
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Democracy and Technology Essay

While technologies such(prenominal) as the use of internet and e-democracy stool make the dissemination of ideas quicker, they have in addition resulted in the increase in a assorts power to manipulate gen terml opinion. The technologies aiding democracy today, such as computers, satellites, radio, telephones and video have undeniably changed the face of modern democracy.What constitute collateral regurgitate outs of these technologies for democracy also in some cases have a pernicious effect on it. While it increases the reach among people and nations, enriching both globe and business communication, it also provides these opportunities to fundamentalists to create rumours and channels individuals or a group of people against democracy.However a little caution such as verifying the news from multiple sources go forth easily reveal these elements and thus the negative influence of misleading a large group of intelligent individuals can be easily curtailed. The rise in lite racy level and the positive trend of e-democracy deepens the serve of democracy and empowers the individuals not only to have a say in the election of their political relation as earlier, but also empowers the citizens to have greater say in the decision making process of the government.With increasing literacy levels, as the citizens become more aware of the power of technology, they will find it easier to organise themselves for pressing on social, economic and political reforms from the government at helm thus ushering a truly democratic era where the citizens role is not only limited to electing their representatives but also to slouch them if they are being found negligent in fulfilling their duties.However for this to snuff it in the future, it should be ensured that technology and their benefits are not limited to a select few in the upper echelons of society and that they are made available to those at the lowest level for complete integration of the battalion to the de mocracy.References Allison, Juliann Emmons. (2002). Technology, development, and democracy. SUNY Press.

Reflection Paper Essay

However, after attending the lectures and tutorials for a few weeks, I started to overhear interest in this course as I learnt a portion out of new things. For example, I am now much cap qualified and positive(p) when it comes to writing a proper academic report, drafting appropriate note replies or even dismantle a blog. With these knowledge, I know that I will be doing much meliorate in my future tense. Despite having to give care about being appointed by my tutor to answer questions, I had funs there. My classmates and I shared, communicated and learnt thereThere was once when my group and I were tasked to analyze a piece of academic writing. I was glad because I piece the skills taught during lessons highly applicable and useful. For example fallacies including red herring, hasty generalization, post hoc etc. Besides that, we were able to learn how to communicate with each other during discussions. I was delighted by my group mates as we were able to tack together good rapport. Now, my group mates are good friends to me as well. some other obvious change in myself is I am now having more confidence when communicating with others. Previously, I was an introvert as I dislike interacting with others because of my low self-esteem. However upon completion of this course, I understood the importance of discourse among people. Communication is able to strengthen bonds among one another. In addition, communication creates better understanding among people and effective communication helps to develop our confidence. Hence, I rely that I am more capable of presenting myself in front of others and I goodly believe that this will help me in developing strong bonding and maintain a good relationship with others in my future interactions.In conclusion, I learnt a lot of things and skills from this course. I know that what I had learnt will be able to assist me in my prospective trouble and future. I gained self-esteem from this course and with that, I app ear to be more confident now. I know that I will be a good speaker, writer and I will be also able to communicate with people effectively as well.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Advance Marketing FINAL Revision

With the current heights competition being witnessed in all industries, companies ar increasingly being faced with sunrise(prenominal) challenges to come up with pertly merchandising strategies that trick tally that they retain or even increase their mart sh ar.To come upon this, companies basin undertake market seek which is a process that involves conclave of infor languorion, recording and analysing the data. This process involves gathering information concerning competitors and customers that exist in the market.Market research is very fundamental in monitoring the companies gross gross revenue and product performance. It besides helps organisations get vital information that helps in expansion to new markets. This helps in determining or forecasting the customers that forget purchase the product. This includes the customers income levels, their location and age among an early(a)(prenominal)sIndustry all overview / caller- step to the foreThis paper go forth exa mine the Audi machine lodge in UK Audi railway car Comp whatever is an old auto bon ton formal way back in 1932, in Germany. The connection has an emblem with 4 rings which is a symbol of amalgamation of four past unaffiliated auto companies that amalgamated in1932 to give way to Audi.These companies were, Audi, Horch, DKW and Wanderer. Today Audi Auto Company is a manufacturer of lovely cars which are sophisticated, beatifically machines that exemplify technological perfection. at that place are plenty of Audi car models some includes, 265PSS3 Quattro, the TT Coupe 2.0 TFSI S Tronic, the A4 2.0 TDI S saloon and many other models which are available on the market. (Audi Auto Company, 2007)Today, Audi Auto Company is an international motor conjunction which its presence in several countries all over the world. It has established branches in many countries including the UK. The fraternitys UK headquarters is in Yeomans drive, Blake lands, the corporation is a division of V olkswagen pigeonholing United Kingdom limited.Audi motto is Vorsprung durch Technik which means technology progress. The company achievement in the auto sedulousness has been establish on the company pith values of creativeness, enthusiasm and commitment towards its goals.The company alike is customer orient and it strives to incorporate the desires of its customers in everything it does. Audi Auto Company endeavours to lead the way d peerless continuous innovation and setting new standards that define auto industry technology. (Audi Auto Company, 2007)Project statementThis research report critically examines and analysis marketing and its influences in contemporary business and with particular regard to Audi Auto Company found in the United Kingdom.This will entail thorough analysis of the marketing policies and strategies that have been adopted by the company, analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that Audi Auto Company undergoes in outline with the ever increasing ambiguity and uncertainty that may come up due to effects of globalization and ever changing business environment.This oeuvre will also critically evaluate the impellingness of this organisation receipt to competition and the gaps that exist in the marketing strategies of the company. This management report will further outline recommendations for new entrant in to the industry and what he should undertake in order to gain in this ever very competitive industry.Pricing matrixPricing of a product is one of the marketing mix aspects and it is very important as it defines the worth of a product. Audi Auto Company has adopted variant set matrix to achieve its object glass of improving the company sales.Methods of setPremium pricingPremium pricing is the use of a high value which indicates uniqueness of the car manufactured and its magnificence. This approach is applied when marketing gilt cars from the company. (Cinchona, 2005)Penetration pricingThe compan y takes up penetrating pricing when introducing it cars to new markets or countries. In this pricing strategy, the bell for the cars can be set to be light than what it is in other countries so as to gain a market share.It includes a low price strategy enables a penetration price which is necessary to allow more cars to sell at first moreover when it catches up, other pricing strategies are adopted. (Cinchona, 2005)Economy pricingThe company also offers it cars on deliverance pricing. In this case, the cost of marketing and manufacturing are kept at a minimum hence becomes a no frills low price for a product such as the cars from this company. (Cinchona, 2005)Other pricing methods are price skimming, mental pricing, product line pricing, optional product price, captive product pricing etc.The terms of access of Audi auto company products in the UK market pricing depends on factors such as the current tax rates in UK and the overall demand rate. (Cinchona, 2005)Distribution cha nnel networkDistribution means a network for reaching out to companys customers. It is important for any company to create well distribution channels that will ensure that the customers are able to get the final product without a visual modality of hustle. Audi Auto Company has an elaborate distribution channel of it vehicles that it manufactures in the UK.The company has dealership with various companies and dealers who market its products. The products are market all over the world the company also have several manufacturing plants in other countries which manufacturers and markets the Audi cars in those countries. Audi Company also has Audi centres, authorized dealers and other group companies which are used as distribution channels. (Audi Auto Company, 2007)Sales networkFor any company to succeed in its marketing it must have a strong sales network which will ensure that the companys products reach the targeted market. A good sales network allows the company to be more effectiv e and reach it customers with easy and on time.It also allows the company to respond to its customers demands and necessitate more effectively as Dr Martin Wintrkorn chairman of the Board of the management of Audi AG underlines in his speech in the 2004. The company has a strong sales network in Britain that which has ensured the companys sales remains at the top.He further notes that due to this strong sales network, the company has managed to steady developing rate over 7% in UK. The sales network of the company includes company auto shop that are located in major(ip) town and places in the country, and mobile units that serve to deliver cars directly to the customer.Cycle lifeThe company takes almost six months to be able to produce a new model on the market, the design department and the engineering departments are snarly in creating new models. A new model is normal based on technology betterment in terms of safety, fuel efficiency.For example, in 1980 Audi manufactured a fo ur wheel car named Quattro which was turbocharged coupe. It took them six months to make headway it from the first generation of S4 to the new generation of S6. General this period mat also vary according to the technological improvement that the company will undertake.Advertising practicesAdvertising is an important marketing tool which is commonly used to market new and existing products. Advertisement process requires huge investments. There are various forms of advertisements media such as television, radio and newspapers, posters and road shows. The company utilizes all the forms mentions above, to improve its sales.Advertisement is important as it creates awareness of the companys products and well as keeping the customers informed. Advertisement is on form of market promotion that the company undertakes to promote its new model on the market. Promotion of new models can be carried out in different forms and the most common one is through product life cycle. (Michael, 1985)Au di has undertaken different promotional activities to ensure that its products are marketed to wide areas. The company has a sponsorship deal with Manchester United a bum club in UK as part of its promotion activities. Audi Company also is the official car dealer of the club, and some players like Wayne Rooney, Rio Ferninard and many more drive around in Audi cars.This highly markets the companys cars. isolated from football the company also is involved in various other sports, giving its support to motor sports and polo game.The company has continued to concentrate on the markets in the UK, as the chairman of Audi Auto Company in UK, Dr. Martin Winterkon pointed out UK market is the biggest for Audi outside Germany and Audi will continue to strive to improve its sales as shown in the last six years. (Audi Auto Company, 2007)The diagram down the stairs explains the cycle which products can behave in the global market when it is introduced to the market. It starts from the introdu ction, growth, maturity and finally the decline when the consumers are fully aware of the products and services and there is no need for further promotions.

How effectively did governments in pre-revolutionary societies deal with social and political unrest?

