
Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Importance of Using a Condom Essays -- Argumentative Persuasive Ar

The Importance of Using a CondomIn a fresh study performed at the University of New Orleans by Dr. Bruce M. King, scarcely 20% of men reported using a guard consistently, charm only(prenominal) 50% reported using protection with a immature partner. The results of condom use or lack there of is clear ?2/3 of each STIs occur in people 25 long time of maturate or younger?By the age of 24, 1 in 3 land upu eachy active people will have contract an STI?In 2000, 15- to 19-year-old women had the highest rate of gonorrhea comp ared to all other age categories. (Sources American kind Health Association, Centers for Disease Control, and Planned Parenthood.)There are many stigmas most using condoms. Many sexually active college students simply take over?t find sexual intercourse with condoms as satisfying as sex without them. Often students find it inconvenient, or expensive to use condoms. However, all of these excuses are minuscule compared to the dangerous and life-altering r esults of not using protection, in do-gooder all of these issues can be overcome. First it may be lawful that not using ... The Importance of Using a Condom Essays -- Argumentative cogent ArThe Importance of Using a CondomIn a recent study performed at the University of New Orleans by Dr. Bruce M. King, only 20% of men reported using a condom consistently, while only 50% reported using protection with a new partner. The results of condom use or lack there of is clear ?2/3 of all STIs occur in people 25 years of age or younger?By the age of 24, 1 in 3 sexually active people will have contracted an STI?In 2000, 15- to 19-year-old women had the highest rate of gonorrhea compared to all other age categories. (Sources American Social Health Association, Centers for Disease Control, and Planned Parenthood.)There are many stigmas about using condoms. Many sexually active college students simply don?t find sexual intercourse with condoms as satisfying as sex without t hem. Often students find it inconvenient, or expensive to use condoms. However, all of these excuses are minuscule compared to the dangerous and life-altering results of not using protection, in addition all of these issues can be overcome. First it may be true that not using ...

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress and Swift’s A Tale of a Tub

Although the two pieces express incompatible themes, the allegory entitled The Pilgrims Progress, written in 1678 by washbasin Bunyan, and the represent A news report of a Tub, published in 1704, besides written earlier by Jonathan active have some touch similarities. The most nonable similarity is the theme of a journey finished life and through Christianity, and the many aspects of the lives of the protagonists. The Pilgrims Progress chronicles the adventures of Christian, as he tries to find his vogue from the urban center of destruction (the world) to the celestial city, where everything is perfect (heaven), which rests atop Mount Zion.This piece expresses themes of Christianity, and how certain aspects of the righteousness may help to flog particular temptations and troubles in the world. Christian, as he travels, has a great burden, which weighs him d protest, because he had read the book in his hand, (the Bible) which helped keep him out of Tophet, the miserable key (hell). Particular characters that Christian encounters after he has set out athletics several(predicate) roles, and some try to get him to await sinful, and adopt the shipway of the city of destruction (such as the two manpower he encountered bargonly after setting out on his journey, named Obstinate and Pliable.These men of the world, the city of destruction, fight back the weaker qualities of Christian, who is always somewhat tempted to stay in the city of destruction, and waive the path to the celestial city. Through Christians travels, which undoubtedly represent the sound path of life, everyone he encounters offers some form of temptation, whether it be good- stellar(a) him to the wicket gate, or bad, trying to keep him in the city of destruction. At the end of his twaddle, Christian arrives in the celestial city.The second part of The Pilgrims Progress details the story of his wife, Christiana, and their sons, who have similar, worldly experiences. Also in her story atomic number 18 metaphorically named characters who seek to persuade Christiana one way or an new(prenominal), and they represent the evils of the world and the righteousness of heaven. Jonathan Swifts A Tale of a Tub also chronicles the lives of Christians ( troikasome brothers, who represent main branches of Christianity) just it must be said that the work is quite satirical.In the story are three brothers named jibe (who represents the saint of the same name), Martin (named for Martin Luther), and Jack (who represents John Calvin). Peters story marks the chronicles of the Roman Catholic church service, while Martin represents the Church of England, and Jack, the major Protestant sects. In the story, each brother inherited a coat, that had certain features on it, representing features of their religion, and they were told not to alter the coats, moreover all they do is change them.This represents slew who have altered the church or its practices for individualised gain. The brothers in the story represent a basic theme that was common ordinate in society at the time, which was the celebration of modernization and sacrilegiousism over unpolluted religion. And this is what connects the two pieces. In each work, the protagonists are provided with temptations that seek to alter or even minimize classic religion, for the sake of different individuals worldly gains.But in each allegory were numerous other metaphors and allusions, which represented myths or other stories that helped to explain the writers direction in each story. A considerable, hardly by no means the largest or ablest, portion of the work is occupied by an account of the quarrels of the churches, told in the famous story of three brothers, Peter, Martin and Jack, says an exert from The Cambridge History of English and Ameri apprize Literature.representing Roman Catholics, Anglicans and puritans of the coat bequeathed to them by their father, whose will, explaining the proper m ode of wearing it, they primary interpreted each in his own way, and then, after many ingenious evasions of it, locked up in a strong box and of their subsequent quarrels concerning the will and its significance. Throughout, the brothers act in conformity with the doctrine that beings which the world calls clothes are, in reality, rational creatures or men, and that, in short, we see nothing but the clothes and hear nothing but them. Swift also included in the work the superficial character of many religious figures. The clothes the characters wore were always being altered, representing manmade changes in the religions, but they also demonstrate that people may show their religion to others first (by wearing, or sporting it) without even being faithful or an docile participant in the religion. In the satire, Swift seems to side with the original Martin Luther, who was savage with the church as it sold forgiveness to sinners. This feature of the church was acquired, and not histo rically or cardinally supported.It only served to improve monetary gain for men of the church, which is much of what happens in A Tale of a Tub. And in Bunyans The Pilgrims Progress, the temptations and worldly desires that the characters are confronted with represent the worlds lay impact on the church. The church was always changing, as men of the church felt they could utilize it, and exploit its sovereignty for personal gain, which is what the various metaphorically-named characters that Christian and Christiana encountered were trying to do.Swift and Bunyans subliminal criticism of the church and its practices, which were always drift from its ideals, is the greatest similarity between the two highly-metaphorical whole kit and caboodle that seek to knock the downsides of religious practice. But the two works also encourage the righteous aspects of reverence. They make very obvious the ways in which religion can be exploited for basic secular gains, and in doing so, by havin g the characters that screening those poor traits somehow villains, the authors signify how one is to correctly remain godly.In Bunyans work, he makes Biblical sin a reality, which physically burdens man when he is righteous enough to recognize that he has erred, and gone against his religions teachings. As I walkd through the wilderness of this world, I lighted on a certainplace where was a Den, and I laid me down in that place to sleep and as I slept, I dreamed a Dream, Bunyan wrote of Christian at the beginning of his allegory. I dreamed, and behold I saying a Man cloathed with Rags, standing in a certain place, with his face from his own house, a Book in his hand, and a great Burden upon his back.I looked, and saw him open the Book, and read therein and as he read, he wept and trembled and not being able longer to contain, he brake out with a lamentable cry, saying What shall I do? This is how he sets the stage for the story about a righteous man who is forced to survive in a land of evils and temptations, which seek to destroy his reverence. Then Christian unrelenting down at his foot as dead, crying, Wo is me, for I am ruined At the sight of which, Evangelist caught him by the right hand, saying, All port of sin and blasphemies shall be forgiven unto men be not faithless, but believing.Then did Christian again a little revive, and stood up trembling, as at first, onwards Evangelist, Bunyan wrote in Pilgrims Progress, demonstrating how righteousness and reverence to religion, not necessarily to the secular church, can save man and lead him out of evil. This character, Evangelist, represents a actually righteous man of the church, who in every way demonstrates the how to apply the religions teachings, and how to refrain from evil.The wits of the present age being so very numerous and penetrating, Swift writes of his own enterprise in piece of music A Tale of a Tub in the works preface, it seems the grandees of Church and State begin to fall under horrible apprehensions lest these gentlemen, during the intervals of a long peace, should find leisure to pick holes in the weak sides of religion. This notifies his intentions in writing the satire, which was criticizing particular religious practices, which are actually nothing more than exploitations of the original religion.Swift, throughout the work, openly criticizes any change in the three churchs, represented by the characters of the work, as changes only exist as features of the church that stray from the original teachings of the religion. Although Swifts and Bunyans pieces are different, they both satirically chronicle the adventures of characters who are supposed to (but in Swifts case, they do not) adhere to religious ideals without falling into sin by realizing religions secular adaptation.Each work makes clear that the church should remain stable, and that people who wish to lead a fulfilling life should adhere to reverent practices, and give up irreverent activitie s and temptations. And in demonstrating how this is done by chronicling the stories of people who struggle between secular and religious lifestyles, Swift and Bunyan have openly criticized some of the churchs (of their times) exploitations of religious teachings for basic secular gains, and how the different sects of Christianity should be uniform in teachings. Works Cited Bacon, Earnest W. John Bunyan Pilgrim and Dreamer. bread maker Book House Grand Rapids, MI, 1983., p. 65 George, Timothy and Dockery, David S. Baptist Theologians. Broadman Press Nashville, TN, 1990, p. 26. Sir Walter Scott (ed. ), The works of Jonathan Swift D. D. , Dean of St. Patricks, Dublin containing additional letters, tracts, and poems, not hitherto published. With notes, and a life of the author. 19 vols. (Edinburgh printed for Archibald Constable and Co. White, Cochrane, and Co. , and Gale, Curtis, and Fenner, London and John Cumming, Dublin 1814). Webster, C. M. Swifts Tale of a Tub compared with Earli er Satires of the Puritans. Proceedings of the Modern Language connecter 47/1 (March 1932) 171178.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Jesus Christ Superstar Original Show Research

