
Friday, December 27, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Of Bernard Roths First Chapter

Rhetorical Analysis of Bernard Roth’s First Chapter In reality, motivation coerces all; it persuades a change. Therefore, positive inspiration to improve one’s self and assistance to accomplish success is invaluable. This is all put into a book by one man. Bernard Roth is a knowledgeable and widely respected academic who wrote a self-help book titled The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life. Ethos, pathos, and logos were all utilized as a part of Aristotle’s Rhetorical Triangle by Bernard Roth in his book; specifically, in chapter one when he tells how nothing is as people consider. Roth is a widely known man through his peers and students; however, this does not determine his qualifications for†¦show more content†¦The author hesitates to let emotions speak for themselves without an example or hard evidence to upkeep the credibility behind his teachings. Concluding a story concerning his experience with a friend with Alzheimer’s disease, Roth writes â€Å"For me it remains a strong reminder of how once we understand we give everything in our life its meaning, we can begin to control what happens to us and even convert our own adversity into a gift to ourselves and our loved ones† (24). The entire story of his friend and the family’s struggle through Alzheimer’s displays sentiment, but Roth appears to end it unexpectedly with logic. Nevertheless, Roth is not heartless and references emotion numerous times in this chapter. This influences the reader, they find attraction to the idea of being happy. A sociology researcher, Kath erine Walker wrote an article: Sociology of Emotions. She states in her overview â€Å"Emotions are of sociological interest because they are a primary human motivation, they help in rational decision making†. The Achievement Habit appeals to emotions while Roth urges individuals to improve their lives. There are several instances in chapter one where Bernard Roth has accurate and factual evidence behind his teachings. This seems to be less popular in self-help books, but Roth manages to prove every point he positions with reason. He phrases each conclusion as a fact; especially seen when the words do not form aShow MoreRelatedThe Achievement Habit By Bernard Roth917 Words   |  4 PagesNothing is what we think it is and the meaning of life is much different then how we portray it. Bernard Roth, author of The Achievement Habit, really emphasizes on what those statements mean in chapter one. Throughout the reading, Roth argues how people need to determine what the true meaning of life is, the perception of one’s achievements and the difference between right and wrong. Roth uses ethos, pathos, and logos to allude to what it takes to achieve happiness by displaying what holds one back

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Scarlet Letter and Pg - 3008 Words

The Scarlet Letter Quotes Quote 1: Here, in a word, - and it is a rare instance in my life, - I had met with a person thoroughly adapted to the situation which he held. Introductory, pg. 24 Quote 2: But the object that most drew my attention, in the mysterious package, was a certain affair of fine red cloth, much worn and faded....It had been wrought, as was easy to perceive, with wonderful skill of needlework....This rag of scarlet cloth,- for time and wear and a sacrilegious moth had reduced it to little other than a rag,- on careful examination, assumed the shape of a letter. It was the capital letter A. By an accurate measurement, each limb proved to be precisely three inches and a quarter in length. It had been intended, there†¦show more content†¦I found them growing on a grave, which bore no tombstone, nor other memorial of the dead man, save these ugly weeds, that have taken upon themselves to keep him in remembrance. They grew out of his heart, and typify, it may be, some hideous secret that was buried with him, and which he had done better to confess during his lifetime. Perchance, said Mr. Dimmesdale, he earnestly desired it, but could not. Chapter 1 0, pg. 120 Quote 20: Come away, mother! Come away, or yonder old Black Man will catch you! He hath got hold of the minister already. Come away, mother, or he will catch you! But he cannot catch little Pearl! Chapter 10, pg. 123 Quote 21: But, if it be the souls disease, then do I commit myself to the one Physician of the soul!...But who are thou, that meddlest in this matter? - that dares thrust himself between the sufferer and his God? Chapter 10, pp. 125-6 Quote 22: But with what a wild look of wonder, job, and horror! With what a ghastly rapture....making itself even riotously manifest by the extravagant