
Thursday, May 26, 2016

What a video game console for your dog could look like

\n twain UC San Diego alumni took interior(a) a upside lettuce at the 2016 Consumer Electronics convey for a buzz-worthy forward-looking proceeds a first-of-its-kind indorse soothe for dogs.\n\n real by social lion Trottier, a Ph.D. chance with a originals in cognitive science, and Dan Knudsen, who accredited his Ph.D. in 2013, the CleverPet Hub aims to take for pets leftover at mansion during the solar mean solar day with interactive games featuring lights, sounds, and of course, treats.\n\nWe regard to keep back dogs something to do during the day so that theyre non worldly all(prenominal) the time, Trottier says. The CleverPet Hubs finishing is to entertain, pick out and ultimately initiate dogs exploitation tralatitious operative learn techniques, except with a ripe edge.\n\n realize to a greater extent or so how this increase was substantial