Smash Hit Musicals of the Past Century saviour deliveryman Superstar Jesus Christ Superstar was a hit longsighted before it became a melodic. The musical comedy was a rock opera invention recording produced as an album before it was staged on Broadway. It is pitch loosely on the Gospels recital on the last hebdomad of Jesus Christs life armying the struggles surrounded by Judas and Jesus. The story follows Judas who is non please with Jesus rise in popularity because Judas believes Jesus is near a man, non a God and that Jesus being a threat to the Roman Empire will bring trouble to Jesus, his pursuit and to Judas.Judas eventually ends up giving away the location of Jesus on a specific day helping the Roman soldiers find him and go forth to crucify him. The pilot light production of the Broadway describe was back in 1971. It was composed by the ever famous Andrew Lloyd Webber and the lyricist was Tim Rice. The turn in was order by Tim OHorgan and choreographed by T om Stovall. The producer was Robert Stigwood. The original city for the performance was New York City at the Mark Hellinger Theatre. The original garnish designer is Robin Wagner and the original costume designer is Randy Barcelo.The quartette main characters were Mary Magdalene play by Yvonne Elliman, Jesus Christ played by Jeff Fenholt, Judas played by Ben Vereen and King Herod/Merchant/Leper played by Paul Ainsley. The four most salubrious known songs from this musical intromit Superstar, Simon Zealot unretentive Jerusalem, Gethsemane and Everythings Alright. The show first opened on October 12th, 1971 and closed on July 1, 1973 with a hail of 711 performances within that judgment of conviction. The length of the show was approximately an hour and fifty phoebe bird minutes.The locatedting of the musical is Jerusalem, house of herod, garden of Gethsemane and many early(a) places during the time Christ was thought to hire lived and was pr all(prenominal)ing the message o f God. There were obscure reponses from critics but the loudest were those that though the show went against religious morals and ideas. Weve had some plurality that feel like its in some way sacrilegious because its not a traditional robes-and-sandals telling, was a quote from an executive producer. South Africa went as far as banning the entire show from performing in their country when it first debuted on Broadway.Despite some contradict responses, the show went on to be nominated for numerous awards such as the Tony award, the Drama Desk award and the Theatre world award. It won the awards for Most promise Composer for the Drama Desk award and won the Theatre world award. For the Tony awards it was nominated for top hat performance by a featured actior in a musical, go around original score, ruff scenic design, best costume design and best lighting design. The film was overall received very well by the public.mayhap the most interesting thing about the show was the way i t was portrayed, the hippy movement and the Jesus movement being put together in one show. Numerous sections of the musical have Judas in groovy outfits with leaping hippie show girls backing him up in stage dancing and vocals. The original vocalists and actors for the show are seen as the best so far for Broadway versions. The musical also had a hit movie produced with stunning cinematography, wonderful choreography just as seen in the musical and riveting vocal qualities for each song.The film adaption was released in 1973 and was the eighth highest grossing film of that year. It was shot in Israel and other Middle Eastern locations. Ted Neely (playing Jesus) and Carl Anderson (playing Judas) both were nominated for Golden Globe Awards for their acting in the movie. It is obvious why they were nominated when one watches the film and sees their complete ability to play their fragile characters in a way that show their musical talent, their power and yet the slight comedy behind each scene.They were truly able to show the rising celebrity status of Jesus in a way that somehow still manages to fit in historical information about the betrayal of Judas to Jesus. One may have been worried that the movie might be a slight blot boring in some parts but when I watched it I was not bored at all, in fact I found myself quite captivated by the choreography and the songs. Neely and Anderson kept me very focused as well because I found their acting quite extraordinary. It is not hard to find yourself recounting along to Superstar or Poor Jerusalem or being awestruck by the dance moves through by the mobs.A third film adaption is expected to be released in 2014 set to be directed by Marc Webb. In conclusion, it is quite obvious what make this show such a hit. The elements of small comedy, dance and the storyline make this a musical that was impossible to miss. Whether you loved it or hated it, you had to go see it and tell others about it. The show was able to tell a historical event and turn it into multiple dance and song song and even made it fun to watch which the key thing was.It was not the type of musical that would get you on your feet dancing but singing along and being captivated by the characters and their human elements. The relationship between the characters was a big part that played into the success of this show. Not to cite the costume design, that played a huge role as well in setting the stage and idea for the show. It was not a typic show of what Jerusalem looked like but rather a more hippie, fun natured version of it which is what made the audience enjoy it so much.It was not telling biblical stories, it was just a show which made the audience feel like they did not have to have any religious ties or issues with it (even though some chose to anyways) and they could just go and watch it. Perhaps it was the idea that no matter what anyone thought of Jesus, an underlying concept this musical showed was Jesus celebrity-li ke identity and what being a celebrity can do to the celebrity themselves and to their lovers and followers (betrayal, confusion, glory, death) and that just might be the real yard why nobody could seem to get this musical out of their mind.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Effects of Google Translate on Vocabulary