gesture with which he threw up his arms towards theceiling, and stamped his foot upon the floor! Had a man seen old Roger Chillingworth, at that moment of his ecstasy, he would have had no need to ask how Satan comports himself when a precious human soul is lost to heaven, and won into his kingdom. Chapter 10, pg. 127 Quote 23: a quiet depth of malice, hitherto latent, but active now...which led him toShow MoreRelatedThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1026 Words   |  5 Pagesconsidered the astounding literary works of the Romantic Period of literature. The Scarlet Letter was set in 17th century Boston where most of the population was of firm Puritan faith. Hawthorne used great symbolism in his novel to convey a message of guilt, sin, and judgment. The symbols used most profoundly by Hawthorne are the various settings of the book, Hester’s daughter, Pearl, and lastly, the ever important scarlet letter endowed upon the adulterers, Hester and Reverend Dimmesdale. It is no secretRead MoreScarlet Letter : A Dark Gloom Hung1105 Words   |  5 PagesGeorge Mallinos Mrs. Costigan AP English III 16 February 2015 The Scarlet Letter A dark gloom hung over Nathaniel Hawthorne’s head for most of his life causing his writings to be intoxicated with his everlasting thrust for darkness. In The Scarlet Letter he plants his trade mark of sin, redemption, and guilt into history’s abiding collection of remarkable writings. Throughout this piece, it is easy to notice the hardship Hester must endure every day while living with the reputation of committingRead MoreScarlet Letter Symbolism Essay982 Words   |  4 PagesThe Significance of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a gothic satire of the puritan beliefs and value. Nathaniel Hawthorn of a puritan based background wrote various harsh satires such as Young Goodman Brown, and The Scarlet Letter, all based on his ancestral history. 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Due to Hester’s misfortune and sin, she’s lost her beauty, and in a sense her happiness. This is the same reason Chillingworth has become obsessive in trying to findRead M oreSummary Of Sin In The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne739 Words   |  3 Pagesand Chillingworth. Hester Prynne is an essential character in the Scarlet Letter who embraces her sin and turns it into something positive. She is condemned for committing adultery and for punishment she must wear a Scarlet Letter â€Å"A† embroidered on the bosom of her dress for the rest of her life (Ch.3, Par.10). Although the Scarlet Letter â€Å"A† was a punishment, Hester learned to make the best of things. For example, â€Å"The Scarlet Letter was her passport into regions where other woman dared not to dread

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Fruit Loops Essay Example For Students

Fruit Loops Essay Froot loops History : Froot Loops is a  brand  of  breakfast cereal  produced by  Kelloggs  and sold in  Austria,  India,  Australia,  Canada,  New Zealand, the  United States,  Germany,  The Middle East,  The Caribbean  and  Latin America. The  cereal  pieces  are  torus-shaped (hence loops) and come in a variety of bright colors and a blend of artificial fruit flavors. Kelloggs  introduced Froot Loops in 1963. Originally, there were  red,  orange, andyellow  loops, but  green, then  purple, and, finally,  blue  were added by the 1990s.. Kelloggs  has made many ventures for Froot Loopso, including snack bags called  Snack Ums. Snack Ums  were just like the cereal, only bigger. Their slogan was Super sized bites with deliciously intense natural fruit flavors Mission statement of kellogg’s : â€Å"Kellogg is a Global Company Committed to Building Long-Term Growth In Volume and Profit and to Enhancing its Worldwide Leadership Position by Providing Nutritious Food Products of Superior Value. † A) Situation analysis: Internal factors: Current data: With 2010 sales of nearly $12. 6 billion, Kellogg is the world’s leading producer of cereal and one of the largest producers of convenience food]. With sales in more than 180 countries, Kelloggs produces some of the worlds most iconic and easily recognizable brands including:  Keebler  ,  Pop-Tarts,  Eggo  and  Rice Krispies. As of FY 2009, the company generated 67% percent of its revenues in North America, 19% in Europe, 8% in Latin America, and the remainder in the Asia Pacific region. In June 2010, Kellogs voluntarily recalled 28 million boxes of cereal (Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Froot Loops, and Honey Smacks) that may have a strong waxy smell or taste. In the first quarter of 2010, Kellogg posted revenues of $3. 