Governments in pre-revolutionary societies, such as the Autocratic political relations of Russia and chinawarfaree obviously did non turn with social and political fermentation very effectively if they were unable to pointedness the impending revolutions in their individual countries. In each case the absolute majority of the population were looking for changes in the demeanor their governments were ruling their country, scarcely in each case their ideas for a better country were non perceive by their governments which subsequently resulted in vast social and political unrest.such(prenominal) unrest pull downtually led to the downfall of each government trunk due to their inability to subdue the situation. In Russia as with China low an autocratic discover, the vast majority of the population, the peasants and proletariat, were un joyful with the way their governments were treating them. The peasantry in two countries were s eerely poor and much starved. This was not helped by the fact that some(prenominal)(prenominal) countries had very poor weather conditions in the winter months that brought food fruit to a virtual stand still.Peasants often did not own whatever trim down and were forced to work for landlords, who paid very little. Peasants were not happy with the sure situation and wanted land reforms so they could own land for themselves. Unfortunately these pleas went unheard and so led to much discontent and unrest amongst the lower classes in these societies. The tsar of Russia and the Empress of China were seen by the common individual as a god-like deity selected by right of birth to rule the country as they see fit.It was their divine right, and as such this hardened the Tsar and Empress in a social status all of their own, way above anyone else. This could be a reason why they did not even care about the peasants, to them they were nothing. They were too interested in their own problems to business concern about the aff airs of state. Only when their power was threatened did they listen, in Russia it was when the do of Bloody Sunday threatened the image of the Tsar and in China when unvarying attack from westerners threatened to make raft believe that the empress was losing the Mandate of Heaven.In both cases, the resulting reforms put in place by each pattern was a case of too little too late. The effects of their incompetency were too deep rooted by now to be disguise by such minor and insignificant reforms. The Tsar and the Empress were very analogous in the fact that they were both stuck in their old ways. The Tsar of Russia was often much concerned with family affairs than the affairs of state and wished to keep the government system the way it was so that he could pass it on to his son Alexei.What he didnt realise was that by not concerning himself with the affairs of state, he was in effect sealing the fate of autocracy in Russia by causation great discontent in the failing incompet ent government system. alike in China, the Empress resisted western ideas and wished to keep the current system of government. By let western ideas influence the people, they might necessitate realised how ineffective their current government was and wish to change it. This would mean a complete modus vivendi change for the Empress which of course she was not interested in.So in both cases the governments inability to accept change brought about great unrest as the people wanted to modernise, as conditions in other modernised countries were a lot better than their own. The effects of war played a major role in creating unrest in both Russia and China. In Russia, the Tsar had a choice whether or not to continue the wars in which Russia participated but in each case he chose to continue the wars, even though it was obvious that Russia lacked the capability to maintain and supply an army away from home.The choices that he made only created more unrest, which the Tsar did not need. Obv iously, if the Tsar scarcely avoided creating this unrest he wouldnt have had to deal with it, so basically by not creating this unrest is a very effective way of transaction with it, pity the Tsar did not see it this way. Unfortunately in China there was no choice as to what wars could be participated in, they were all in defence. But these wars could have been avoided, especially those with Britain over trade.Chinas unwillingness to change or modernise was a major factor in causing these wars, if it had been more open to western ideas not only could China have avoided war with Britain, it could have been better prepared for wars later on with Japan. Of course this did not happen and Britain defeat China in many Opium wars. Ports were opened up for trade and opium and cheap goods flooded in creating unrest amongst the merchants and peasants. Chinas response was to flesh up its military and try to modernise by sending scholars oversea to learn western ideas.This was like shooting themselves in the foot, many of the scholars became accustom to western ideas and philosophy and concluded that it was more efficient and that for modernisation to come out the whole system of government must be changed. So this was not the best way to deal with unrest, because now there were more educate people with western ideas trying to gain support to change the government. The Tsars half-hearted set out to solve the problems the arose after Bloody Sunday could be credited for pushing the people that bit further into listening to revolutionary ideas that were floating around at the time.The Tsar let the people have a Duma, so that they could have a posit in how the country would be run, but he disbanded two Dumas in the first two weeks of their operation simply because they inappropriate him. Obviously the people did not truly have a say on anything because as soon as they wanted something that the Tsar did not like he simply disregarded it. Going back on his word was per haps the around stupid thing the Tsar ever did, because now the people realised more than ever that the Tsar did not care about anything they had to say, so movements to oust the Tsar grew in popularity.In both Russia and China, the governments trying to come to terms with political and social unrest did not do a very good job. In most cases they actually contributed to the creation of even more unrest than what was originally beingness tried to subdue. By trying to control unrest in their respective countries, the Tsar and Empress helped bring about their own demise, so effectively they did not deal with unrest at all.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Coping with Methuselah

In the culture selection Coping with Methuselah, the authors Aaron and Schwartz work well unneurotic to convey their ideas using all three principles of argument to their readers. Aaron and Schwartz literally bring forth with the principle of ethos in their pass board titled About the Authors which states their professional accomplishments (articles they engage written, major universities they be associated with) individually and together. Immediately this reader is convinced that their noesis base is extensive and they are a reducible source.Eifel it was especially convince for these two colleagues to voice the same arguments to its audience together. There is more spot when two professionals with such expertise are voicing the same concerns. They in like manner use the principle of pathos (probably the most) throughout the reading selection. Some illustrations are the title alone. Coping with Methuselah immediately takes the reader straight to holiness which can bring to the table a large array of emotions.Another example is Aaron and Schwartz asking the reader open ended questions such as Is the age of Methuselah at hand? And if so What does this mean for public indemnity in the U. S. Or the world? This allows the reader to feel in figure of their own thoughts but these questions are rhetorical. They are followed by in signifieration that change your thoughts. The biggest emotional play here was their questions to the audience about if a longanimous refuses the extension of their wan life (has a choice).Would this be considered a form of suicide? Wow Lastly, the authors use the principle of logos throughout the reading selection also. Aside from emotions, a great deal of the audience wants logical justifications as well. They give many ideas to how this will change the costs of accessible Security, Medicare, etc. They suggest to the reader that money, stability and global demographics will be negatively affected.

Ethical Lens Inventory

When it comes to conducting myself as an ethical and prudent student, based on my experiences, my self-knowledge and my readings for this class, I result study the positives of contrary ethical lenses, I come forth behind mother relaxation in when to look at a group of people as a whole or individually, and I go out ensure that I think of myself accountable for those depending on me. I perish behind study the positives of polar ethical lenses so that I plenty be the best that I drive out be. Different situations call for different ethical views.If I throne expand my knowledge of dissimilar ethical lenses then I will be better equipped to handle a wider variety of situations. I have more of a value on sensibility, when there ar times when thinking rationally is for the best. When I am able to point out the rest between when to view a situation as a whole or by the individual, I will increase my dominance in dealing with a larger number of people. I work to focus o n the individual instead of the group. I have to spring up taking a step back at facial expression at at the bigger picture when necessary.When focusing solely on each psyche alone I very easily burn down lose volume of the bigger picture. Sometimes to reach a goal everyone has to be held to the kindred level of responsibility instead of different goals for each singular someone. When I am able to exercise my free will I ply towards walking away when my needs argon met. I have to nail myself liable for making sure all requirements are achieved. I net non leave my associates or fellow students to struggle to have everything completed.I am non only responsible for my part, but also helping everyone else to complete their function of the work. In conclusion, I will determine how the different ethical lenses crumb help me, I will find balance in looking at the immediate needs and the big picture, and I will firebrand certain that I hold myself answerable to those dependin g on me. All of these changes can and will help me to become a more ethically responsible person which would crop me a better, more well-rounded, employee, student, and individual.Ethical Lens recordWhen it comes to conducting myself as an ethical and responsible student, based on my experiences, my self-knowledge and my readings for this class, I will study the positives of different ethical lenses, I will find balance in when to look at a group of people as a whole or individually, and I will ensure that I hold myself accountable for those depending on me. I will study the positives of different ethical lenses so that I can be the best that I can be. Different situations call for different ethical views.If I can expand my knowledge of dissimilar ethical lenses then I will be better equipped to handle a wider variety of situations. I have more of a value on sensibility, when there are times when thinking rationally is for the best. When I am able to find the balance between when to view a situation as a whole or by the individual, I will increase my effectiveness in dealing with a larger number of people. I tilt to focus on the individual instead of the group. I have to send-off taking a step back at looking at the bigger picture when necessary.When focusing solely on each person alone I very easily can lose fold of the bigger picture. Sometimes to reach a goal everyone has to be held to the equivalent level of responsibility instead of different goals for each singular person. When I am able to exercise my free will I disposition towards walking away when my needs are met. I have to hold myself responsible for making sure all requirements are achieved. I cannot leave my associates or fellow students to struggle to have everything completed.I am not only responsible for my part, but also helping everyone else to complete their parcel of land of the work. In conclusion, I will determine how the different ethical lenses can help me, I will find balance in looking at the immediate needs and the big picture, and I will make certain that I hold myself answerable to those depending on me. All of these changes can and will help me to become a more ethically responsible person which would make me a better, more well-rounded, employee, student, and individual.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Money: Bank and Funds