Effects of Google Translate on phrase encyclopedism and Reading Comprehension BY traveler0527 Effects of Google Translate on Vocabulary Acquisition and Reading Comprehension Abstract With the rapid developing of engine room, more than than modern ways are applied to position let oning. Though technology towards language realizeing has been extensively studied in recent yrs, the influences of online deracination are seldom examined. This get hold of investigates the do of Google repeat on slope lexicon acquisition and hold comprehension. It was hypothe sized that Google transmute rear improve students exploit in both aspects.The search was evaluated by an investigate which needed interrupticipants to cross-file one article and finish virtually r stimulate quizzes. To make a comparison, participants were divided into two root ledgers with only one can use Google depict. The results were unexpected. It seems that Google translate does not has a significan t positive effect to friend students learn English vocabulary and to improve recitation comprehension. Students who learn English, teachers who want to avail their students make promotion and queryers in this area could benefit from this study.Introduction The rapid development of technology in recent decades benefits the education area. Besides traditional inform methods, more approaches are employed in language learning to help learners make progress. Many studies have focused on impacts of contrary kinds of technology on English learning. Previous research from Kung and Chuo (2002) affirmed that college students acknowledge the net as a useful tool to learn English. Chun and Plass (1996) suggested that with mul successiondia program to assist high school students in interpret articles, the rate of attendant vocabulary learning increased.However, few studies have examined the effects of online commentary religious service on English learning. Research studies both voc abulary learning and nurture comprehension is alike difficult to find. in that respectfore, further investigations are needed. This research is aimed at investigating the influences of Google translate on vocabulary learning and reading comprehension. Google translate is a kind of free online language translation service which can instantly translate text or web pages into numerous different languages. Vocabulary learning is an all important(p) and fundamental aspect of English study which stresses cognition and use of linguistic communication.Additionally, reading comprehension is an ability to understand articles which elated to recognition of content and grasp of main ideas. The lack of previous research on this topic leads to the research question Do students who use Google translate to help them learn English have higher efficiency than students who do not? It was hypothesized that Google translate will improve students understanding of unacquainted(predicate) interchan ges and the content of an article. Methodology Sample The sample participating in this look into consisted of 1 1 students from Yl- are non-native English speakers.Material Google translate, which is capable to offer translation of text immediately and can un perfectly on laptops, was used as aid for the try mathematical throng and defined as the independent variable. A relatively overbold article excerpted from Slate Magazine which is near patronage and trade was adopted as the test material. With an academic style and some 700 words, this article can be difficult to understand. A quiz link up to the article consisting of 8 questions about vocabulary learning and 2 questions about reading comprehension was similarly used.The first 8 questions ask participants to engage the right words to fill in 8 incomplete sentences. The furthest 2 questions are quaternary choice questions. Procedure Several meetings were held to shape the try and the quiz. After that, the unani mous experimentation was piloted in the researcher police squad to check the validity of questions and to ensure in that location would be sufficient time for participants to finish the reading task and the quiz. Another purpose is to make all(prenominal) researcher be familiar with the process. The formal experiment was conducted on nineteenth April in the EAP classroom.All members of the research team were required to bring laptops in dress to run Google translate. First, participants were divided into two convocations randomly. 6 tudents in the experiment conclave were allowed to use Google translate during the reading time. Other 5 students were treated as the crack chemical group. Then, a 3-minute- long brief guidance including rules of the experiment was attached to participants. Next, account copies of the article were confiden out and 1 5 transactions were arranged for participants to read.The experiment group was allowed to use Google translate when they encoun ter unfamiliar words or sentences, whereas the control group should read through the paper without any assistance. For both groups, taking notes and making marks in the reading paper were forbidden. Afterwards, quiz papers were distributed to evaluate participants learning outcomes and Google translate is out(p) to use. Participants were given 15 minutes to finish the quiz. Finally, all the papers were collected. The whole experiment was conducted in the EAP classroom and last for approximately 40 minutes.After the experiment, the research team gathered to mark quiz papers and the results were analyzed by using a data- recording table. Result and analysis The aim of this experiment is to define whether Google translate can help students learn English more efficiently. Without the independent variable, which is Google ranslate, all other conditions were kept the same to both groups. Therefore, it seems plum to say the experiment was conducted in a Just way. The most important find ing is one that out of the researchers expectation. The average grade of control group is nearly 1. 2 times higher than the experiment group (Figure 1).It reflects that the control group had a better performance during the test. Considering the result contraries to the speculation, deep analyses were given. The accomplishable reasons are as follows. Firstly, because of the lack of a pre-test to divide subjects, there may be a hance to put students who are good at English in the control group. Secondly, participants who have the privilege to use Google translate may rely on it whenever understanding of the content and the efficient use of context. Thirdly, since participants in experiment group needed to switch between the papers and laptops, it is stern for them to concentrate on the article.Fourthly, as Google translate can only give one simple definition of the word or phrase, this could be wide and sometimes could mislead those students. After data were entered in an Excel spreadsheet, the verity of ein truth question was alculated. As the Figure 2 below illustrates, the boilers suit accuracy of the control group is higher than the experiment group except for question 5 and 8. No one in the control group answered correctly to the fifth question and one third of them gave wrong answers to the eighth question.These two questions are aimed at testing students understanding of the meaning of new words. Google translate gives the right explanations which are consistent with the meaning in the content. This may indicate that Google translate can help students gain the meaning of some words which have clear and simplex meaning. However, the last question, which is a multiple choice question about reading comprehension, none in the experiment group gave the right answer while almost half of the students in the control group chose the correct one.The data suggests that students in the control group had a better understanding about the main ideas of the ar ticle. This may because there was no equipment to distract their attention and all they could do during the first part of the test was to read the whole content thoroughly. Another question that outlay being discussed according to the Figure is the sixth question, all participants in he experiment, no matter which group they belonged to, failed to answer it. The question is Even so, it is undecipherable how much the shift to inland growth really has. The correct word be chosen from the box is momentum.From the experiment groups perspective, it is proper to guesswork that the Chinese translation given by Google translate is inapposite and not related to the content tightly. This made it tough for those who take Google translate as a helper. From the control group viewpoints, it may perhaps be that the context is involved and the meaning is hard to guess. Another factor that needs to be come to is the question itself because it is a compound sentence and difficult to understand. To brief numbermarize, Google vocabulary and improve the comprehension of reading.Conclusion One of the most important findings is that the control group performed better with higher marks on average in the experiment about whether Google translate is helpful for students to learn new words and to understand better about the content when they read an article. Another interesting finding is that Google translate can be very useful when the target word has a definite meaning and at the same time, be very imited when relate to the text comprehension. In general, the findings are unexpected and contradict the hypothesis which claims that Google translate can have positive effects to English learners.It is also contradictory to the findings of Peters (2007), which claims that the use of online dictionary can enhance vocabulary acquisition. To sum up, though Google translate is useful when readers want to find students when they read an article or encounter words with multi-meanings. The unanticipated findings may relate to some limitations of this experiment. First, the topic is limited. Since the research topic is to examine the effects of technology on English learning, it can contain many subareas. For example, reading, listening, speaking and writing.The research group only focused on 2 English learning aspects vocabulary and text learning. Even the vocabulary contains lots of inspection points, such as spelling, pronunciation and word meaning. Also, use Google translate to represent technology is one-sided. There are other kinds of technology like software, recorder and e-dictionary. Second, for the experiment, the sample size is too small and lack of diversity. All 11 participants are year 1 students with the same major from the same education background. In addition, the sexual activity proportion is unbalanced.Meanwhile, a pre-test about the English level of the participants is lacked. Moreover, the function of Google translate is inadequate. In brief, th e limitations are in two aspects topic and the design of the experiment and these may lead to the unpredicted findings. The findings of this report lead to some recommendations. Firstly, students who learn English at the beginning level can use Google translate to find the meaning of the words, phrases and sentences to help them understand the ontent. However, it is not suggested to rely on Google translate to find definitions of every words.Secondly, teachers who want to help their students make progress in English learning could use Google translate as assistance more appropriately and efficiently in the aspect of simplex-meaning word acquisition. It is also advised that teachers should encourage students to think more by themselves actively and head off using Google translate to find the meaning of every new word. Thirdly, researchers in this area can gain useful information about the effects of online translation service n English vocabulary learning and reading comprehension.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Memorial Day

day is a daylight of memory for those who perished while serving In the military, a day to keep an eye on the soldiers who died while defending America. Our three day weekend in May is a wonderful time to pop off together with friends and family. To most of us, Memorial weekend it means no drill/work and an extra day off. Memorial Day is so a great deal more than a day off to declare fun. Most students do not really even understand why they get train off a lot of adult use this time for cookouts or parties.Memorial Day is a day where we, as Americans, should honor our go soldiers. precisely anyone actually honors the soldiers by sledding to the parades/ceremonies In their communities. We owe It to the dead to honor their memory. The people who died for our Ideals and for their values were median(a) men and women who left the safety of their homes to entreat to ensure Justice and protect our sphere. Brave Individuals gave their time, strength, and effort to protect our c ountry and all that It stands for.In doing so, countless men and women who were treasured by many, eve woolly-headed their lives Their hard work and sacrifice for our nation is sometimes comprisen for give the heroic men and women who have died fighting for our freedoms must be think backed. We pick up for granted their sacrifices we should take effort in reminding ourselves of the individuals who lost their lives for us. Memorial Day is a day to honor and thank all the American soldiers who have sacrificed their lives.As Americans, we should show respect for the fallen and honor them for their courageous acts of bravery. Although we may not realize it, freedom is tot free. Freedom comes with a huge value, sometimes that price being life. It is not easy to be willing to take your own life for not Just your own rights, but for the rights of a whole nation. Memorial Day is not a day to have fun and party, but a special time to remember those who showed such(prenominal) devotion to our country to give up their lives for it, a time to remember these heroes. Our dedicated soldiers deserved to be remembered.Our dedicated military force is the understanding why we are able to stand here today with the redeems we have, and why we are able to live with so many liberties. Our rights should never be taken for granted we should be thankful for those who have paid the price for them. We should give thanks to all the heroes for their sacrifices, spreading gratitude. Memorial Day should be a day to reflect and be grateful. We can express our gratitude by attending local parades or Memorial Day events and pray for the families of the fallen soldiers to really understand the sacrifices they have made for us and our country.Memorial Day By preferable 21 Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who perished while serving in Hardly anyone actually honors the soldiers by going to the parades/ceremonies in their communities. We owe it to the dead to honor their memory . The people who died for our ideals and for their values were ordinary men and women who left the individuals gave their time, strength, and effort to protect our country and all that it for granted the heroic men and women who have died fighting for our freedoms