17 billion, a decrease of 2. % from Q1 2008 figures; net income remained nearly unchanged at $321 million. The decrease in revenues is predominantly due to unfavorable foreign exchange fluctuations which had a negative 7. 7% impact on the company during the quarter. This was partially mitigated by net pricing increases which raised revenues by 4. 2%. The increase in net income is a result of Kelloggs abili ty to maintain costs and operating expenses as prices increased, contributing to a higher margin. In the second quarter of 2010, Kellogg posted revenues of $3. 23 billion, a 3. 5% decrease from Q2 2009 figures; net income grew 13. 5% to $354 million. In terms of volume, the company fared relatively well, losing only . 5% across its operating divisions. A net pricing increase of 3. 1%, however, was negated by a 6. 4% adverse shift in foreign currency translation. % Change Q2 2009 vs. Q2 2008| Volume| (. 5%)| Net Pricing| 3. 1%| Acquisitions| . 4%| Foreign Currency Impact| (6. 4%)| http://www. wikinvest. com/stock/Kellogg_Company_(K) http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Froot_Loops Positioning map expensive Bread and toast instant breakfast Butter and eggs Tea Muffins , biscuits cold mik Instant breakfast slow quick inexpensive Promotional strategies of Kellogg’s fruitloops: Tv ads -Strong brand logos -packaging -magazine ads Some slogans used by Kellogg’s fruitloops: * Central heating for kids * Everyone loves my Cocoa Krispies * Gotta have my loops! * Theyre grrreat! Kellogg’s Kelloggs distribution channels Kellogg’s Kellogg’s fruit loops Computer system Retailers Wholesaler Coles ,woolworths, distr ib. centers Retailer Distrib. In stores External micro environment: Market analysis: In its report on the Australian breakfast cereal market, Mintel International Group (Melbourne) finds a category with increasing competition and a consumer base abandoning breakfast entirely. With those notable hurdles, the market for breakfast cereal has managed to post growth over the past several years, albeit slow. In current dollars, sales grew from $8. 5 billion in 2002 to $13 billion in 2009, representing a 2% annual increase. Customer analysis: Being an organization of global stature, Kellogg’s uses multiple methods to communicate with its customers. Cartoon characters like Jack ; Aimee are used to communicate the plus points of physical exercise to parents and children. Competitive analysis Types of Competitors Our product offers a culmination of two different breakfast items: cereal and nutrition bars. ? Main cereal competitors would be Kellogg and General Mills. (direct competitors) In the past 60 months Kellogg has had a revenue growth of 6. 5% and an earnings per share growth of 13. 1%. Marketing strategies: * The management at Kellogg’s anticipated that the dynamism of times and trends would require them to adopt change and so, it directed its elf to be more than just a â€Å"fair weather† believer i. e. planned for contingency and flexibility. * Keeping in pace with the health consciousness trend of today’s times, the new philosophy of targeting and satisfying the health vigilant consumer was adopt. Macro environment Breakfast trends Nutrition : In recent years, doctors have encouraged adults to eat cereal for its high doses of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Working husbands approaching middle age are more likely to be concerned about proper nutrition at breakfast than young, unmarried working males without children. Time Pressure : The convenience of ready to eat meals are essential for time pressured individuals such as working mothers who are torn between work, household chores, and looking after children. Balanced breakfasts that can be quickly prepared are in high demand for those with busy work schedules. Economic trends: As world is undergoing from a recession periods people want to spend money only on inexpensive things because they are struggling from tough conditions. They want quality by spending less money which is a big challenge for Kellogg’s frootloops. Social cultural trends: Product will be marketed as an adult cereal. Main target market would include the more than 58. 8 million younger adults between the ages of 18-35. College students would be heavily targeted as 52. 