M peerlessy is a fascinating object. The transition of creating money and victimisation money has unendingly gene numberd enthusiasm amongst mankind for over thousands of years. The main reasons for much(prenominal) enthusiasm be built around the dynamics of the above process. rase much fascinating is the fact, that this process is perhaps the except subject that is foxing roughly(prenominal) the pundits and the commoners alike. Such creation the importance of money, any narration regarding the process shall al offices provide enough excitement. Keeping this in view, the section and importance of monetary in marchesediaries is being featured for the benefit of readers.A glimpse of this coverage is provided in the following pages to lead them to a wider coffin nailvas. monetary In circumstanceediaries pecuniary intermediaries scam a vital economic consumption in building economies. World over, in variant economies it is typical to construe that the sources of sp ecie and the uses of silver be not one and the same. This process is likewise so complicatedly structured that while single(a) contributions comprise the major source of currency to the marketplace, the utilization of funds is make by dissimilar orbits in the thriftiness. dandy formation comprising of Savings and enthronization holds the key to this process.In this causal sequence, Savings p place down the role of the initiator. The faculty of an thrift to gene pasture savings depends on the combined abilities of the general humankind and the government. It is here that the monetary system comes into play by converting the savings into amentaceous results. Significance of Financial Intermediation The savings process is facilitated by the financial Intermediaries. In simple terms, financial intermediaries practice the function of facilitating supply of funds to the user of funds, by obtaining the same from the depositors or savers of funds.The term financial inte rmediaries includes distinct institutions like curses, Insurance companies, investing companies, developingal Financial Institutions, Non- swearing Finance Companies, vernacular funds, Pension funds etc. While the role of above institutions is quaint with respect to financial mediation, the functions that be performed by each one of them argon different. In a nutshell, these figures of intermediation revolve around liquidity cast of funds, dangers in loans, and pooling of risks to take advantage of economies of scale.To sum up, the function of financial intermediation has arisen out of the need on the part of savers to reach the investors and the inability of investors to take savers. Developed economical systems may not require the need of fully fledged financial intermediaries, unlike the developing systems. This is out-of-pocket to the fact that the gap amongst the saver and the investor is absolutely minimal. This is referred to as financial disintermediation. Th e process of financial disintermediation is exceed achieved by reducing the apostrophize of funds thereby facilitating direct jacket crown formation, which spurs economic growth.The greatest advantage in this process is the fact that it reduces the clock gap between saving of money and utilization. The process of financial intermediation is alship canal fraught with risks. Risks both for the givers of funds and the takers of funds, be typefaces the risks for financial intermediaries themselves. The risk factor arises in the first place out of the need for the availability of information and in the second place the need for players to be certified of the available information. Consequently, the need for regulations and the role for a regulator are felt.Financial Intermediation in Indian context In India, without exception, a single type of intermediary does not perform the task of financial intermediation. several(predicate) types of financial intermediaries exist and their fu nctions are discussed below. Banks Banks comprise the oldest form of financial intermediaries in India. The Indian financial scene is dotted with a number of banking institutions. either these banks are segregated into heterogeneous categories. This segregation has been done on the cornerstone of their incorporation and the businesses performed by them.Consequently, we go for various kinds of banking institutions. These are i. Commercial banks, ii. regional Rural Banks, iii. Local Area Banks, iv. Co-operative banks. The above mixed bag adverts that banks make believe been shared out chthonic various types depending on the need to achieve the different economic objectives. While making the above classification, geographical factors, need for empyreanal deployment of funds involving apportioning of funds for Agriculture, Industry, and Service sector etc. have been taken into con berthration.However, gradually, the inescapably of industrial sector have befit so huge and c omplex that separate institutions have been set up for farming the industrial sector. Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) Deployment of funds in the Industrial sector is a major challenge. Industrys requirements vary depending upon their short-term and long-term needs. The activities of short-term bestow and long-term lending are separate and specialized functions. After arrangement this finer aspect, the Government of India took initiative to set up specialized institutions for this resolve.For this reason, we find that most of the DFIs such as the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), are statutorily formed. These institutions provide finances for most of the greenfield projects in the Indian economy and have made a significant contribution by air of financing long term projects. It is significant to note here that DFIs have been influenced by the changes in the Indian banking scenario to such an extent that these institutions are conlemplating to become universa l banks. Insurance Companies The path of reformation in the Banking industry has excessively caught up with the other intermediaries as well.In this respect, Insurance industry is witnessing path-breaking changes. In fact, in many countries Insurance companies perform a leading role as financial intermediaries. In India, Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) continues to play a really vital role in mobilizing savings and delivering Insurance, though the industry is experiencing the competition from players both Indian and Foreign. With the entry of banks into the arena of restitution business it is interesting to find the beneficial impact of convergence of banking and restitution business.Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC) The process of Intermediation approximately begins at home, with the household sector. This sector is the staple fiber source of funds for the intermediaries. Such being the important role of the households, NBFCs as independent institutions, have com e into existence to meet their financial requirements. The serve endureed by the NBFCs cater to the whole gamut of needs of the household sector in particular and savers in general. * Emerging Disintermediation in India** With a fast growth in the intermediation process, the need for financial disintermediation at nearly stage cannot be over l sort outed.Realizing fully well that developed systems find lesser need for financial intermediation, in the Indian context the policy reforms aimed at encouraging free market institutions have been moving the financial markets towards disintermediation. The attack of the process of economic liberalization in 1991 has brought about a sea change in the financial markets. The abolition of the office of Controller of Capital Issues (CCI) and the establishment of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in 1992 was done essentially with a view to giving an impetus to the capital markets.The market happenings in 1992-94, did conduct a h ard blow to this mechanism. During the past terzetto years the process of consolidation has begun. Though a reduction in the number of IPOs does suggest to a slackening of the Capital markets, there is likewise a brighter side of investors becoming more(prenominal) suave. Sources of Funds A discussion on financial intermediaries has to begin with the raw material for this activity, i. e. funds. Financial intermediaries are required to put forward funds in recite to fulfill the needs of both fund- base and non fund- ground activities.Considering the various sources and choices available, the financial intermediary considers the following variables in deciding about the ways and means of raising funds. These are Maturity, Cost of funds, Tax implications, Regulatory poser and Market conditions. Maturity is vital since the intermediary has to plan for the repayment of debt. Since investors hold off for returns as against the intermediary looking for good spread and income, Cost o f funds turns out to be crucial.Tax treatment on returns on some of the instruments could be different with certain exemptions Thus, Tax implications are useful for entertain planning for both the intermediary and the saver. The instruments have to fulfill a overplus of rules and regulations which require the knowledge of Regulatory framework. For designing a particular type of instrument knowledge of Market conditions is essential. Different Sources of Funds In gain to providing low-cost funds, the shareholder route is a popular and easy way for the common public to become owners of companies.As the name suggests, the money belongs to the shareholders. Financial institutions have been innovating different methods for raising money from the prospective shareholders. Reserves is another(prenominal) source of funds. Incidentally, it is to be known that some of the Reserves are created statutorily. borrowing by a company is another source of funds for the company, which are repay able with interest. Unlike equity, the funds raised by way of loans are to be repaid. ** **Sources of Funds unique to a Bank The previous classification of sources of funds does not fully explain the avenues for Banks.By virtue of being one of the earliest financial intermediaries, and possibly the most prudent as well, banks have a privileged access to a few more instruments. Considering the fact that different types of financial intermediaries have accessibility to varied types of funds at different rates of interest, it has become necessary for the RBI to lay down norms in this regard. Financial Intermediaries look towards liquidity in the market for enhancing their scope of operations. However, liquidity is a double-edged knife.Excess liquidity or lack of liquidity affects the financial system resulting in either a reduction or an increase in the rate of interest. The cyclical centre is felt by the economy. For hearling liquidity levels in the economy, RBI exercises control d one the mechanisms of CRR and SLR. CRR is the reserve to be hold by banks with the RBI. SLR is the reserve that is maintained by banks for investment in cash, gold or unencumbered authorize securities. Deposits The customers confidence level reflects the strength of a bank. There is no crack way of reflecting the same by any other indicator than Deposits.In the wake of globalization, the avenues for banks for raising funds in the capital market have increased, both in the national and international markets. In terms of value to the Banking system, banks that have a greater deposit base have more value than the banks with a poor deposit base. Banks accept deposits in different ways. Such acceptance could be different in terms of the period, derive, rate of interest and the type of depositor. All the deposit accounts could be classified below Transaction accounts and Non-transaction accounts. The types of accounts that a customer individually, jointly or corporate can have, are varied.Having said that Deposits are an important source of funds for the banks, a banker is wary about the types of deposits. A term deposit is a untroubled source, but the cost is higher than Demand deposits that are low cost funds for the banks. Consequently, the composition of deposits has a direct impact on the positiveness of the bank. Application of Funds The real challenge for the financial intermediaries begins at the very end of the first stage i. e. after mobilization of deposits. The meter most starts ticking from that time onwards since the deposits are to be repaid by the bank to the customer after a certain period with interest.In order to honor this commitment, financial intermediaries use their funds in different ways. Broadly, the purposes under which they are used can be classified under i. loans and advances, ii. investments, iii. unbending assets. Loans Loan is a distinct activity wherein funds are taken from the saver and given to the investor. By nationali zing major banks in 1969 and 1980 Government of India sought-after(a) to direct the utilization of bank funds for socially disired, objectives reflected in precedency sector lending.Priority sector lending includes Agriculture and Small graduated table Industry as focus areas that would foster equitable development of regions and promote employment avenues. Loans can be classified as secured loans and unsecured loans based on the availability of security or otherwise. Investments The best way to earn attractive return on money is by following an Investment strategy. Since banks have to service their borrowings and deposits at a reasonably good rate and put the funds into more profitable use, Investments in securities offer an option, though in many instances, this is a statutory requirement.There are three main reasons for the Banks to invest in government securities. These are (i) in depicted object need arises government securities meet the liquidity requirements of a bank (ii ) it forms a second line of security, for emergency borrowing from RBI, and (iii) for meeting statutory SLR requirements, aimed at protecting the interests of depositor. Banks are also selectively restricted from investing in equity shares. Investments are made in equity shares either through primary issue or by secondary market. Investment initiatives in equity by banks are expected to boost a swag capital market. apart(predicate) from the primary functions of deposit collection and lending, banks also perform treasury operations. The necessity arises out of liquidity compulsions in operations. Banks invest in bonds and debentures as a part of their regular treasury operations and also on behalf of customers. Fixed assets however, constitute a very small amount of investment by banks. The Management of Financial institutions revolves around two basic functions i. the ability of the intermediary to raise funds, and ii. to deploy them. These two activities determine the victual as well as profitability of the intermediaries.Lending Function Apart from the fact that Lending constitutes the major source of income for the bank, the process of lending also depends on the bankers appraisal skills. The banks funds can be applied in two major areas i. e. investments in securities and citation accommodation. In the process, banks essentially look to balance the spreads. Apart from the necessity of complying with the regulatory prescriptions, requirement of profitability virtually forces banks to develop an organized credit deployment mechanism. The credit policy of banks is determined by the demand and supply of loanable funds of banks.Firstly, on the demand side of the economy there are the consumers of goods and services. Secondly, the need for credit comes from the corporate sector in the manufacturing, trading and services sectors. Credit management is a specialized area. This is due to the fact that there are different types of credit, and each type of credit i s characterized by certain unique factors. Loan is a broad term used to explain the different types of credit facilities short/medium term extended in the credit market. The selection of the type of loan by a borrower depends on three factors namely, need for credit, cost factor, and cash decrease requirements.Since a loan has a demand side and supply side as well, loans can be classified accordingly. Demand side loans result be individual loans while Supply side loans can be classified as commercial loans. As in the case of a borrower, for the bank, providing the loans depends on three factors, namely the nature of credit, the type of security and the purpose of loan. Based on these parameters, hike classification of the banks advances is done. Loans are also further classified under secured and unsecured loans. Banks have been providing advances to different sectors of the economy and at the same time providing loans to the needy sectors.The sectoral classification of bank loa ns is made as under i. priority sector, ii. public sector, iii. banking sector, and iv. others. Loan Appraisal and Disbursal preceding appraisal involves an analysis of the market, technology, financial, and managerial skills of borrowing. Once the bank decides to finance, other slender issues are the decisions relating to the mode of financing. Finance is given for land, site development, building, plant and machinery and also for working capital. Banks arrive at the amount of Maximum Permissible Bank Finance (MPBF) through various appraisal methods. **Non-fund Based Services*Non-fund based Services Non-fund based advances in the form of Letters of Credit and Guarantees offer a very attractive proposition to the banker. Since funds disbursement arises precisely on default or the happening or non-happening of an event, bank holds only contingent liability. Payments and clearing operations Clearing and remittences constitute important services under ancillary services. The major r ole of a bank involves mobilizing savings and channelizing them into investments. Complementing these activities are ancillary services of the banks which facilitate the entire payment and resolving power system of financial transactions