Friday, January 25, 2019

Why Smoking is Bad for You

Did you know that the primary cause of death nigh the founding is consume? Are you aw be that ever soy cigarette you sens reduces your pass judgment lifespan by eleven minutes? And that 4. 9 million wad world wide dies as a result of smoking? fume Is a common and popular occurrence and also responsible for nearly ninety percent of lung after partcer deaths. take in is a bad drug abuse and is also very hazardous to those who dont gauge. So, before you act heedless, stop and guess about what smoking will do to you and the people round you. Smoking cigarettes is a comm tho pastime in the United States.At almost ever super market or gas station thither are ads encouraging you to buy cigarettes. Which the smoke from the cigarettes contains over seven-thousand chemicals, sixty-nine of them are cognise to cause cancer which in the end lead to your dead. There are kids acquire Influenced by these ads. Smoking Is abhorrent because its not good for you health, not only good f or your health but does as much damage to the ones around you, and It also molds drastic changes In your appearance. One of the many reasons why I think smoking is bad for you is obviously because of al the health problems smoking causes.From smoking just one cigarette can lead you on your way to cancer because of the nicotine it contains. Nicotine does not cause cancer, it is an addictive drug. This can eventually make you go from one innocent smoke to multiple smokes, which thus leads you to being an addict and from addict to patient with lung cancer. In some other haggle your death sentence and I know you dont want that for yourself. In a way by smoking you encourage cancer. Because you know what cancer can lead to so Instead of wasting your money on a cancer suck you should donate It to find a DOD cause, for pillowcase finding a cure to cancer association.You may say further smoking helps me when Im stressed out or Smoking makes you look serene please no disrespect but pl ease keep your pin up shut. If youre stressed find something besides smoking, find a hobby, go for a run, and make a plastic of your favorite songs that help you stay calm, or eat if that helps you and for smoking being cool do you think its cool when there are infants who breathe second hand smoke and causes them have weaker lungs than other babies. Do you think its fair? Or do you think is so cool hat there is patients painfully dying in hospitals because they decided to smoke and now are suffering the consequences?If you do please think once again its not cool or funny It Isnt safe for yourself or others around you. Now please stop Influencing smoking and realize how smoking Is a major Issue because It affects you and your loved ones. When I think of smoking I think of all the different ways people can make a change in this situation instead of encouraging it. occupy think before you decide you need another cigarette to sap some stress or because others think your cool Just b ecause you smoke something so harmful.

Steinbeck presents Crooks

Steinbeck presents Crooks as practical and intelligent. This is shown in chapter in the passage rubber boots discourage handst clock and the California Civil Code book. The books show he reads and cares close to his Rights. It also shows that he is practical and active with his alarm clock. It can instead mean that he has to be Intelligent to protect himself from getting vanquish by the boss If he is late to which he needs to be protecting himself from horse manure.Also with the Californian civil code to be mauled suggests he attacked the book with anger which could show a bitter hatred the mood that people like him are treated Ilke outsiders causes him to lament his l angiotensin converting enzymeliness unconstipated in his home state. Steinbeck also presents Crooks as permanent and doesnt move around with evidence supporting this Is, battered magazines and a few dirty books on a special shelf over his bunk. It show how he gets get the better of down by loneliness and prejud icial treatment of that he Is the scarce black man on the ranch. The word special shelf suggests the nerve In his home showing that he Ilkes o be unmoving and kept whereas it could also mean he has to stay there by the boss and also live alone rather than mixing with fresh people so Crooks has to live alone and makes full use of victuals in the barn.B) His character shows us how coloured people were treated in the 1930s. It tells us that they were treated as second-class citizens and werent worthy to share anything with non-coloured people, we drive in this due to Crooks having his bunk in the harness room, I count that it is because his boss doesnt compute its right for Crooks to share a bunkhouse with the other men n the ranch, so Crooks is forced to sleep in the barn.Shows how everyone targeted him as inferior because of the colour of the skin. The separation of his bunk implies that because of his skin colour no one wants to sleep in the same room as him as they think t hat Crooks isnt worthy of living with them and so they show their racial hatred towards him by their abuse in calling him a Nigger. Due to this, Crooks could loose to books for company which are the only thing that does not consider him as an outcast.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Criminal Justice Trends Paper

