to replace, for free, every chip sold until they could fix the bug, at a cost of $475 million (US). Physical design It has been suggested that this article or section be merged with Physical design (electronics). (Discuss) Here are the main steps of physical design.In practice there is not a straightforward progression considerable iteration is required to ensure all objectives are met simultaneously. This is a difficult problem in its own right, called design closure. Floorplanning The RTL of the chip is assigned to gross regions of the chip, input/output (I/O) pins are assigned and large objects (arrays, cores, etc. ) are placed. Logic synthesis The RTL is mapped into a gate-level netlist in the target technology of the chip. Placement The gates in the netlist are assigned to nonoverlapping locations on the die area.Logic/placement cultivation Iterative logical and placement transformations to close performance and power constraints. Clock insertion Clock signal wiring is (commonly, clock trees) introduced into the design. Routing The wires that connect the gates in the netlist are added. Postwiring optimization Performance (timing closure), noise (signal integrity), and outlet (Design for manufacturability) violations are removed. Design for manufacturability The design is modified, where possible, to make it as easy and efficient as possible to produce.This is achieved by adding extra vias or adding dummy metal/diffusion/poly layers wherever possible while complying to the design rules set by the foundry. Final checking Since errors are expensive, time consuming and hard to spot, extensive error checking is the rule, making sure the mapping to logic was done correctly, and checking that the manufacturing rules were followed faithfully. Tapeout and secrete generation the design data is turned into photomasks in mask data preparation.Process cornersProcess corners provide digital designers t he ability to simulate the circuit while accounting for variations in the technology process. Analog designBefore the advent of the microprocessor and software based design tools, analog ICs were designed using run calculations. These ICs were basic circuits, op-amps are one example, usually involving no more than ten transistors and few connections. An iterative trial-and-error process and overengineering of device size was often necessary to achieve a manufacturable IC. Reuse of proven designs allowed more and more more complicated ICs to be built upon prior knowledge.When inexpensive computer processing became available in the 1970s, computer programs were written to simulate circuit designs with greater accuracy than practical by hand calculation. The get-go circuit simulator for analog ICs was called SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuits Emphasis). Computerized circuit simulation tools enable greater IC design complexity than hand calculations can achieve, maki ng the design of analog ASICs practical. The computerized circuit simulators also enable mistakes to be found early in the design cycle before a physical device is fabricated.Additionally, a computerized circuit simulator can implement more sophisticated device models and circuit analysis too tedious for hand calculations, permitting Monte Carlo analysis and process sensitivity analysis to be practical. The effects of parameters such as temperature variation, doping concentration variation and statistical process variations can be simulated easily to determine if an IC design is manufacturable. Overall, computerized circuit simulation enables a higher degree of confidence that the circuit will work as expected upon manufacture.Coping with variabilityA challenge most critical to analog IC design involves the variability of the individual devices built on the semiconductor chip. Unlike board-level circuit design which permits the designer to require devices that have severally been tested and binned according to value, the device values on an IC can change widely which are uncontrollable by the designer. For example, some IC resistors can vary 20% and ? of an integrated BJT can vary from 20 to 100. To add to the design challenge, device properties often vary between each processed semiconductor wafer.Device properties can even vary significantly across each individual IC due to doping gradients. The underlying cause of this variability is that many semiconductor devices are highly irritable to uncontrollable random variances in the process. Slight changes to the amount of diffusion time, uneven doping levels, etc. can have large effects on device properties. Some design techniques used to reduce the effects of the device variation are Using the ratios of resistors, which do match closely, rather than absolute resistor value.Using devices with matched geometrical shapes so they have matched variations. Making devices large so that statistical variations become s an insignificant fraction of the overall device property. Segmenting large devices, such as resistors, into parts and interweaving them to cancel variations. Using common centroid device layout to cancel variations in devices which must match closely (such as the transistor differential pair of an op amp). VendorsThe four largest companiescitation needed selling electronic design automation tools are Synopsys, Cadence, Mentor Graphics, and Magma.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Laughter is the best medicine Essay

Laughter is the Best Medicine. What do you commend of this old saying? To me, it means that a cheerful frame of mind will not cure you, but it will make you think less about your ailments. Did you know that there are a lot of health benefits just from wizard simple laughter? First, just by laughing, you can reduce the level of stress drastically. Secondly, it helps to create a stronger bond between you and the people around you. Not only that, laughter helps to lower the chance of getting health problems. Last but not least, laughter helps to make an individual looks younger, cheerful and attractive. I reckon, sometimes we take life way too seriously. As we grow up, we tend to run through our lives with such a speed that we have no time left to laugh. Is this what you want your life to be analogous to grow old without happiness but diseases?If you are feeling down, laughing aloud may depend impossible. When you see people laughing out loud, you might be thinking Dude, stop be ing so inconsiderate and annoying. But if you are the one that is laughing out loud, you wouldnt think thats the effect because you enjoy laughing too much. Although you probably cant laugh off depression, one of the some(prenominal) benefits of laughter is that they buffer you against the negatives of life that could lead to depression. Laughter comes to be handy especially when you are in the senior years in high school. Take me as an example, 5 internals in a workweek can really kill my mood. That week was as awful as hell. However, I didnt place around being all upset over this instead I looked on a intellectual side and cheered myself up by laughing at the same humour with my friends. Research has proven that people that use humour to get rid of depression will feel less lonely and much positive about themselves. If there is a free natural antidote in front of you just now, why dont you simply give it a try? It may help you to thrust out of the tough times and other hurd les.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Week discussion questions