Billabong Analysis

Billabong multinational Limited is an Australian based wearing company that imbeded its business in 1980s and leaded planetaryly by means of its franchises and acquisitions. The business is engaged in the selling, distri exactlyion, wholesaling and retailing of app bel, eyewear, accessories, wetsuits and hard goods in the boardsports sector under the Billabong, Element, Von Zipper, Honolua Surf, Kustom, Palmers Surf, Xcel, Tigerlily, Sector 9 and RVCA flaws (Billabongbiz, 2013). The company is headquartered in Queensland, Australia with 6,000 employees and they track down across numerous countries such as Australia, North America, Europe, Japan and the ride out ofthe world.Billabong has emerged a number of sports and youth labels such as RVCA, and Surjection (Billabongbiz, 2013). They continue to expand their brand image by sponsoring promotional events and some of the athletes. The rival brands of Billabong are atomic number 80 and Rip Curl as these companies are iconi c breakers brands. In rear to perform Billabong International Limited effectively, the board of directors are structured into six non-executive directors, two executive directors and the chairman who are responsible for(p) for the shareholders of Billabong. However, due to recent recession, the virgin CEO, Launa Inman, has been appointed.2 Financial AnalysisThe meshability performance of Billabong International Limited is non effective as it is -45.71% in Q2, 2013 (Google Finance, 2013). Similarly, net meshing margin of the company is -50.72% which represents the salary later on subtracting the indirect expenses. Overall profit performance is showing a negative sign and the firm live experienced shrinking sales and rising debts. However, with respect to gross profit margin, it shows a positive figure as it amounts to 50.21% in Q2, 2013.This shows that the profitability after score for the cost of goods sold is good and toweringly effective for the company, but the negat ive net profit implies that the indirect expenses of the company are significantly higher. The plans of the company are to focus on its core brands in the neighboring four historic period, cut manners by 15% and achieve improvement in its supply chain for both the wholesale and retail operations2.1 Identification and rating of Billabongs planetary strategyThe securities industry mix helps a business to experience its sales and finally determine the success or failure of a business. For this reason, it is the most essential element of business when determining a marketing plan. Billabong International Limited makes broad use of the marketing mix in their marketing plan.Billabong International Limited has diversified their increase range not onlyrelated to surfboarding. Their positioning strategy is a high quality, high priced, fashionable product. Billabong exculpates customer satisfaction by awayer quality products that is not vulnerable or ruined easily despite the har sh conditions of many of their products intended uses, such as swimmers, skis and snowboards. Billabong has been successful in making brand images by appealing as an internationally known for professional surfing, and by means of its wave logo and sponsorship of international events.By doing this, it has not only gained international markets, so far it has too become a prestige and status symbol for its fundament market. The product and positioning of Billabongs products is the most important element in its marketing mix as it ensures the long term survival of the company and go on high sales. By meeting customer guide, positioning itself as a well-known and trusted brand with a vast amount of prestige it has ensured that sales remain high.2.1.2 PromotionBillabong uses a strong promotion mix to set off and reinforce its image and product. A combination of an interactive website, promotional magazines and flyers, individualized in store selling and strong public relations thr ough both sponsorship of sporting events and famous athlete using Billabong products pretend generated a strong brand images amongst its industry. Billabongs sponsorship of international sporting events and sporting stars also helps to encourage their brand not only in Australia but also on the international market as well.2.1.3 PriceBillabong uses a competition-based pricing method in which it sets its prices at a similar level to those of its competitors to ensure that their customers leave behind not wish to buy the cheaper products. However, Billabong is awkwardly positioned between Rip Curl and Quicksilver. curiously wetsuits and womens jeans are higher than Quicksilvers. They rarely use to a lower place market value pricing to avoid creating a image of less(prenominal) prestigious products.Surf brands Average price comparison(Source EDITD, 2013)2.1.4 PlaceBillabong uses variant methods to ensure that their product reaches the market place. With stores in more than deo xycytidine monophosphate countries Billabong uses wholesalers to ensure that their products reach the retailers. Billabongs positioning also comes into effect with place as it must ensure that its product cadaver out of discount and department stores and remains only in military capability stores. Because of this Billabong has adopted an exclusive distribution network where the product is only addressable in specialty surf shops.2.2 SWOT AnalysisA business can use a SWOT analysis to decide which marketing strategy to apply.2.3 ongoing Target MarketBillabong is a brand which offers various types of products designed to accommodate various lifestyles. Their extensive product ranges are for surfers, boarders, beach lovers, and the sensible fashion people. correct though it is difficult to identify comprehensive characteristics of this industry, the majority of consumers are males and females who are aged between 14 and 29. (Goldcoast, 2013)According to Australian Business Solut ion (2011), there are an increasing number of casual dress codes at Australian workplaces and social gatherings which has led to a high demand for low-cost and advance(a) suppose at workplaces. Billabongs new casual-line is aiming to meet such demand and targeting office workers.Due to Billabongs sports image, it has been entrenched in consumers mind especially among teenagers and youths. When these consumers modernise older, they will be pleased to see Billabong to provide expanded casual-line offering to meet their new needs. The new product line is a modern, up-scale look but also inexpensive casual dress codes at workplaces. Therefore, it will better resonate with age group 25 to 39 years old who have built careers and gained stronger buying power.2.4 Reasons for Billabongs international expanding uponAustralia has littler population compare to some other regions that place significant restrictions on its radical sales revenue and Billabongs future objectives. Billabong s expansion helped to rising their total sales revenue by over 70% in 2003-04. Increase in sales has also allowed the firm to lower its merchandise cost by achieving economies of scale and lower risks. In 2003, Billabong adapted video conference technology in order to make the communication and permute of ideas across the world for its overseas offices easier.Furthermore, by working in more than 100 countries obtained cushion impacts of the entry of a new competitor and economical cycle into any of their industries. Global expansion supported the extension product life cycle for numerous products and easier access to re bloods and technology.3. Identification and evaluation of the outside(a) milieuTo better understand Billabongs global expansion strategy, both Porters atomic number 23 Forces and a PESTEL analysis will be undertaken.3.1 Porters Five Forces3.1.1 The CompetitionSince 1970s, there was a significant rising popularity of the beach and surfing, and then three majo r companies (Billabong, Quicksilver and Rip Curl) have become a symbolic of surfing. These brands manage to establish strong credibility within surfing subculture and it was also equally expendable by non-surfers who identified with the lifestyle. In the 1990s and 2000s, Billabong started to aggressively pursue international expansion by emerging sports and youth labels such as RVCA and Nixon watches to gain market share. However, in 2012, there was a significant loss of $287m. (Billabongbiz, 2013)3.1.2 unexampled EntrantsThere is still room for a new entrant as the global demand for surfing apparel is expected to remain strong. For instance, Hollister Abercrombie & Fitch started off with a local manufacture that successfully moved into surfing garment and retailing. Moreover, smaller brands like Byron Bay label, Afends has dramatically grown in the go decades by selling itsproducts through independent and online stores. Afrends gained reputations among young surfers and skater s from Australia and California.3.1.3 Suppliers PowerAs Billabong has become an internationally well-known brand, they outsource its manufacturing by using small to mid-sized companies in order to keep economies of scale. Billabong uses Hong Kong as the central sourcing division to provide most of its products to Australia and hot Zealand. These suppliers have no bargaining powers.3.1.4 Consumers PowerDue to the size of Australia population, consumers actually have not enough bargaining power. However, to the global extent, consumers are likely to find other tailors which would provide products that would be cheaper than existing ones.3.1.5 Product SubstitutesAccording to the Urban Market query (UMR) survey, findings indicate that Nike (13%) has overtaken the lead from Billabong (10%) as the best choice for Australias youth. opposite rival brands such as Quicksilver and Rip Curl have also expanded their popularity. Young females prefer disposable fashion with affordable price suc h retailers like Cotton on and Supre. Country way and Colorado would be other substitutes for Billabong, but it has different quality and style compare to Billabong.3.2 Industry Analysis3.3 PESTEL Analysis3.3.1 Political factorsBenefit from the worldwide trade barriers which allowed exportation procedures more than easier for Billabong International Limited to other regions. The rate of import duty lessen from 17.5% in 2005 to 10% in 2010 as the Australian governments maintained responsibility barriers for defending the domestic clothing and manufacturing industry. (Wellers, S., 2007) The announcement of bilateral trade agreements by World Trade Orgainisation(WTO) has affected Billabong International Limited. Since 2005, all Australian businesses indispensable to produce their financial reports to International Financial Reporting Standards. Hence, it makes easier for Australian accounting standards into global practices and cost of implementation was significant.3.3.2 Eco nomic factorsThe growing popularity of surfing and skateboard has been impacted by improvement in standard of living and the consumer outlay power. As Billabong Internationals products are distributed in more than 100 countries and the majority of the revenue is generated by other regions, the firm is continually influenced by fluctuations in currency. Every each year, value of earnings has shown loss when it was inform in Australian dollars. From the global point of view, Billabongs global expansion was encouraged by its high incomes from Asia and South America that enabled to create new markets.3.3.3 Social factorsBillabongs brand awareness has been influenced by the growing popularity of surfing and skateboarding among the broader community. Identifying customer tastes were depends on various types of traditions and cultures. For instance, U.S preferred bright colors products while Australia preferred faded and weather beaten colours. Complications in written material contrac ts with different languages have encouraged the firms ability to consort in global markets. errors on contracts could lead to future conflicts. Difference in oragnisational culture and practices on different regions are their major concerns. For instance, Australia has relaxed working environment while U.S and Japan are more intense. Further, European countries are compel on limiting working hours by governments.3.3.4 Technological factorsCable television and net has attracted millions of new customers in surfing and skateboarding which helped Billabongs products market towards a wider customer base. E-commerce has simplified the logistical and oragnisational difficulties when operating a global business.3.3.5 environmental factorsConsumers pay more attention on environmentally friendly products source of materials, where materials are sourced, and whether production processes have negative impacts on the environment.3.3.6 Legal factorBillabong ensures to protect intellectua l property rights issues such as brand logo, names and trademarks from unauthorized piracy.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Message in Girl in Translation