For the previous(prenominal) 50 years, the Statess sorry justice arranging has encountered several significant changes dealing with courts and policing. According to Marion and Oliver (2006), the historic Supreme Court rulings like Mapp v. Ohio and Miranda v. Arizona mold the panache courts and legal philosophy enforce custodyt handle idiosyncratics charged with committing evils. This paper will discuss the evolution of courts and impartiality enforcement reflects the diverse and changing need for todays population which is commencement exercise importance, the urgency for cooperation and communication among savage justice agencies and justice enforcement within the country.Individuals mustiness know the importance for courts and natural law force to collaborate closely together for the object of ensuring exclusively laws atomic number 18 applied fair and equ exclusivelyy, protect the public, and prevent crimes for each(prenominal) individuals. Police History Befor e the 13th century the primary procedure of justice during this century was getting revenge in other separate of the world in the same century do attempts to institute law and order in countries, such as Greece, Rome, and Egypt (NCWC, 2004). From 1066-1285 the Frankpledge of this time was the wholly constitution of justice in the English-speaking world (NCWC, 2004).The Frankpledge goernance went by other name as well its name was the tithing system, which was the same as tithing in church. This system was to seduce 10% of ho utilizehold earnings every Sunday, and a conjunction of 10 separate households had the obligation to control its own law and order. If any man had knowledge of a crime it was his obligation to take part in things and taking part in the search of the perpetrator (NCWC, 2004). In time the tithing system world evolve into another system and its name was cognize as the parish constable-watch system (NCWC, 2004).The fresh system had a different method the c ommunity would put forward 1 individual of the tithing system to serve for one-year as the constable. One duty of the constable was to excrete other men in the community to perform duties at darkness the name of this situation was watchman (NCWC, 2004). These watchmen had to hold up in rural locations, which made up 10 things that were also known as one or 100ths would make up the shire (NCWC, 2004). Each shire community would appoint what was known as a shire-reeve or sheriff. In England around 1326 justices of the quiet became the new title to replace the name shire-reeve (NCWC, 2004).One adoption of the American colonies was in large quantities English policing and the rebirth of the sheriffs position. Many of the early police segments had only two positions day and night military force, and in 1845 many cities in American police departments were run by police chiefs (NCWC, 2004). Copying many of Englands reforms and innovations were policies the Americans would adapt for its own use. Of the many adaptations, the one to notice most (NCWC, 2004) is the Bowe drive focusing Runner or known as the creation of the detective position in 1748 (NCWC, 2004).In 1829 Sir Robert Peel of England wrote the first set of policing principles for the metropolitan police department of London England. One principle was to become more proactive kinda of reactive this gave birth to the patrol officer a principle American police would adopt (NCWC, 2004). righteousness enforcement has had many trial and errors (NCWC, 2004) in ontogenesis crime prevention programs. The best system to date is the creation of community policing, which began in the 1990s. The History of CourtsIn 1781 America became a nation with George Washington defeating manufacturer Cornwallis in Yorktown. One change dealing with colonial times, the get together States courts has positive their own way to deal with social conscience and needs from the new nation. According to Currie (1992), the Six th Amendment guarantees a public and speedy trial and informs all charges with a jury trial. Throughout history citizens were called to settle disputes, todays juries are considered the hybrids of European, Roman, Greek, and Egyptian jury practices.The jury system in America is also influence by the English jury system. Another one of Americas constitutional right is imputable carry out which is the radical for fairness that is important in the discriminative system which allows our system to work with honor and integrity. According to Currie (1992), the factors of due offshoot involve the unify States governance Amendments V, and XIV and in 1970 Illinois State Constitution adopted some rights for due process. For the past seven and half centuries due process was the mission of men persistent to create justice in the government.The federal courts for years use a method of suspended sentencing as a form of probation which in 1916 the Supreme Court ruled this was unconstitution al. President Coolidge in 1925 signed the Probation forge that gives the courts permission to throw out imposition sentencing and give the suspect probation. The Speedy Trial Act was enacted by congress in1974 at the point the United States Courts started the effect of Pretrial Service. The mission of this was to decrease crime by allowing individuals to be release into the community awaiting trial to decrease pretrial conference punishment.In 1982 the Pretrial Services Act was signed by President Reagan. The extending use of Pretrial Services to all federal courts started a specific milepost that we now know as Pretrial Service and Federal Probation system. As of today, officers are involved in the bend procedure one the individual is arrested until the individual finish community regulations. Analysis of Courts and Policing Past and Present Law enforcement has gone through many challenges and changes since its inception in the 13th century.In the past 50 years to the present l aw enforcement has grown from just a few law enforcement agencies to many as many as 18, 760 departments with personnel amassing 940, 275, and a budget of $51 billion dollars these agencies share (NCWC, 2004). This is a collection of data taken in 2000 by a number of police departments in the United States (NCWC, 2004). This collection of data reports that the Justice and Treasury departments has 60 federal police departments, highway patrol has 26 departments, 23 situate police departments, and Hawaii is the only state without a police department, however does control a public safety department (NCWC, 2004).In addition 35 states have other agencies with special investigative barons, which have its limits (NCWC, 2004). Throughout the United States (NCWC, 2004) Sheriff departments have well over 3, 000 department, and municipalities with well over 15, 000 police departments. The United States is the only country with many law enforcement agencies, and no one agency functions or has the same kind of depart psychic structure (NCWC, 2004). Much of the prospective of policing depends largely on the education of its personnel.The education of new recruits is essential for the way police will perform. Improving human relations and developing a strong sense of new technology is of supreme importance for policing in the future to become a success. Contemporary Opportunity Analysis With over 18,000 contemporary Law Enforcement agencies today designated more titles, roles, and responsibilities among its personnel depending on the legal power mainly local and state police operated.Law enforcements maintains a leading(p) role in controlling crime yet professionalism and ensuring due process for every person accused of a crime regardless of demographics entirely in todays criminal justice system race, age, gender, mental status, and prison over-capacity are factors affecting policy-making. As (Smith, 1990) proclaimed (The greatest judicial pressure for police refor m and professionalization came with the controversial decisions defining criminal defendants rights during the Warren era. ).Rehabilitation programs became a valuable resource and alternative to incarceration in many criminal cases which coincide with community policing. In comparison, law enforcement and the courts have the opportunity to make changes to policies both are policy-makers within the system with a set of rules for making decisions in which is usually the focus of a unmarried issue (Marlon & Oliver, 2006). The new laws put in to place by the high courts affects all players including police investigations through courts and cry in the criminal justice system because policies can be in written or verbal form and not all policies are effective.According to (Yackle, the Courts policy decisions affecting criminal justice are produced by the votes of the ix justices who select, hear, decide, and issue opinions in cases. With the demands from the public weighing heavy on the backs of the higher(prenominal) courts to change, enhance, block, or remove ineffective policies affects the criminal justice system as a direct result of conflicting problems or abuse of power by those in authority. Opportunities and Missed Opportunities for CooperationThe courts and the police have a great opportunity to work with defendants in the process from arrest to the trial if the nonessential goes to trial. From the adult defendants down to the juvenile defendants and with the court system down to the criminal justice system can play an important role in the process for the defendants. on that point are opportunities for both sides to improve on the depth psychology of the problem what makes the defendant do what he or she does again and again to end up in the criminal justice system, i. e. social standing(a) or environment (Williams, 2013).When it comes to the courts and the police there should be clean up goals, objectives and priorities when it comes to the pro cess from arrest to trial and the communications between both sides should be clear. There should be improved programs and services to support the victim, the victims family and the defendant by the police and the courts. The main goal of the courts and the police is communications and having clear goals and the opportunities for cooperation will be there and there will not be any missed opportunities for cooperation.One complete criminal justice system workings together for the improvement of the justice system as a whole, that should be the focus and the goal clearly now and in the future (Williams, 2013). oddment The American Colonists used the English Policing and Judicial systems as the basis to establish our own systems when they established America as a new fledged nation. When we borrowed Englands Policing and Judicial systems many items were changed and modernized to fit our needs. Sir Robert Peel is known today as the father of modern policing around the world.His set o f principles for the Metropolitan Police Force of London led to modernization and professionalization of our police forces here in America. The court system that we borrowed from England was in no way perfect, so we changed our laws with the introduction and passage of the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and fourteenth constitutional amendments. These amendments make the American Judicial System one that focuses on Due Process and ensures that all defendants are innocent until proven guilty. Today many nations model our policing and judicial systems, which is a tribute to the American Criminal Justice System.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How Does the Phonology of a One Year Old Differ

How does the phonology of a integrity year doddery differ from that of a two-three year of age(predicate)? Describe the main changes to be expected over the frontmost year of word call. A nipper between one and three long time undergoes considerable increase in their phonological ability (Ingram, 1986). They adopt specific phonological processes and it will be explored when and how children use these to attain accurate pronunciations and how individual differences affect phonological nurture. Grunwell (1981) apprises that the first six months of productive langu get on with development (0. 9-1. years) is word-based, because of the limited phonetic variants and forward changes in pronunciation. However, he suggests 1. 6-2. 0 years is the end of the first breaker point of speech development, which is co-occurrent with the achievement of an active vocabulary of 50 wrangling. Menn & amp Vihman (2011) suggest that these early words parallel babbling, in that they are characte rised by unstarred elements and structures, such as plosives, nasals and glides simple vowels and CV structures. This stage of development in a childs inventory may be characterised as a proto- administration, as the child-forms do not resemble adult words (Grunwell, 1981).However, the childs early phonetic inventory ( hold over 1) suggests that the child has a basic contrastive system and indicates that their phonological system has commenced, which will gossip an increase in new words and the emergence of two-word utterances (Grunwell, 1981). m n p b t d w Table 1 A phonetic inventory of a child 1. 6-2. 0 years (Grunwell, 1981). Grunwell (1981) presents a chronology of phonological processes (p175) which reflects a childs phonological development in terms of the disappearance of simplifying processes between 2. 0-4. years. These processes are summarised in table 2 and show that reduplication and consonant harmony are the totally structural simplification processes outgrown by age two, which agree with the findings of Vihman & Greenlee (1987). morphological simplification is generally typical of the earlier stage of phonological development (Vihman, 2004). However, phonological processes final consonant deletion, cluster reduction, fronting, gliding and stopping are regularly used by children until nearly age three, with less consonant use thereafter (Vihman et al, 1986).Vihman (2004) states that half of her three-year-old subjects used gliding and palatal fronting, just now the substitution of inter-dental fricatives were regularly used by all subjects and are associated with the highest frequency of errors. Table 2 suggests that velar fronting in particular is the first general simplification to be outgrown, at 2. 6 years. Despite this, it shows that obstruents do not occur in a childs inventory until age three, and that these must be mastered before obstruent and liquid clusters can be produced correctly (Vihman, 2004).Vihman & Greenlee (1987 ) show that the specific phonetic tendencies found at age one seem to be unrelated to the phonological errors at age three and suggest that phonetic preferences change over time. Vihman (2004) suggests that children with an exploratory approach to phonological development explore a wide cathode-ray oscilloscope of sounds at age one and were more likely to delete consonants at age three, whereas children with a systematic approach constrain their word excerption patterns at age one and are less likely to use whole-word processes at age three (Vihman, 2004).However, Vihman & Greenlee (1987) show that 73% of childrens utterances at age three were judged intelligible, which correlates with lower phonological error scores. In conclusion, individual differences are a significant in ones phonological system and problematic in generalising normal developments. However, a three year old child will have overall relative phonological work up (Vihman & Greenlee, 1987) and the majority of simplifying phonological processes used at age one will no longer apply regularly (Vihman, 2004). References Grunwell, P. 1981) The development of phonology A Desciptive Profile. First Language. 2 161-191 Ingram, D (1986) Ch10 phonological Development Production. In Fletcher, P & Garman, M. Language acquisition pp223-239 CUP UK 2nd translation Menn, L. & Vihman, M. M. (2011) Part V Features in Phonological development Features in Child Phonology Inherent, Emergent, or Artefacts of Analysis? In Clements, N. G & Ridouane, R (Ed) Where do Phonological Features Come From? Cognitive, Physical and developmental bases of classifiable speech categories. John Benjamins Publishing Company. p259-303 Vihman, M. M (2004) Ch3 Later Phonological Development. In Bernthal, J. E & Bankson, N. W, Articulation and Phonological Disorders, pp105-138. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall. fifth Edition. Vihman, M. M. , Ferguson, A. & Elbert, M (1986) Phonological development from babbli ng to speech common land tendencies and individual differences. Applied Pyscholinguistics, 7 3-40 Vihman, M. M. & Greenlee, M. (1987) Individual Differences in Phonological Development Ages one and three years Journal of speech and hearing research. 30 503-521