personally when I complete tasks on my lists I feel a sense of accomplishment and relieve oneself more than than desire to tackle some of the harder tasks on y list. I will begin to impose this while management skill with this class, and carry it over to block 2 through Gateway Community College. 2. design a schedule that has important work, fun activities, and rest. I get so busy with what I hypothesize needs to be done that I forget to include fun things In my schedule. Having fun and enjoying my clip is something that is very important beca subprogram It helps decrease stress.Because I have a four year old who feeds by of my emotions It Is vital that I dont show my stress and that I enjoy my measure with him rather than worrying around what tasks are not getting done. 3. Create a designated study cartridge holder, and stick to It. I plan to implement an hour of study duration each morning and actually hold to It. Every semester I name myself I will study more but I never seem to find the time to and I find myself scrambling at the last minute to cram for the upcoming exam.If I set past time and It Is a part of my dally routine I can avoid all insights the mean solar solar day onward the exam and feel better prepared for whatever It Is I will be doing that day In school. What resources might you have available to use for professional and personal development? I have my education to use for professional and personal development. In school I am learning more than Just the science and theory behind nursing.I am learning how to analyze my thinking and the thinking of others, how to chip in and achieve goals, critical thinking skills that can be used both at work and at home, and how to manage my time wisely. With the program I am In through Gateway Community College and The university of genus Phoenix I am able to network with other nursing professionals and build relationships that I can use as references later or as guidance on what field a nd where I should be face for a Job. I have support from family, friends, and lacerates available to lad In my development.They are there to pull ahead me to keep going when I feel Like Glenn up, and to help me emotionally get through this exacting program. By pointlessness done that I forget to include fun things in my schedule. Having fun and enjoying my time is something that is very important because it helps decrease stress. Because I have a four year old who feeds shoot of my emotions it is vital that I dont show my not getting done. 3. Create a designated study time, and stick to it. I plan to implement an hour of study time each morning and actually hold to it.Every time and it is a part of my daily routine I can avoid all insights the day before the exam and feel better prepared for whatever it is I will be doing that day in school. My time wisely. With the program I am in through Gateway Community College and The University of Phoenix I am able to network with other nu rsing professionals and build relationships that I can use as references later or as guidance on what field and classmates available to aid in my development. They are there to encourage me to keep going when I feel like giving up, and to help me emotionally get through this

Friday, May 17, 2019

Environmental Hazards

Environmental Hazards Environmental hazards consist of cultural, biological, physical, and chemical hazards (Wright, Boorse, 2014). With a wide array of other hazards in each category there is plenty to choose from and makes one wonder why we continue to populate among so many potential hazards. I will be focusing on one fiber of hazard from each category to show what threats there are and a way to combat the threat. sensation example of a cultural hazard is smoking which accounts for over 400,000 deaths each year (Wright, Boorse, 2014).Since smoking is a choice you have control over using It or not. As we progress in spirit and realize that some choices Ilke smoking, affect more than just the smoker. Laws have come into play to limit the rise to power to cigarettes for minors as well as where you are able to smoke. The website no- smoke. org offers detailed information on laws, bands, and regulations in place to help lower and hopefully eliminate smoking hazards in the future. While smoking is unendingly a choice some hazard such as biological cannot always be avoided.As engine room progresses we are better equipped to deal with bacteria and viruses. In spite of these advances In medicine and technology, morbific bacteria, ungi, viruses, protozoan, and worms continue to plague every society (Wright, Boorse, 2014). One such problem responsible for over 3 million deaths in 2008 alone Is acute respiratory infections. (Wright. Boorse, 2014) according to Christine DIMarla and Matthew Solan the immune system of children and former(a) adults are more at risk of getting an acute respiratory Infection (DIMarla & Solan, 2012).They continue to pronounce that most infections are not treatable, but prevention in the form of hand washing, covering your sneezes in your arm or tissue, and avoiding touching your face can be beneficial (DiMarla & Solan, 2012). Some environmental hazards pitch be controlled or prevented and the best example of that comes In the form of physical hazards. Such hazards come In the form of natural disasters including hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, forest fires, earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions (Wright, Boorse 2014).