There al expressions receive with been immigrants since the early years in the United States. The number of immigrants continues to grow throughout periods of time. As in 2006, the number of immigrants is 37. 5 million. After 2000, immigration to the United States numbered approximately 1,000,000 per year. A recent survey by Gallup showed that there are about clxv million adults worldwide named the United States as their top country where they would ilk to migrate permanently (Immigration, Wikipedia).What is the reason why there are such a large number of mass wanting to go to the States, compensate though they are well aware of the difficulties awaiting for them there? Girl in Translation is atomic number 53 of the books that scum bag help to answer the above suspense as it tells the story of Kimberly, an immigrant in the States. Through Kimberly, I lavatory converge that despite many rigorousnesss, an immigrant can still achieve the American ambitiousness of a better life through hard charm, persistency, and determination. Like most of the immigrants, the first difficulty Kimberly and her find encountered in America is the language bar and the culture shock.They arrived from Hong Kong with little English which became a serious puzzle for Kimberly when she started school. On her first day at school, she could non understand what Mr. Bogart was facial expression, he was incensed at the things she did non understand, he thought she was a cheat and gave her a zero (25-27). Kimberly must grant been really afraid and humiliated. Back legal residence at Hong Kong, she had been the top student of her class, she was utilize to receive praise and prizes from her teacher, precisely now, she thought that she was a stupid student with a weight on her heart. The American culture was a far cry contrasting from Kimberlys culture.She was taught to show respect to the teachers by sitting straight with detainment folded behind her backs, standing up when spoken to and addressing Mr. Bogart sir. However, these gestures are not common land in America and they suck upmed to agnise Mr. Bogart think that Kimberly was mocking him. The some otherwise hardship Kimberly and her suffer had to endure in their first years in America was their living condition. They arrived from Hong Kong with nothing but debt. That debt was to no one else other than her aunty Paula. There was a saying Blood is thicker than water, but unfortunately, this saying was not true in Kimberlys case.Her aunt thought that Kimberly and her mother owned her a life debt that could neer been repaid, beca use of goods and services she had brought them to America (256). She gave them an illegal perspective to live. The author described the steering they lived so vividly that filled the readers with emotion. Their flat tire was in a terrible state. It lacked heat and real furniture. The wind can blow through the windows where the windowpanes were missing or cra cked in the pith of New York City winter. They had to live under the same roof with roaches and mice political campaign around. They had to keep the oven on during the winter days as it was their only informant of heat.They had to cover their body with layer and layer of clothes but still, that was not adoring enough. What really helped her family survive that winter was the cloth used to make stuffed animal in the toy factory trash. They wanted to take the warm material home right away but they were afraid of organism late for pass away. It is very emotional when they kept worrying that other people might take it, that it might not be there when they sunk their job. The material, which only was trash to other people, was really a treasure to them, do them laugh with joy.I could not help feeling sad for them when schooling this scene We must have been a funny sight, dressed up at home as tow large stuffed animals, but we didnt have the luxury of minding. Since then, I have w ondered if we would have survived the winter without that endowment from the gods. The material was heavy and carpet wish, not having been intended as wearable, and when I slept under our new blankets, I woke with my limbs aching from the weight. However, at least they cover our entire bodies at once, unlike the piles of clothes wed used in the past, and they were warm (77).To earn a living, Kimberly and her mother worked at the clothing factory managed by Aunt Paulas husband. Due to the authors superb description technique, readers can imagine and have a give image of the factory and feel the need and desperation from the people who work there. The immigrants were working in an unhealthy environment, they are always covered with worn spot and fabric dust, they were deafened by the roar of a hundred vocalist sewing machines. They had to tab all night when there was a lading going out. They were paid 1 to 2 cents a piece, which is illegal.There were other children like Kimberl y working at the factory, they all hoped to help their parents finish their work before and earn some more money. Some of these children would finally end up replacing their parents to work in the factory while their children, like them, would bob up to help. It was the circle of the factory life that many immigrants could not escape. Kimberlys mother did not want this to happen to her child, she said to Kimberly Most people never leave this life. Its probably too late for me. My days of universe a refined music teacher are over.Thats what a parent is for, to do whatever is necessary to give her child a good life. But you, dont forget you were the smartest student our firsthand school in Hong Kong had ever seen. Nothing can transmute how splendid you are, whether your current teacher knows it or not. Most important, nobody can change who you are, except for you (48). Then, Kimberly said Im going to get us both out of here, Ma, I promise. (48) She had a great rely to hold ba ck her mother and she from this miserable life filled with backbreaking labor. She decided to use her talent for school to make that dream come true.First of all, she needed to thoroughgoing(a) her English. Therefore, she bought a dictionary, which cost a fortune, and try to memorize all the words. She borrowed books from the library, began with the embarrassingly thin ones for little kids (86). She was good at math and cognition but she had to struggle with other subjects that contained too much English. While the other kids in her class were giving up when they had trouble with Mr. Bogart, Kimberly tried harder at school because she wanted the accomplishment of a top student once again as well as she realized that development was the only way to escape the factory life.Her hard work resulted in her scholarship to Harrison school, where she could bring out her learning ability to the fullest. And finally, she was given a full scholarship to Yale. Kimberly was a strong girl. T his side of her personality was proven when she fought Luke, the bully in the sixth grade. She did not run, instead she strengthened her mindset by thinking that her stem was one of the greatest warriors and so was she. Besides, she thought that if she did not solve this problem right away, it would follow her day after day (90-91). This was exactly the way she fought against her situation.She did not run from it and give up. She would go to school and tried to be an exceptional student, regardless of her weak English and being out of lieu with other students. Then she would go to work at the factory and do her homework at night. Kimberly was very tolerant to these hardships. There is no achievement without any sacrifice. Kimberlys greatest sacrifice was giving up matted and raised their son alone. It was selfish of her when depriving her son of the right of knowing his father. However, I cannot blame her. Matt could have been a block to her success as he did not share Kimberly s ambition for a brighter future.Matt told Kimberly to stay in China town and not go to Yale. Matt was ancient and he thought that the man was the person to support the family, not the other way round. He just cared about the present when he and Kimberly were skilful and that was enough (266-67). Matt said Kimberly, my climbing cant deliberate your heights (226). Matt seemed tough on the outside but he lacked the fighting spirit, the willpower to fight against his situation. He accepted his life in China town even though it is a not very good living condition. He already gave up school to work full time.Matt could not look far into the future he did not have Kimberlys ambition for a better future and her desire to get out of their poor life. Through Matt and Kimberly, readers can see that while many immigrants are caught up in the challenges of cultural and monetary difficulties of life, the one that are able to get out of their situations is achieved through education and hard work. Kimberly took a better choice of working toward her long-termed goal. She sacrificed her love, and was able to bounce back that through determination and great willpower for the hope of building a better future and getting out of her current situation.Girl in interpretation is a typical story of an immigrant. Just like Kimberly, many immigrants have a great desire to become successful, as they know how it is to live in poverty. As long as they work hard and have determination, they can make that dream come true as America is the land of opportunity. Education was the way Kimberly chose to get out of the hardship. The other immigrants can also choose this way to become success since America has one of the best education systems in the world.

Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

Yaroslav GromovIn present clock time, the question virtu whollyy sustainable utilization of natural resources has become unfeignedly of aftermath all over the founding. Peoples start to recognize that nature after part non supply much resources that it has, and that the natural resources consumed a batch. Therefore, there should be found a agency how to work fall out this peculiar job zip crisis.Consequently, we should reply the inquiry if the widespread of renewable force is as sober option to the usage of fogey fuels or non. There is no right reply to this inquiry, merely if we decidedly want to state yes or no , it provide be better to burdening up the pro at Contra. So allow us happen out the causes why renewable postcode is a serious option to the fogey fuels.First of all, fossil fuels atomic number 18 non-renewable. Natural gas, combust and oil atomic number 18 the close to common illustration of fossil fuels, and they are the three chief types of fu el that people largely use and imagine on. Seitz ( 2008 ) states that according to many analysts the universe would non run out of oil, but in a few decennaries deficits pass on go prevailing .Harmonizing to the zilch development Agency, about 93 % of the universe s energy beginnings are fossil fuels, and renewable energy is merely approximately 7 % . ( 2, 2008 ) Besides venting fossil fuels creates C dioxide, which is the nursery gas that leads to planetary heating and earnestly amendss our planet.Second, renewable energy beginnings, such as hydropower energy, solar energy and range energy are renewable, efficient and non-polluting or doing small pollution. They are transparent all you need is sunlight, running H2O and blowing ship current.Last, spread snap the usage of renewable energy will hold a autocratic involve on employment, harmonizing to more than a twelve independent surveies analysing the impact of clean energy on the economic system.Greater trust on renewabl e energy would hold big, positive impacts on economic system, make consequential Numberss of new occupations, driving major capital investing, stabilising energy m hotshottary values, and cut imbibe consumer costs. ( Flavin C. 2006, p.10 ) . By contrast, employment in the dodo fuel industries has been in steady diminution for decennaries, in big musical note due to turning mechanization of coal excavation and other procedures. ( Flavin C. 2006, p.10 ) .As these three types of renewable energy were menti superstard allow us discourse them more specific.Hydropower energy is the most developed engineering for renewable energy. The chief control that this type of energy has is that it plunder be use in utile country. For illustration, benefits of hydropower are deluging control, irrigation and public H2O supplies. ( 6 ) Hydropower energy is normally generated mannikin falling H2O, doing small pollution and it is a type of clean energy. Hydropower resources are normally divided into two chief kinds.As it is menti sensationd, the first class is resources that require semisynthetic dike verbalism with high hydraulic caputs the second 1 is a run-of-river system that require minimal dike construction and with low hydraulic caputs. ( 4, 2000, p.44-45 ).Similarly, knowledge domain Bank ( 2004 ) believes that hydropower can play important function in poorness decrease in developing states . In add-on, World Bank ( 2004 ) besides claims that currently about 19 per centum of the universe s electricity is produced from hydropower and that the nursery gas emanations from most hydropower workss are relatively low .It is besides of import to burden the facts about advantages and disadvantages of hydropower energy. On the one manus, hydropower is a clean energy beginning. It does non foul the air like fossil fuels do. ( 6 )Hydropower plays a major function in cut downing nursery gas emanations. The maintain cost is comparatively low. It is renewable. The enginee ring is dependable and proven over clip. ( 7 ) . On the other manus, if H2O is non available, the hydropower workss will non bring forth electricity. ( 6 ) USGS ( 7 ) studies that hydropower energy is non perfect and has somewhat disadvantages. For illustration, high investing cost, flood of land and wildlife home ground, alterations in root and watercourse H2O quality, supplanting of local populations .Solar energy is the second type of renewable energy that was mentioned in this essay. Solar energy is the second most common type of renewable energy. Basically solar energy is the energy of Sun. It helps us to last on our planet, it heats us, it makes 3s turn up, and, largely eitherthing on our planet depends on solar energy. It is possible that our current life can non go on if we remain economically dependent on fossil fuels , as Hermann s ( 2004, p.4 ) claims, but as for me, we can non foretell the future tense and we do non cognize what will go on tomorrow. So Hermann cla ims that something is marvellous to happen./p & gt It is non so easy to speak about advantages and disadvantages of solar energy. public lecture about advantages of solar energy it is necessary to advert some of them. First, solar cells can be used about any topographic shoot around the universe. Second, solar cells soundless and non-polluting. In add-on, they require small vex and have log life-time.Finally, solar cells can be easy used in topographic points where there is no chief electricity. Now let us travel on to the disadvantages of solar energy. The chief and most of import disadvantage is initial cost. Last, solar cells are wholly depends on conditions, and can be used merely during daytime and sun hours. It is because the lone clip when cells can bring forth electricity. ( 9 )The last and perchance most provoke type of renewable energy is wind energy. There is an interesting point about air current energy. Wind is a mannikin of solar energy it is caused by the warmi ng of the ambiance by the Sun, the orbitual motion of the Earth, and the Earth s surface abnormalities ( 11 ) . Seitz ( 2008, 141 ) studies that wind as an energy beginning was by and large used for power every bit good as for the chilling houses, adding that air current energy beginning started to derive regard all around the universe. In juvenile old ages the widespread of air current energy has been highly rapid, but, for illustration, despite that rapid growing, weave energy amounted to less than 1 % of U.S. electricity genesis ( 10, p.15 ) .But as any other type of energy air current energy besides has advantages and disadvantages. Harmonizing to the Committee on environmental Impacts one of the advantages is that wind energy has the possible to cut down environmental impacts, because it does non imitate in the coevals of atmospheric contaminations or thermic pollution ( 10, p.15 ) . some other good point about air current energy is that it is one of lowest-priced rene wable energy available today ( 11 ) .In closing there is a really serious inquiry if the widespread of renewable energy is as serious option to the usage of fossil fuels or non. Three chief types of renewable energy were considered. So there is a opportunity in the nearest hereafter that renewable energy beginnings will to the full displace fossil fuels. It may go on, but non really shortly and likely merely when there is nil to pull out or mine. Now both renewable and non-renewable energy will be used at the same time. Peoples are non ready yet to forsake fossil fuels, and are non ready for passing immense sum of bills for renewable energy.Christopher Flavin. ( 2006, September ) . American Energy. The Renewable Way to Energy Security. Worldwatch Institute.Energy development disposal. Renewable Energy Consumption and Electricity Preliminary Statistics 2008. hypertext transfer protocol //www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/alternate/page/renew_energy_consump/rea_prereport.htmlJohn L. Seitz. ( 2008 ) . Global issues an debut. Blackwell Printing Ltd.Committee on Programmatic Review of the U. S. plane section of Energy s Office of Power Technologies. ( 2000 ) . Renewable Power Pathways A Review of the U. S. Department of Energy s Renewable Energy Programs. home(a) Academic Press.World Bank Staff. ( 2004 ) . Water Resources Sector Strategy Strategic Directions for World Bank Engagement. World Bank Publications.U.S. Department Of Energy. Energy efficiency and renewable energy. Advantages and disadvantages of Hydropower. hypertext transfer protocol //www1.eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/hydro_ad.htmlUSGS ( U.S. Geological Survey ) . Water usage hydro electronic power. hypertext transfer protocol //ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/wuhy.htmlScheer, Hermann. ( 2004 ) . Solar Economy Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Global Future. Earthscan Publications Ltd.Bristol University. Advantages of solar energy. hypertext transfer protocol //www.chm.bris.ac.uk/webprojects2003/ledlie/advantages_of _solar_energy.htmCommittee on Environmental Impacts of Wind Energy Projects. National Research Council. ( 2007 ) . National Academies PressU.S. Department Of Energy. Energy efficiency and renewable energy. Advantages and disadvantages of Wind Energy. hypertext transfer protocol //www1.eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/wind_ad.html

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Why was the recovery of the Weimar Republic from 1924 to 1929 not actually a great success?

There were many ship canal in which there were problems and the reco genuinely was not really all it seemed to be, historiographer R. Bessel put it nicely, saying that Weimars golden years rested on shaky foundations. Firstly, although there were economic advances there were still problems. There was much inequality in society and rough groups benefited a lot more than than others. Big businesses and landowners gained a lot during this time but peasant farmers, who started overproducing, and some sections of the middle class, e.g. small shop keepers, lost out. Moreover, unemployment rose from 4% in 1923 to 8.2% in 1929. This left some people feeling that the government was not doing enough for them. On the other hand, some employers said that welfare benefits for the hapless should be cut as taxes were too high.Another big underlie problem with this economic recovery was that it was largely as a top of the Dawes Plan i.e. a loan from America. This over-reliance on foreign aid is very dangerous and risky because if something suddenly goes wrong and America called in its loans it could deal disastrous effects on Germany.The politics of Germany was still not in a great state either. In this menses the chancellor changed 4 times and no single political party ever got a majority. This caused an crank government and one that could not make quick decisive decisions as each party had its own view. The parties only managed to stay in merger because of the actions of their leaders. In fact, Gustav Stolper a DDP Reichstag member said that There are no government parties, only opposition parties.Another political problem was that a considerable amount of votes were still going to parties who were opposed to the Republic much(prenominal) as the Communist party, DNVP (German National Peoples Party) and the Nazis e.g. in 1928, 23% of the MPs elected were from either the Communists of Nazis. In this period the Nazis also managed to set themselves up as a respectab le party and Hitler was still working hard to gain support.Stresemanns foreign insurance policy and his attempts to form friendlier relations made some Germans, especially the Nationalists, see him as weak because he was not standing up for Germanys rights eon

Why Study Organizations?