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

My Neighborhood Cultural Experience

foot race Heading NEIGHBORHOOD CULTURE My likeness Cultural Experience carol Salinas Kaplan University HU300-09 Abstract I check had a great opportunity to savour at some of my townsfolks most incredible computer architecture, impressions, murals, and sculptures. Our family has lived here(predicate) for over six years now and I h sexagenarian up had the entertainment to visiting our three local inborn American Museums. I absorb al styles enjoyed going to them on occasion when I feel exchangeable dependable getting out by myself and having some quite time.My experiences in this class have opened my midpoints to a new way of viewing the structures and art virtually me. I have chosen to debate a edifice that I drive by on a daily basis, never really putting much stock into how it came to be or its significance to our town. I will discuss in full stop the structure and the design of the facade. I have also chosen a piece of art that has been in my family since the early 1970s. It is a sentimental painting that I am sure holds more heartfelt value than financial worth. I see it e rattling day as I toss in my home.It is truly a work of art. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder and most definitely in the eye of the visionary who created much(prenominal) beauty. My Neighborhood Cultural Experience Architecture During my field trip around my little town, I was amazed at all of the wonderful architecture that I had never taken notice of in the past. It was quite good-natured to see the amount of historical structures that are here in Anadarko, Oklahoma. Our town was established back in 1901 and holds quite a bit of Native American Indian Influence.This is relevant by the structures around town. I have chosen to discuss a building that was constructed in 1906 and is referred to as the Whitley moth miller Building in the Anadarko downtown historical district (United States, 1990) (Exhibit A). The buildings address as listed in the historical regi stry is 125-129 W. Broadway, Anadarko, Oklahoma. This particular building is quite flowery in its structuring and was built in the Romanesque Revival style (Waymarking, 2011). It is divided up into three separate and distinct units or bays as they used to be called.The spaces between each unit are pilaster with round arch lintels of buffer colored and red colored brick and a rock-and-roll sill. It is a two-story building that has a stairwell up to the second floor. The stairwell is decorated with spandrels and pilasters. Two of the units display the call of their original occupants back in the day. The names read Max Goldman & angstrom unit Co. and Whitley Miller, which are inset in st one panels. The second floor has quatern double hung windows above each unit. These windows are accented by a fanlight transom. at that place is a wall-like barrier at the edge of the stone coping and a corbelled brick cornice on the roofline along with set panels. Each unit has its own personalit y and charm. They are accented with idiosyncratic awnings, one is red cloth, another is metal, and then made of wood. Although the architects are mystical to me they seemed to have approached the design of this building as a painter or a sculptor would (Janaro & Altshuler, 2009). It is just amazing that something so old can still be in such magnificent condition. My Neighborhood Cultural Experience trickThe art piece that I have chosen to discuss today is a painting that was painted in Manila, Philippines in 1962. The signature on this particular painting is not very clear and I cannot distinguish the mechanics name. I have included a picture of the painting (Exhibit B) as well as a dummy up up of the signature (Exhibit C) in case you recognize it. This painting was a gift from my grandparents. They had become friends with many of the locals and befriended the artist. My grandfather saw the painting one day and asked if he could purchase it for his stepson. The artist gracio usly agreed.My grandfather and grandma retired from the Air Force in 1972 and returned to the states bringing the painting home to my parents. subsequently the passing of my parents, I have inherited the painting. It has become quite a conversation piece in our living room. The medium for this piece is vegetable oil on canvas. This is a representational painting of the Manila Bay at dusk. The use of chiaroscuro throughout this painting adds a sultry, almost lonely printing to it (Janaro & Altshuler, 2009). You can see a shanty or chanty sitting by the water and the boats are in from the days catch. There appears to be no one in sight.Everyone has gone home from a long and grueling day at sea. The water is composure and attractively lit by the falling sun. The sky is an intense yellow and orangish as the rays of the sun are hidden by the clouds. The perspective of this artist as it relates to his painting is amazing. When I look into the painting, I seem to be pulled into the landscape, as if I am sitting on a hummock looking across at the beautiful sunset. A sense of calm comes over me. I can put myself right there just as a fisherman or his wife might be sitting outside after a good home cooked repast and relaxing after a tiering day on the water.References R. P. Janaro & T. C. Altshuler (2009). The Art of Being Human TheHumanities as a Technique for Living, ninth Edition. (pp. 105-130). New York Longman. United States Department of the Interior National Register of diachronic places (1990). Retrieved December 17, 2011 from, http//pdfhost. focus. nps. gov/docs/NRHP/Text/82005385. pdf Waymarking. com (2011). Retrieved December 17, 2011, from http//www. waymarking. com/waymarks/WMCY7W_1906_Whitley_Miller_Building_Anadarko_OK

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Green Building And Zero Energy Trends Environmental Sciences Essay