3% of students consume cereal in oversized proportions. Technological changes : In this moderen world technology is the important part of businesses. Fahrenheit 451 Essay CensorshipFrom the TQM perspective, Kellogg’s centered their strategic planning towards its customer base – â€Å"The Family Focus†. It took into consideration what the consumer’s perception of quality would be of a cereal manufacturer. Considering the health safety of consumers, care was taken to ensure total quality of the nutrients and checks for allergic components from the onset of procurement to packaging and distribution. To satisfy the need of the weight conscious consumer to know about the calorie values of the cereal, the labeling of the boxes was made perfect to detail. ttp://www. coffeecrunch. net/coffee_cereal_analysis. pdf Target Market Consideration Strategy Resources were allocated towards wisely selected consumer segments of the market that had potential for profit. Children, weight watchers, athletes, and families were focused on and brands were developed to suit the mind frame of each. Previously, limited products were mass-marketed such as the typical box of frootloops. Marketing mix strategy It is always mainly focus on 4 p’s i. e Product , place , price, promotion Product : Kelloggs fruit loops Flavour – banana Ingredients SUGAR; WHOLE GRAIN CORN FLOUR; WHEAT FLOUR; WHOLE GRAIN OAT FLOUR; OAT FIBER; SOLUBLE CORN FIBER; PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE OIL (ONE OR MORE OF: COCONUT, SOYBEAN AND/OR COTTONSEED OILS)† ; SALT; SODIUM ASCORBATE AND ASCORBIC ACID (VITAMIN C); NIACINAMIDE; REDUCED IRON   LESS THAN 0. 5g TRANS FAT PER SERVING Nutrition value Serving size 1cup Amount per serving Nutrition Facts| Serving Size 1 cup (30. 0 g)| | Amount Per Serving| Calories  118Calories from Fat  5| % Daily Value*| Total Fat  0. 6g1%| Saturated Fat  0. 4g2%| Trans  Fat  0. 0g| Polyunsaturated Fat  0. 1g| Monounsaturated Fat  0. 1g| Cholesterol  0mg0%| Sodium  141mg6%| Total Carbohydrates  26. 7g9%| Dietary Fiber  0. 6g2%| Sugars  12. 5g| Protein  1. 4g| | Packaging designs Froot Loops Cereal, 0. 95-Ounce Individual Boxes (Pack of 70) Features : easily recyclable box Innovative ideas To produce different type of flavours for children of age 6 to 18 . To give free toys with the purchase of the box of different sizes will help to increase sales. Place : Distribution will be in supermarkets * Coles * Woolworths * Aldi Intermediaries are wholesalers and retailers and managed by store supervisors and management staff. Channel network used is * Kellogg’s computer system Coles, Woolworths and Aldi Price Kelloggs Froot Loops 340g| $5. 96| Kelloggs Cereal Froot Loops 340g| $6. 04| Kelloggs Cereal Froot Loops 550g| $8. 59| Kelloggs Cereal Froot Loops 550g| $6. 00| Kelloggs Froot Loops 585g| $8. 64| Kelloggs Froot Loops 550g| $8. 30| Kelloggs Cereal Froot Loops 585g| $8. 72| Promotion Tv advertisement : By giving advertisements on tv of different offers such as buy one get one free, 20 % discount on two packs etc Newspapers : providing new offers to children for exp free toys inside the boxes, free cartoon books with purchase of box Internet : By launching special offers on internet websites, sponsor sports activities and events BUDGET Marketing budget template (annual) Research firm fees = $ 60,000 Web research = $ 70,000 Public relations: Press kit materilals =$52,000 Analysis fee = $20,000 Press release development = $27,000 Total public relations = $99,000 Advertising : Creative development = $44,000 Newspaper advertisement = $56,000 Radio advertising = $12,000 Magazine advertisement= $29,000 Television advertising = $95,000 Total advertising =$ 236,000 Promotion: Free samples (15 days @ $ 2 each) Coupons = $ 3600 frequent purchase book = $2500 total promotion = $59,000 Implementation and action plan Timeline to implementation is 3 months according to new marketing strategy. Implementation steps: * Development of marketing and advertising functions by promoting ads in magazines. * Achievement of product diversity, market leadership and competitive edge by advertisement on television. By comparing the sales in the past to the present sale, benchmark new financial figures we can measure that objectives are achieved. If the objectives would not be achieved by strategy the contingency plans can be put in place which is to attract young kids by giving them free toys and carton books with each and every purchase. Conclusions and recommendation Kellogg is a Global Company Committed to Building Long-Term Growth In Volume and Profit and to Enhancing its Worldwide Leadership Position by Providing Nutritious Food Products of Superior Value. Frootloops are the main product sold in the Australia by kelloggs. It is the attraction of young kids specially children under age of 18. Ultimate marketing strategy is to increase the sale of kellogg’s by 15 % in Australia until 2015 by adopting new action plans and strategies by the company and to target main customers i. young kids and universities students and people who are under the time pressure from the other activities in the life. Refrences http://www. wikinvest. com/stock/Kellogg_Company_(K) http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Froot_Loops http://www. scribd. com/doc/17571315/Managing-Organizations-and-People-Kelloggs-Case-Study http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20080225125957AAEns2F http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=200802 25125957AAEns2F http://www. marketingteacher. com/lesson-store/lesson-marketing-mix. html