In order to set an essay question, prototypic of all in all, we pauperism to understand what is mingyt by the call governing from the sociological point of view. Then we indispensableness to understand what role giving medications atomic number 18 playing in our life and why it is essential to convey them. As we weed imagine, there atomic number 18 different casefuls of brass instruments. All of them cede their accept structure and purpose. In this essay I would like to focus on business administrations how they appe atomic number 18d and developed how employees relations were changing, and so onI would like to invent the specific attention to such(prenominal) department as compassionate imaging Management how this term appeared and why it is so important nowadays. So, why do we arrangeually need to matter organizations? This question, from my point of view, has a very lucky and obvious answer we need to study organizations for the same reason we study the world around us. We are intelligent and curious wad. We always need an explanation of what is happening, how the things are moveing, and what place do we take among other people.Organizations are the huge part of our modern daily life we either study or work for them, or we are obtaining goods and services from them. We are interacting with organizations all the time, so it is not surprising, that we require to study them and it does not matter if you are a manager or consumer you are still involved in it and you want to be aware of what is happening around you. What is organization? In sociology term organization has a very general meaning. This is basically a structure for carrying out a particular complaisant activity on a regular basis (Fulcher and Scott, 2009 p. 542).All the organizations have such features as specific goal, defined membership, rules of deportment, and authority relationships. This is also important to mention, that all organizations have the characteris tic of continuity. This means that personnel understructure be changing, but the organization go out still exist. There is no clear definition of what kindly units come into the category of organizations. Some of them are easy to define, other will bring us some difficulties. For instance, business corporations, schools, infirmarys, trade unions are emphatically organizations, as they all have the characteristics menti one and only(a)d before.On the other hand, communities, social groups, and variance are not organizations, as they do not have rules of behaviour or specific goals. The problem can occur, when we come across the term institution. The initial thing we need to understand here is that organization is not an institution. Institution is an established practice that regulate the various activities that substantiate up social life (Fulcher and Scott, 2009 p. 543). The most(prenominal) common examples of institutions in daily life are weddings and funerals. Although, these are two different terms, there is one class of organizations which is called total institution.Most of the organizations leave people with their separate cloak-and-dagger lives, but it is not the case with total institution. It is characterised by such features as disappearance of private life, planned and supervised activities, sharp division between staff and inmates, the mortification of the self. The biggest examples of the total institution are mental hospital and prison, where people are isolated from the outside world and society. Now we crawl in what defines organizations, but we still did not get to the point why do we need to study them.From my point of view, it is essential to look at the historical background of organizations. We need to understand how they were appearing and developing trough the time, in order to understand how they are functioning nowadays. In this essay I have decided to look specifically at one type of organizations business corporations. Weber (1914) verbalize that modern society is distinguished from the antecedent one by the appearance of the multiplicity of administrative tasks and the need to expertness and carry them. He called it the increasing complexity of civilization.Weber said that this phenomenon is throwd by growing size of organizations, great wealth and increasing social problems. If we would refer to the history of organizations, we can see the significant transports in structure, polices, employee relations, values, etc. The first interest in organizations appeared in the 19th century, which was driven by industrialization. Industrial revolution was caused by development of technologies, which completely changed the structure of most of the organizations, and lead to the transformation of society.The introduction of manufacturing process completely changed the employment relations. elucidate was the key feature of the new organization, as it helped to control and organize people to a greater extent(prenominal) effectively this lead to the process of bureaucratization. New industrialists were looking for the moneymaking production. In order to achieve it, they indispensable punctuality and uninterrupted work during fixed hours from their employees. These targets were achieved by bureaucratisation, which was central to the administrative revolution. These rganizations were passing rational, they functioned in a discipline and unemotional manner, their activities were calculated, systematic and predictable. This barbel helped the manufacturers maximize the return on their capital. This new manufacturing process was the beginning of the new era of employment relations. bureaucratism is a systematic approach all the workers had their duties and were gainful respectively. But, as numerous other theories, this system did not work so smooth in the real life, as it seemed on paper. Employers main(prenominal) purpose was to increase the profit, in order to do so, they wer e underpaying their employees.At the beginning people were happy ripe to have jobs, but the time passed and workers started to understand and fight for their human rights. This slip caused the appearance of the new type of organizations called trade unions. Trade union is an organization of workers, who tied together in order to achieve better working conditions. It is suggested that the origins of trade unions lay in the failure of the early Factory act to protect children and women at the work place as a egress many began to work together, forming unions to agitate for change in the law and greater respect for the workers (BBC).As we can see, relationships between employers and workers were getting more and more complicated. In order to keep companys profitability, employers had to meet workers conditions this brought the destiny of new management approach, which was called scientific or personnel management. This approach was first introduced by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the late 19th century. Personnel Management was an administrative record-keeping function it attempted to maintain fair terms and conditions for employees. This was the beginning of the employee relations.Its main idea was to pay people for their productivity, the new reward system was introduced. In other words people were paid for the amount of time they worked and for the measure of items they produced. This was the beginning of new era of management. Lately Personnel Management evolved into the Human mental imagery Management, it was again caused by the employees unsatisfied demands. population were paid properly, but it was not enough anymore. Workers were tired of being treated as machines, they were demanding for more personal attitude. It was the time when Human Resource Management was introduced.It was concern with carrying out the same functional activities traditionally performed by the personnel function, such as recruitment and selection, training and development, pe rformance management, etc. But HRM approach was looking at employees from the point of view, that they are the main organizational assets. It was seek to achieve the free-enterprise(a) advantage trough the strategic development of highly committed and capable work force. In other words, employers were trying to bring about the comfortable and friendly working environment, in order to keep the outflank employees in the company.As we can see from the historical background, there were long changes in the organizational structure and these changes appeared in a relatively gauzy amount of time. We are living in the world of progress, where everything is developing so fast, that it is sometimes very hard to catch up. By everything I mean every aspect of our lives technologies, government, countries, and of course people. People is the most important cause of all these changes organization, on the first place, is all about its employees without them it wouldnt exist. view about pers onal development, I would like to mention Maslow Hierarchy of needs This pyramid clearly explains how workers needs were changing through the time first of all they needed job to earn money for living when they got it they needed to be secure that their income would be stable (Trade Unions appear) then they needed to ascertain comfortable in their working environment (Personnel Management) the top two requirements hire the personal recognition and the opportunity for development (this is what HRM is dealing with).Summarising everything said above, we can finally try to answer the question Why do we need to study organizations? Organizations are imprescriptible part of our life we are dealing with them a lot in any aspect of our lives. We all study at the University at the moment, which means we are all part of this organization. In the future we are going to find the job and, most likely nowadays, going to be the part of another organization. As we can see, we cannot avoid this component of our life. As the Latin saying claims Forewarned, forearmed.Studying organisations gives us an opportunity to know more about the world we live in, to know our lives and grab our chances. As we can see from the history. It was people, who changed the structure of organizations simple workers, who was looking for better life. The world has changed a lot and it keeps on changing. Organizations nowadays have to be more conciliative and open-minded, in order to attract the best human assets and remain competitive enormous amounts of money are spent on the Human Resource Development.There is prediction that the relationship that individuals will have with organizations will change there were no longer be fixed working lives. People still need to earn money, but they do not want to be tied up with their jobs. Humanity is developing, we are having different demands and priorities from our predecessors. To go with the times, we need to study the society we live in, and organi zations is one of its biggest and important separate nowadays.References1. BBC/Learning zone Broad Band. Why Did the Trade Unions Come slightly? Available at http//www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/why-did-the-trade-unions-come-about/11082.html Accessed 20/03/2011 2. Bratton, J. & Gold, J. (2007) Human Resource Management possibleness & Practice (4th edition). Palgrave Macmillan Basingstoke. 3. Clegg, S. and Hardy, C. (1999), Studying Organizations Theory and Method. capital of the United Kingdom Sage. 4. Clegg, S. Kornberger, M. and Pitsis, T. (2008) Managing and Organizations An Introduction to Theory and Practice. London Sage. 5. Fulcher, J. and Scott, J. (2009) Sociology (OUP, 3rd edition). Oxford University Press. 6. Giddens, Anthony. (2009) Sociology (6th edition). Cambridge Polity Press. 7. Storey, J. (1995), Human Resource Management. London Routledge.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Drover’s Wife Reflection Essay

The Drovers Wife, whose writer is Henry Lawson, portrays a bushwoman who was left to live in a small house with quartette children and one ophidian-dog while her husband was away droving. One day, when a serpent entered the house, her house-dog, her son, Tommy, and she tried to kill it, but it disappeared into the cracks. While sitting, sewing and watching for the snake all night, she thought of her past hard times such as droughts, floods, bulls, drunken man and swagman. Finally, when dawn approached, the snake came out it was killed and burnt.The drovers wife is the character whom I am interested in the roughly due to a few reasons. Firstly, she is a responsible wife and a protective mother for instance, to maintain the properties her husband had earned for years, she struggled to dig an fountain gutter in a rainstorm, which was too hard for a woman. Also, she protected her children from danger by spending all night guarding them carefully. Lastly, she is brave contempt risk s, she went into the flames just to save her baby. I think if other people baptismal font this situation, they might do nothing besides weeping.After reading this story, I have gained an important experience which is that woman, herself, has to be independent and responsible because sprightliness in society is complicated as she might encounter more difficulties and cannot always depend on other people or men. As can be seen, although the bonny drovers wife was left with four children and had to deal with the hardships of life, she independently strived to protect herself and children and overcame each challenge.Although the story is short, it has captured more or less all my attention and has provided many useful tips for livings thus, I would strongly win my friends to read it in order to let them perceive the precious experiences and cultivate their personal growth.

Global war wine Essay

The world-wide fuddle industry is being influenced by a number of factors including consumer invite and changes in the way wine is produced and sold. There has been a shift in the perception of wine in the past half-century as consumers and producers have migrated out-of-door from the Old World philosophies to the modern-thinking the mod World has brought about. By the 1990s the honest consumers palate changed especially here in the U. S. where consumers were more bright to look for the premium ($7-14) and super-premium ($14+) wines.By this time, there was a bewilder in consumption in countries that traditionally consumed a great heap (France, Italy, Spain, Argentina, and Chile) while demand in other countries increased (U. K. , Canada, Belgium, and some Asian countries). Wine consumption was now becoming truly global and New World producers had the means to handle demand. Shipping overseas was now a cost-effective way to transport wine around the globe allowing consumers dismantle more choices of quality wines. Therefore, one of the most important factors in how the wine industry is changing is in the education of the wine consumer.And consumers now heap look at a bottle of wine and tell the instance of wine and the region they came from a great with the date bottled. 2. How did the cut become the plethoric competitors in the increasingly global wine industry for centuries? What sources of competitive expediency were they able to develop to musical accompaniment their exports? Where were they vulnerable? French wine producers became the preponderating competitor as a result of four reasons. First, their geographic and climatical featuresplayed significant role.As France is in the middle of Europe culture with sufficient climate and soilcondition for harvesting grape, had accrued first-mover advantage and established its place as thedominant competitor in the global wine industry. Second, they became the first high-quality winemarket and gai ned a fate experience. Especially, the negociantstraded wine between France and othercountries and this worked as word-of-mouth effect, increasing the reputation and laterality of Frenchwine. Third, they used the latest innovations such as mass production of sparkler bottles, the use of cork stoppers and pasteurization.These innovations increased the stability and longevity of wine whichallowed the conveying of wine to distant places, and birth of global wine market. Lastly, the government support made significant effect on the reputation and improvement of French wineindustry. The sources of competitive advantage that they were able to develop to support their exports is to keen to experiment and tradition in the production of wine (strongly tight to the French culture), nice and historical talent and expertise in wine making and tumefy located as to the high demand markets such as England,..The main(prenominal) vulnerable aspects of French wine industry were highly fragmen ted vineyard and wine production, increasing vineyard prices per acre, complex distribution and sales system, long multilevel value chain, risk of bad weather and disease and curt roads and complex toll and tax system. Also, they lack of rational assessment of their place comparing to other countries and they do not have some(prenominal) marketing plan or strategy.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Analysis of Robert Hayden’s poem “Those Winter Sundays” Essay

In Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden the story between the verbaliser and the tiro embraces the ideas of unseen go to sleep and the talkers regret. The poem is a result of the speakers reflection on his or her olden experiences with his or her pay back. Hayden shows every(prenominal) the atomic things the buzz off does, and how the speaker takes it for granted that the father righteous kind of did those things. Looking back, the speaker has immediately realized and understands what the father really had gone finished for him. The descriptions Hayden uses expresses to the reader both the love of the father and the regret from the speakers reflection.Hayden goes into detailed explanations of examples of the fathers devoted love. His love isnt sh possess through hugs and kisses, provided through caring short things that bring happiness to the speakers day. This happiness can be seen by the regret the speaker shows when he says things like, No one eer thanked him(5). T he fathers devotion is seen in lines 3-5, with cracked hands that ached from bray in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze(3-5). It is evident that the father, regardless of his own cares, makes the effort on those winter Sundays to try to make things a little easier for the speaker. Unseen by the speaker, the loving father has gotten up early and brought heat into their home, and into the speakers day. Also, in line 12, and polished my good dress as well(12), the feeling once again is presented of this father doing all he can to take care of the speaker, and show his love through his actions.This unseen love can also be noticed in the speakers thoughts. This poem is a reflection of his or her regret for not having been to a greater extent thankful towards this man who cared so much for him or her. Once again line 5 shows us just how dreary the speaker was, No one ever thanked him(5). The use of the exaggerative invent, ever, just shows how now the speaker has realized hi s folly and regrets not being more loving towards the father in turn. Also, in line 10 the word indifferently further points out the speakers realization. In the indorsement to last line What did I know, What did I know(13), it seems like the speaker is almost scolding himself for this indifference. This line also especially exemplifies the speakers regrets. It almost seems like theyre are wailing over the occurrence that they had notbeen more loving because of the repetition of the question.So, the unseen love of the speaker is not present at present in the poems text, but can be felt through further analyzation of the poem as one full of regret. Maybe the speaker had not realized this love do to the leave out of communication between himself and the father. Line 9, fearing the chronic angers of that rear(9) makes it seem like the father showed tough love. His intentions were always good, but possibly he pushed the speaker too hard and led to some lack in communication. This lack of a relationship with the father could be just another reason for the speakers regret.Those Winter Sundays presents both directly and indirectly the idea of unseen love. Directly when talking about the fathers actions, and indirectly through the reminiscing of the speaker. This poem in its entirety is about regret for winning for granted the love of the father, and not having returned that love, or shared a improve relationship with the father.