As we move into the twenty-first Century, crude and unplotted fortunes be get downing to determine our lives, our architecture and our seat of g everyplacenments. It is going clear that the electric shock we re making on our milieus is holding an consequence on the tumesce being of our pla nett and its ecosystems every bit good as our populations, incite us to eventu wholey take action towards a better hereafter. worldwide agitateing and it s formidable menaces adjudge scared us and devoted corporations incentive to market its relinquishing, which at times is identical as to whether or non these are honest efforts or more thanover catchs. Similarly, the statement on whether or non we are in at hand danger is merely as controversial. The follow up to this reaction has been an over kingingly undisputed query toward eco-friendly tactical manoeuvre in a figure of professions including concern, medical specialty and architecture, merely to strain a few. However, in the term inal wholly told of this predication breeds the coevals of new types, coercing us to re-think the manner that we live.For architecture, these creative activities come in the signifier of zero- cleverness and greenish constructions. Zero- nil edifices ( ZEB ) are edifices that use zero-net- brawniness use and breathe zero-carbon emanations. They are convenient in that they can be used autonomously from the push button grid supply and button can be harvested on- localize. Although these edifices are country of the art, there is a pile off between pecuniary cost and the benefit that they offer. common edifices should non be confused with zero- heftiness edifices, nor are they reciprocally sole from being zero-energy. Green edifices by and large differ from zero energy edifices in that they engage in the pattern of making constructions and utilizing procedures that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient end-to-end a edifice s life-cycle. In theory, it should st ay consistent to its purpose with and passim the full edifice procedure from design, construct, operation, care, re festering, and deconstruction. In both instances, the purpose is to dispense out and complement the classical edifice design concerns of economic system, public-service corporation, lastingness, and comfort.Green edifices make up been in conceptualisation for old ages now, dating back to the motion s train in the 1960 s when Rachel Carson wrote sound slight spring and DEET was outlawed. However, the culture of modern zero-energy edifices merely became executable more late, non merely through the improvement made in new building engineerings and techniques, but through significantly improved academic research on traditional and experimental edifices that uplift precise energy public presentation informations. Such edifices are real utilizing advanced computing machine theoretical accounts that can demo the efficaciousness of technology design determinations . Subjectively, energy usage can be mensurable in different ways ( associating to cost, energy, or C emanations ) and, irrespective of the translation used different positions are taken on the comparative grandness of energy crop and energy preservation to accomplish a net energy balance. Although zero energy edifices remain uncommon in essential states, they are deriving in importance and popularity merely because the zero-energy attack has possible to cut down C emanations, and cut down dependance on fossil fuels. It is besides of import to observe that most ( ZEB ) definitions do non set aside the emanations generated in the building of the edifice and the corporal energy of the construction. This means that in many instances so much energy is used in the building of a new edifice that this can shadow the operational energy nest eggs over its utile life.A coincident representative of such(prenominal) architecture is zero energy ( from dodo fuel ) can no.1 by zoka Zola archi tecture + urban design. This house is built on a dual batch and is situated 3 stat mis west of the Chicago Loop. The designers apply themselves to merely utilize energy generated on site and saw their edifice as a accelerator that would hopefully be an inspiration to opposite(a) householders and developers in urban environments. A batch of the discrepancy and control throughout the house is done through the operation of its operable Windowss. In the summer, the Windowss allow cross airing and in the winter, warm sunshine inundations the shoal suites through big south-facing Windowss. These Windowss besides provide a battalion of positions to the out-of-doorss.The clients of this house had a passion for gardening so in add-on to building an urban single-family place that is ecological, socially regenerative, and self-sustaining the designers besides incorporated multiple gardens including a few roof deck gardens. The accessible green roofs promote bio-diversity and catch H2O over flow, turn insulating the inside and protecting the roof from thermic bedazzle and extremist violet impairment.They divided the house into four zones. Bathrooms are busty and ventilate as an stray country of melloweder wet and heat. The kitchen is ventilated as an stray country of higher wet, heat, and olfactory property. The life and dine infinites are located on the west side of the edifice where 1 can bask the last beams of the eventide Sun after work. The degage Multi-Use infinite is employed as portion of the garden and is on motive heated and cooled.These tendencies are surely non sole to individual edifices. In the education of its popularity, zero-energy edifice has had its influence on the development of territory schedules. An illustration of such a edifice site would be Beddington Zero Energy phylogenesis ( BedZED ) . BedZED is a lodging development in Hackbridge, London, England intentional to back up a more sustainable life style. Because of BedZED s low-ener gy-emission construct, autos are reject and alternatively the undertaking encourages public conveyance, cycling, and walking, and has limited park infinite. Electric and liquefied-petroleum-gas autos have precedence over autos that burn gasoline and Diesel, and electricity is provided in parking infinites for bear downing electric autos. All of the houses on the site verbal expression to the South and come equipped with roof top solar panels, 777 mA? of solar panels entire, to take advantage of the increased solar addition from that way. The energy that is so harvested is either used throughout the abode or cater back into the grid. Most of the rain H2O that falls onto BedZED s site is harvested for a ulterior day of the month and in add-on, contraptions are elect to be water-efficient and utilize recycled H2O when possible. BedZED besides uses green constructing schemes like utilizing low-impact stuffs ( LIM ) . LIM stuffs on this site were selected from renewable or recycled be ginnings within 35 stat mis of the site, to minimise the energy required for transit. Finally, BedZED is host to legion blow recycling installations that are designed to back up recycling.The consequences that BedZED put forth old ages after operation are amazing. The development efficaciously reduced space-heating demands by 88 % , hot-water ingestion by 57 % , The electrical power used was 25 % less than the UK average, 11 % of which was produced by the roof-top solar panels, Mains-water ingestion has been reduced by 50 % and the occupants auto milage is 65 % less on norm. These are all startlingly dramatic consequences toward efficiency, but when it comes down to it BedZED was nil more than norm when the sum nursery gasses emitted throughout building were calculated. The consequences showed that the corporal environmental impacts of BedZED s building stuffs were similar to standard UK lodging. The entire corporal CO2 of BedZED is 675kg/m2, while the typical volume house embodi es 600-800kg/m2. So, as one can search there are tremendous advantages to the finished merchandise in prize to zero-energy edifice, but it seems as though the existent problem is caused by the outsourced agencies of edifice. while edifices have been a first measure for green and zero-energy tendencies and territory communities have acted as proving evidences for larger execution, there have nt been any stairss toward developing all in all zero-energy C impersonal green metropoliss until merely late. The name of the undertaking is Masdar metropolis and it s planned to be located in Abu Dhabi, in the get together Arab Emirates. Its nucleus is a planned metropolis, which is being built by the Abu Dhabi future tense Energy Company, a subordinate of Mubadala Development Company, with the bulk of the capital provided by the authorities of Abu Dhabi. Designed by the British architectural house sustain + Partners, the metropolis is planned rely wholly on solar energy and other renewabl e energy beginnings, with a sustainable, zero-carbon, zero- run off ecology. The undertaking was initiated in 2006 and was planned to be finished in 2009. The entire production cost pull up stakes be 22 billion dollars and get out cover 2.3 square stat mis exit be home to 45,000 to 50,000 people and 1,500 concerns, chiefly commercial and fabricating installations specialising in environmentally-friendly merchandises. nevertheless though the metropolis will be resident to about 50,000 people, it bland holds a prohibition on cars within the metropolis. Travel will be accomplished via public mass transit and personal rapid theodolite systems, with bing route and railroads linking to other locations outside the metropolis. Masdar is set to utilize a potpourri of renewable power resources, among the first being a 40 to 60 megawatt solar power plant which will provide power for all other building activity. In this manner, Masdar metropolis is a monolithic betterment from BedZED in that it has thought through a more eco-friendly agencies of building throughout the whole metropolis. Masdar s solar power works will by and by be followed by a larger installation and like BedZED tautological photovoltaic faculties will be placed on rooftops to supply accessory solar energy to the metropolis. Wind farms will be established all around the outside the metropolis s margin, capable of bring forthing up to 20 megawatts. The H2O supply has been planned out merely as exhaustively. How it works is the metropolis will house a solar-powered desalinization works which will be used to supply the metropolis s with piece imbibing H2O. Approximately 80A per centum of the H2O used will be recycled and waste H2O will be reused every bit much as is possible with this greywater being used for harvest irrigation and other intents. Similarly to BedZED Masdar metropolis besides has a focal point on waste recycling. The political platform is to utilize biological waste to make nutr ient-rich dirt and fertiliser. Some waste will be utilized through incineration as an extra power beginning and industrial waste will be recycled or re-purposed for other utilizations.If all of this is nt singular plenty, Masdar will be host to several province of the art academic installations focussed on the promotion of renewable energy techniques. The first of these establishments to open is the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology. Developed in cooperation with the mummy Institute of Technology ( MIT ) , the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology is a post-graduate university focused on the scientific discipline and technology of advanced renewable energy, environmental engineerings and sustainability. First opened to pupils in September 2009, by 2011 the institute will offer 10 Masters plans and its first PhD plans in renewable energies and sustainable engineerings. These academic inducements are hoped to promote an environment that will further the pursual coevals of scientific finds.A more recent part to the development of zero-energy metropoliss is Zira Island. Designed by the Danish house of Bjarke Ingels Group ( BIG ) has merely released inside informations of their maestro program for a zero energy recreate and amusement metropolis on Zira Island, which is located within the bay of Baku, Azerbaijan. contrary Masdar metropolis, Zira Island attempts to let the signifier of its man-made landscape to use the aggregation of energy. The program calls for approximately 10.8 million square pess of architectural landscape based on the natural landscape of Azerbaijan.A Zira Island is set to have seven residential developments, to each one in the form of one of seven extremums of Azerbaijan, and 300 private Villas with positions over the Caspian Sea.A The metropolis is designed to be wholly independent of external resources and to supply, high terminal populating with low terminal ingestion of resources. All of this is expected to be accompli shed by using the Caspian Sea for heating/cooling with heat pumps, puting photovoltaic panels strategically on frontages and rooftops, incorporating solar thermic panels into the architecture, garnering air received power from an offshore air current farm and eventually through waste and storm H2O aggregation, intervention, and reuse in landscaping. The methods are in truth similar to Masdar metropolis, except the integrating of the systems into the manufactured landscape is much more cohesive in this design. However, one must maintain in head that this metropolis s design is still really conventional at this point.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Learning Styles in the Educational Environment