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Racial Profiling within America’s Criminal Justice System Essay

The criminal justice system of America is deeply scar with racial solidus. Crimes are beingness committed and, in turn, are resulting with innocent lot doing hard-time. Thankfully, new instal methods of benevolent court rulings are finding justice for these minorities however, the results are as shocking as the crimes being committed. When it was found that the majority of successful appeals were of minorities, the true defects of the system was apparent. The minority community is being critic anyy judged for things theyre non doing.Throughout the demise decade jurisprudencemakers have be aiding the racial profiling scene. Arizona legislature passed a law allowing for an officer to demand papers of any soul that proved their legal citizenship. The law, intending to lower the misbranded immigrants in Arizona, became a symbol for racial profiling within our government. President Obama strongly opposed the exhalation of the law saying that it threatened to undermine basic no tions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as puff up as the trust between police and our communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe (Archibold).It is a very rare occasion where the President speaks out about state legislature, proving the enormity of the law and its regards to human being rights in America. The law, dubbed the Show Me Your Papers law, has Arizona residents furious. Faulting person of being illegal, purely base on their display is a very subjective issue. Someone with a last name of Garcia or Rodriquez is much to a greater extent likely to be suspected of being in the country illegally rather than someone with the last name of Smith. Because Smith has a very typically American last name, he, most likely, wouldnt be asked to prove citizenship. This is a perfect example of the kind of profiling that Arizonians are concerned about.Not simply have lawmakers been creating laws supporting racial profiling, but laws such as the Stand your Ground law in Fl orida are allowing for racial profiling to occur under a pseudonym. The Stand your Ground law allows for someone to use deadly force, if needed, in order to protect themselves from harms way. The fresh slayings of teenagers Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis, two African American teenagers, have so far been defended under the law, bringing uproar to the stateespecially among the grim community. Even worse, its considered legal. Families and friends of these children defend them as being upstanding citizens killed due to their race. Although Martin and Davis have not been the only large number shooted under the law, they are the ones bring publicity to it. Due to the media attention, the policys exercise on different racial groups is finally being questioned.John Roman, a senior fellow at the Urban Institutes justice Policy Center, conducted a study intending to measure the racial bias within the policy. Roman focused his study on killings that were considered justified within th e eyes of the court the murder of people that just committed a felony. Roman found that the killings of threatening people by whites were much than likely to be considered justified than the killings of white people by blacks. In non-Stand Your Ground states, whites are 250 part more likely to be found justified in killing a black person than a white person who kills another white person in Stand Your Ground states, that build jumps to 354 percent. (Childress). Romans findings show that even laws that werent aimed to become a racial issue are. The issue, however, is that its not being stopped despite the blatantly obvious ramifications.Some might argue that people of color are being convicted for more crimes than other races because theyre the ones committing more crimes. A valid point, however, with the recent advancement of these races throughout society, it would be thought that these numbers would be heading in opposite directions. In reality, minorities are being served ha rsher consequences than their white counterparts despite their equal standing in society. Michigan State University (MSU) conducted a study revealing that on that point was often racial bias when selecting a juryespecially those involving minority parties. The study conducted by MSU examined jury selection as well as the decisions made by verbalise juries. The MSU study of capital charging and sentencing found that those who kill whites are more likely to get the final stage penalty than those who kill blacks. The MSU study found that a defendant is 2.6 times more likely to get the death penalty if the victim is white. (ACLU).Following the study, North Carolina passed a law entitled the Racial Justice set. This piece of legislature made it possible for inmates to appeal their denounces due to supposed racial profiling. Since the passing of the law last year, there have been 4 successful appeals. The law doesnt guarantee that the whole sentence will be reversed however, it puts in place a system that allows for flaws in the length/ inclementness of the sentence to be readdressed. The passing of the law as well as the MSU study prove that although there are more minorities being charged for crimes, the charges are of ill-willed intentions. In addition to undeserved charges, DNA test has exonerated hundreds of people for crimes in which they were convicted over the past few years. When DNA testing became readily acquirable to the criminal justice system, crucial flaws began to surface.It was realized that people were serving hard-time for felony crimes they didnt commit. University of Virginia Law professor, Brandon Garrett, studied the commencement ceremony 200 people exonerated through said DNA testing. He compared the demographics of the exonerees concluding that Of the innocent group, all male save one71 percent were minorities. The vast majority of exonerated rape convicts (73 percent) were black or Hispanic, while studies show only about 37 percent of rape convicts are minorities. (Wood). These hundreds of people are provide valid evidence supporting that, although people of color are being convicted of more crimes, they are also being cleared of said crimes.Racial ethnicity plays a large factor when it comes to being convicted of a crime. Oftentimes, a person of color is automatically assumed to be more likely of committing a crime than a Caucasian person. People of minority races are being targeted as criminals purely based on their looks rather than their guilt. Laws have been passed both for and against said issue, providing for a government that is facilitating racism. Racial profiling isnt an act that would be thought of as happening in the 21st century, following the Civil Rights reason of the mid 1900s. Despite the advancements in society, Americas criminal justice system hasnt kind of advanced so far.Works CitedArchibold, Randal. Arizona Enacts Stringent Law on ImmigrationNYtimes.com April 23, 2012. Web. New York clockJanuary 30, 2013.Childress, Sarah. Is There Racial Bias in Stand your Ground Law?PBS.org, July 31, 2012. Web. UNC-TVJanuary 30, 2013ACLU. North Carolina Racial Justice ActACLU.org, December 17, 2012. Web. American Civil Liberties UnionJanuary 30, 2013Wood, Mary. Study of First 200 DNA Exonerations Shows damage Criminal System law.virginia.edu, July 23, 2007.Web. University of VirginiaFebruary 2, 2013