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Medea Looking For Revenge Essays (922 words) - Women And Death

Medea: Looking For Revenge Medea:Looking for Revenge Medea, a play by the Greek playwright Euripides, explores the Greek-barbarian dichotomy through the character of Medea, a princess from the barbarian, or non-Greek, land of Colchis. Throughout the play, it becomes evident to the reader that Medea is no ordinary woman by Greek standards. Central to the whole plot is Medea's barbarian origins and how they are related to her actions. In this paper, I am attempting to answer questions such as how Medea behaves like a female, how she acts heroically from a male point of view, why she killed her children, if she could have achieved her goal without killing them, if the murder was motivated by her barbarian origins, and how she deals with the pain of killing her children. As an introduction to the play, the status of women in Greek society should be briefly discussed. In general, women had very few rights. In the eyes of men, the main purposes of women in Greek society were to do housework such as cooking and cleaning, and bear children. They could not vote, own property, or choose a husband, and had to be represented by men in all legal proceedings. In some ways, these Greek women were almost like slaves. There is a definite relationship between this subordination of women and what transpires in the play. Jason decides that he wants to divorce Medea and marry the princess of Corinth, casting Medea aside as if they had never been married. This sort of activity was acceptable by Greek standards, and shows the subordinate status of the woman, who had no say in any matter like this. Even though some of Medea's actions were not typical of the average Greek woman, she still had attitudes and emotions common among women. For instance, Medea speaks out against women's status in society, proclaiming that they have no choice of whom to marry, and that a man can rid themselves of a woman to get another whenever he wants, but a woman always has to keep [her] eyes on one alone. (231-247) Though it is improbable that women went around openly saying things of this nature, it is likely that this attitude was shared by most or all Greek women. Later in the play, Medea debates with herself over whether or not to kill her children: Poor heart, let them go, have pity upon the children. (1057). This shows Medea's motherly instincts in that she cares about her children. She struggles to decide if she can accomplish her goal of revenge against Jason without killing her children because she cares for them and knows they had no part in what their father did. Unfortunately, Medea's desire to exact revenge on Jason is greater than her love for her children, and at the end of the play she kills them. Medea was also a faithful wife to Jason. She talks about how she helped Jason in his quest for the Golden Fleece, then helped him escape, even killing her own brother. (476-483). The fact that she was willing to betray her own family to be with Jason shows her loyalty to him. Therefore, her anger at Jason over him divorcing her is understandable. On the other hand, Medea shows some heroic qualities that were not common among Greek women. For example, Medea is willing to kill her own brother to be with Jason. In classical Greece, women and killing were probably not commonly linked. When she kills her brother, she shows that she is willing to do what is necessary to get the job done, in this case, to be with Jason. Secondly, she shows the courage to stand up to Jason. She believes that she has been cheated and betrayed by him. By planning ways to get back at him for cheating on her, she is standing up for what she believes, which in this case is that she was wronged by Jason, but in a larger sense, she is speaking out against the inferior status of women, which effectively allows Jason to discard Medea at will. Third, she shows that she is clever and resourceful. Rather than use physical force to accomplish her plans, she uses her mind instead: it is best to...make away with them by poison. (384-385) While physical strength can be considered a heroic quality, cleverness can be as well. She does in fact poison the princess and the king of Corinth; interestingly, however, she does not poison them directly. I will send the children with gifts...to the