Hamlet and a Midsummer Night’s Dream

In maven of AMNDs most closedownuring passages, Lysander states (Act one scene one, line 134) The course of true bang never did encounter smooth. The conflict that is inevitably born turn up of whap is a substitution newspaper at the heart of Midsummers Nights Dream and hamlet, save is extended by Shakespe atomic number 18 non only to romanticistic kins, but to familial bonds as well. The conflict is ultimately resolved in diametrically opposing ways in each play, according to the conventions of their various(prenominal) genres.Hamlet is a disaster, and because can result only in decease, but AMND, as a comedy, practice sessions the traditional method of marriage to resolve its conflict. Shakespe atomic number 18 opens AMND with the relationship between Athenian Duke Theseus and Amazonian warrior Hippolyta, thereby framing the enfolding drama with the pictureing of a union in which womanize and military conflict argon inextricably bound Hippolyta, I wood thee with my sword/and win thy get laid doing thee injuries. (1116) Shakespeare incongruously conflates military imagery withthe vocabulary of romance, establishing the stem turn of love, initially at least, as existence fraught with conflict. This is highlighted further as the discussion of Theseus and Hippolytas forthcoming nuptials is juxtaposed with the dramatic demonstration of Hermia and Lysander, young loers forbidden to marry by Egeus, Hermias domineering father. Lysander and Hermia regulate to from Athens stoop away our eyes (1. 1. 218) and elope to the forest.Shakespeares use of the forest as a backdrop to the young lovers elopement is significant. It would befool reminded members of the Jacobean audience of Saturnalia, an ancient Roman festival in abide by of the deity Saturn, which took piazza in the forest and was famous for subverting Roman affectionate norms. A carnival atmosphere pervaded the festival, which included features much(prenominal) as get the hang wa iting on their servants tables which defied the etiquette of the time. The allusion to Saturnalia emphasises Lysander and Hermias insubordination of social restraints in eloping against her fathers wishes.Egeus attempted control of Hermia parallels Poloniuss manipulation of Ophelia in Hamlet, as in some(prenominal) plays Shakespeare depicts romantic relationships as complicatedbyfamilial pressures. The forest acts as a symbol for freedom from such conflict. off from urban civilization and its social traditions, the forest exists as a primal space where Hermia and Lysander feel their love can truly be celebrated, unrestrained by the familial politics they have left behind to that place the sharp Athenian law can non pursue us. (1. 1. 62)However, social norms are non the only things overturned in the forest. By pouring a magic potion in the lovers eyes, Puck, a mischievous fairy, swaps the object of Demetrius and Lysander affection to Helena. This comic turn sets the enfoldin g drama in motion, but also demonstrates the cruelty of volatile love, that is so easily swayed to devastating effect, as Hermia laments O spite O Hell I read you are all bent, to set against me. (3. 2. 145) Shakespeare expounds upon this radical of love in Hamlet too but with far more(prenominal) serious consequences as befits a tragedy.Whereas Hermia is firearm of the tradition of Shakespearean women who harbour their controlling fathers to marry their lovers, Ophelia proves far more susceptible to Polonius and Laertes bullying as they are successful in thwarting her relationship with Hamlet. Just as Shakespeare portrays affection as transient by dint of Pucks busybodied with Demetrius and Lysander, Laertes lectures Ophelia on loves temporary and untrus twainrthy nature forward, non permanent, sweet, not lasting. (1. 3. ) The emphatic rhythm of Laertes dialogue is created by the many a(prenominal) caesuras that break up this line each word drumming itself into Ophelias psyche. Ironically, it isnt the trifling of Hamlets favour (1. 3. 6) that breaks Ophelias heart, and ultimately her sanity, but or else her familys interference, in particular her fathers political scheming. A. C Bradley in his book Shakespearian Tragedy notes that bang-up conflict moldiness(prenominal) be drawn out accordingly, both Hamlet and AMND are over five acts long and only get resolved in the final examination scenes, each according to their genre.The conflict indispensable in Shakespeares characterization of romantic relationships is given tangible form as Lysander and Demetrius prepare to postulate over the woman they profess to love if thou say so withdraw and prove it to. (3. 2. 255) Despite the threat of violence about to splay on stage, Shakespeares audience would have been aware that as a comedy, A Midsummers Nights Dream would cease in marriage rather then bloodshed.In the opening scene of the play, Lysander alludes to the may Day rituals that he had part icipated in And in the wood a league without the town, where I did meetto do observance to a morn of may (1. 1. 165) The May Day rites were an ancient celebration of fertility and renewal, and the setting of the glossy forest reinforces this atmosphere, even throughout Lysander and Demetriuss altercation, emphasising that the conflict would, in the end, be resolved happily. In stark contrast, Hamlet and Laertes fight over Ophelias grave.Shakespeare uses the graveyard setting to foreshadow the mens devastation as a result of their growing hostility unlike in AMND, the conflict indoors a tragedy cannot end in marriage it must end in death I thought thy bride-bed to have decked, sweet maid, and not have strewed thy grave. (5. 1. 241) Throughout the play Ophelia is referred to by language such as maid, emphasising her youth and her innocence. This heightens the tragic impact of her decline and ultimate death, but also reinforces how she is infantilised by her father, and therefor e controlled.When Polonius finds out that Ophelia has been conducting a romance with Hamlet, he insists that she no longer have contact with the prince I impart teach you. Think yourself a baby. (1. 3. 105) Polonius convinces Ophelia that she has been naive and stupid to believe Hamlets professions of love Affection? Pooh You speak like a spirt girl. (1. 3. 101) In Poloniuss dialogue, Shakespeare repeatedly employs images of Ophelia as a child to portray how her father psychologically controls her, by making her dependent on his commands, as a young child would I shall obey, my lord. (1. 3. 136) In AMND Shakespeare constructs a homogeneous conflict around a father-daughter relationship, as Egeus wants his daughter Hermia, to marry Demetrius and not her lover, Lysander. Shakespeare draws upon ancient Greek mythology to portray his characters and their respective philosophies. Egeus displays Apollonian attributes as he paternalistically favours a strict adherence to the law above all else, even to the tip of death As she is mine, I may dispose of heror to her death according to our law. (1. 1. 3) Egeus commoditises his relationship with his daughter, as he considers her a possession to be controlled and exploited. Like Polonius who commands Ophelia to set your entreatments at a higher rate (1. 3. 122), Egeuss diction is replete with the language of commerce as he tries to tidy sum his daughter and she is mine, and all my rights of her I do estate unto Demetrius. (1. 1. 97) Hermia, however, embodies the Dionysian lifetime philosophy, as she embraces passion and resists her fathers moralistic control My person consents not to give sovereignty (1. . 82) Unlike Ophelia who submits to her fathers demands and therefore breaks off her relationship with Hamlet, Hermia prioritises romance over filial duty as she spiritedly defies Athenian law Oh hell to choose love by anothers eyes (1. 1. 140) The conflicts that are engendered by love are complicated even furt her by the disparity between pragmatism and put-on, which is a central theme in both plays. In both Hamlet and A Midsummer Nights Dream, eyes are used as a symbol of the merging of reality and that which seems to be reality ie.Illusion seems madam? Nay it is. I know not seemsno, nor the bountiful river in the eye, nor the dejected haviour of the visage. (1. 2. 75) The juxtaposition by Hamlet of his father, Old Hamlet, and Claudius invokes same language with reference to the eye what devil wast that thus has cozened you at hoodman-blind? / Eyes without feeling, feeling without eyes, /ears without hands or eyes (3. 4. 78). Shakespeare elects to convey the inherent tragic conflict in love by using the language of eyes Ha Have you eyes?You cannot call it love. (3. 4. 68)Here the Gertrudes love for Claudius is presented through the eyes of Hamlet as being stewed in corruption (3. 4. 95) and the maternal bonds between her and Hamlet cause her to regret her actions and disquietude for her spiritual health O Hamlet speak no more. megabyte turnest mine eyes into my very soul / and there I see such black and grained spots. (3. 4. 89) In the final scene of the play, all characters must face their spiritual destiny in their death, showing how conflict in Hamlet results only in death.Conflict of reality and illusion is also symbolised through reference to the eye in AMND, as Puck pours the poison into Lysander and Demetriuss eyes it is then that comic drama enters the scene as loves object is subverted Methinks I see things with parted eye (4. 1. 188) The illusion of the lovers exchanged allegiances is representative of the conflict that can result from reality being destabilized especially where love is concerned Have you not set Lysander, as in scorn/ to follow me, praise my eyes and face? (3. 2. 23) Eventually, love is restored to the couples and Theseus bids that these couples shall be eternally knit (4. 1. 180) and here illusion is replaced with reality whic h results in the marriage of the couples, in accordance with the comic convention. The significance of Pucks last speech, which is spoken to the audience, is essential. Puck tells the audience that they should think this and all is mended that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear and this weak and idle theme no more yielding than a dream. Puck tells them to imagine that the complete play wasnt real, so where in Hamlet reality wins out in the end, in AMND the art of illusion leaves the play on a cliff hanger and the audience must decide whether or not reality exists. This is all part of the comic convention. In conclusion, Shakespeare presents parallel conflicts in both plays, each resulting from conflicted relationships, but they are resolved in accordance with the two plays genres. He concludes all conflict in Hamlet with death and tragedy and all conflict in AMND with laughter and comedy.Elizabethan and modern day audiences would grade the conflict within H amlet as the plays catalyst towards the catastrophic ending, whilst exhibit the conflict within AMND with less seriousness, knowing hostility between characters depart ultimately dissolve. Shakespeare appears to be using the themes within Hamlet, such as death and madness, to present conflict between people as an inevitable part of peoples lives, whilst the farcical nature of the battles within AMND suggest conflict is fleeting and avoidable. So, good night unto you all. / Give me your hand if we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends. (AMND 5. 1. 419)