Many people learn in disaccordent ways. breeding Styles atomic number 18 various approaches or ways of cultivation. thither ar three types of Learning Styles. People receive, process, and control information by utilise visual, auditory, or kinesthetic methods. Visual Learners learn by using their eyes, often focus on the eyes, and body language, gestures and facial expression of their instructors. It is also common for visual learners to remain clearly focused on the material. auditive learners, learn through listening.These individuals prefer to discuss materials and often pay squiffy attention to the pitch, tone, words and speed of which teachers deliver their messages. Kinesthetic acquirement gives the emergency for a school-age child to touch and feel in order to retain information. People who are a kinesthetic learner often convey easily agitated due to their necessitates for further instruction and to physically get their hands on items relating to the material i n front of them. Your milieu ass play an strategic role in all nurture musical modes.Different environmental factors can affect the acquisition process in positive and negative ways. Some learners learn remediate when it is bright slice others are bothered by excessive light. Other learners learn better when it is extremely quiet while noise and activity are important for almost students. The temperature of an environment can play a role also. When mostbody is too hot or too cold they have a more difficult time concentrating and can non learn the material necessary. It is important for an pedagog to provide the right environment.Some students have different learning demeanors entirely they whitethorn also have different environmental preferences as well. For an example, some students may like to think over when the lights are dimmed, but others may cause it difficult to see. Some students may enjoy playing music and some may find it distracting and not easily focused. In todays society many people are utilizing online learning. Online learning allows students to learn in a distant or disadvantage location. A tralatitious classroom setting allows students to interact and exchange imaginations.In the Quarterly Review of outdistance Education (Fall 2006), A study compared the effects student learning styles with Web-based learning (WBL) and handed-d testify instructor-based learning (ILB) on student cognition and gladness. Student knowledge and satisfaction were measured at the end of the courses as dependent variables. The Kolb Learning Style Inventory was used to determine learning styles. The results revealed that students learning styles were statistically significant for knowledge when comparing Web-based format with instructor-based format.The results indicated students with Assimilator and Converger styles achieved better results with the Web-based format. Furthermore, this study found a significant difference in student satisfaction fo r learning with the Web-based format (p. 313-316). There are a lot of disadvantages when it comes to learning styles for online learners. Such as, Students who at persist online courses leave be exposed less to auditory techniques than in a tralatitious classroom setting.Some course materials will provide you with as much visual and hands-on activities as necessary. In an online class there is a lot of passive learning through through reading text, listening to audio clips, and seeing graphics, but can only communicate through writing, email, and chatting. In the College Student Journal (Sept 2010), the obligate stated there was a study that investigated the relationship between students learning styles and their achievement in two different learning environments online instruction and traditional instruction.The results indicated that a) students in the traditional learning group had higher, but not statistically significant higher, levels of achievement than students in the on line learning group, b) a students learning style had no statistically significant effect on their course grades in any of the two instructional methods, and c) there was no significant fundamental interaction between the learning style and instructional method. Whether it is online or traditional when given(p) a good learning environment most people tend to remember take up by practicing the real thing.Next, a combination of doing and oration active what we learn produces a high retention rate, followed by talk alone. The interaction and delivery methods used in online classes are different from traditional classes. In Using Learning Styles to personalize online learning, Maria Zajac states The results of a stare carried out at Warsaw School of Economics, where every semester up to 2,000 students mention online lectures, have shown that there are no significant differences between the grades that student get in e-learning courses and in traditional on-campus classes (3 Dabr owski and Zajac, 2006).Although, some students indicated in a survey that e-learning methods are more convenient for them as they do not require, for instance, making notes during the lecture, which they perceived as a factor influencing their concentration, there was no significant difference between the final exam scores of those victorious online and on campus lectures (p. 256). If you are an auditory learner at which you learn best by hearing you may want to consider a traditional classroom setting.There are a lot of myths flowing almost about learning styles. There is one belief that learning styles is not necessary to incorporate useful knowledge. Supposedly there is no credible evidence that learning styles exist. In the Myth of Learning Styles, (Reiner 2010), the author writhes Students differ in their abilities, interests, and background knowledge, but not in their learning styles. Students may have preferences about how to learn, but no evidence suggests that catering to those preferences will lead to better learning (P. 32).The myth of learning styles is based on three premises learning styles are intrinsic, learning styles can be assessed learning styles can be matched to instructional styles. The myth of learning styles refers to the idea that teaching methods should be matched to students unique characteristics. Although individualization is desirable, learning style assumes that reliable learner characteristics are intrinsic when they may in fact be the result of experiential factors. As a result, teachers may inadvertently cross low-performing students opportunities to learn.Majority of students have more than one learning style. Students should think about their learning style to identify how they learn. Learning to relate to others in their own style is important in helping us understand others and wherefore they react the way they do. Taking time to learn your learning style will improve the way you communicate with others. In conclus ion, there are a lot of environmental factors that can affect the way you learn. Students need to take in account that there environment in which they are learning in plays an important role of how they process there information.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Discrimination and the Arts Essay

1. W.E.B Du Bois makes a sound and persuasive argument rough double consciousness and racial struggle in America. ANSWER THIS irresolution Do you agree that artbroadly definedcan be an antidote or a form of resistance against certain kinds of disagreement? 2. Take a position on this issue by first off exploring at least three of our guide texts, starting with Du Bois and leading through and through several of our early(a) exactings (Martin Luther King, Alice Walker, bell hooks, or any of the other writers weve read in this unit or the previous unit on disability).IN OTHER WORDS, you must use Du Bois and at least two other authors in Cultural Conversations. Is there, for use, an art to the practice of nonviolence such as King describes, or to the use of language discussed in Linton and Slackjaw? 3. Ultimately, your exploration of these committed ideas should lead to a clear position of your own, and you must demonstrate in this paper that you can synthesize a number of diffe ring ideas in the inquisition of your own argument. We will discuss strategies to do so in class.4. generate an caseful from contemporary culture of people resisting (or not resisting) dissimilitude. Use this example to demonstrate your position on art as resistance. Consider oppugns such as would art have helped the less empowered people appointment back? Did art play a part in the arguments against discrimination? In what ways does art address discrimination in your example? You may use print or web sources for this example as long as you document these carefully. In addition, you must define what you typify by art in order to construct a strong argument. 5. Include in your paper an acknowledgement and rebuttal of an opposing or counter-argument.This section of your paper may be short, but it is a rattling aspect of your paper, so dont forget to include it. IN OTHER WORDS, give the other side of your answer to the top question about art as an effective form of resistance a nd and then argue against it. If you answer yes, then say how people could argue no and argue against them. 6. You will need to use at least 5 sources for this paper THREE from Cultural Conversations (Du Bois plus two others) and TWO relate to your example (they can be nonscholarly).7. GRADING BASED ON forming a thesis, showing originality, constructing and organizing your argument, using textual evidence, showing you understand the main themes of the course/unit, meeting stylistic and grammatical standards, and finding and using sources. 8. Use MLA coiffure and citation style. Also use 1 inch margins and Times spic-and-span Roman or similar font. No cover page please. amount your pages and include a header with your name and my name on it. fix your paper. Dont forget a title. Proofread.W.E.B. Du Bois Marcus Garvey Booker T. WashingtonLangston Hughes Anna Julia make Frances E.W. Harper Anonymous ReviewerLifting the Veil of Ignorance, B.T. Washington Memorial at Tuskegee Univ ersityFrom Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man (1952)Then in my minds eye I see the bronze statue of the college Founder, the cold Father symbol, his pass outstretched in the breathtaking gesture of lifting a veil that flutters in hard, met on the wholeic folds above the face of a kneeling slave and I am standing puzzled, unable to decide whether the veil is really universe lifted, or lowered more firmly in place whether I am witnessing a revelation or a more good blinding.Bob MarleyRedemption SongEmancipate yourself from mental slaveryn unmatched but ourselves can free our minds.Langston HughesI, Too, Sing AmericaFrances E.W. HarperThe Burdens of eachFrom W.E.B. Du Bois Criteria of Negro ArtPAGE 160 The apostle of beauty thus becomes the apostle of truth and pay off not by choice but by home(a) and outer compulsion. Free he is but his freedom is ever delimited by truth and justice and slavery only dogs him when he is denied the right to tell the truth or recognize an ideal of just ice Thus, all art is propaganda and ever must be, despite the wailing of the purists I do not care a damn for any art that is not used for propaganda. But I do care when propaganda is confined to one side while the other is stripped and silent.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Reaction Paper: Oedipus the King Essay

Prophecies, it is a presumption from over-the-top being, maybe from the vaticinators, gods or goddesses round the destiny of somebody. In the classical boloney of Oedipus the King, the apologue revolves about the prophecy made by the god about the destiny of Oedipus. It is a classic literature from the Greek mythology. It is a legend about the young boy that was destined to kill his father and result commit incest by being the husband of his mother.Dramatic unities oneness of actions, unity of time, unity of place. Unity of actions, it is the casual connections of events and incidents unity of time, it is a theory that the calamity should confine itself as far as possible, to a single gyration of the sun unity of place, it is a concept about the epic, the epic foot narrate the number of actions concurrently in different parts. These concepts was shown by the story, it simultaneously narrate the actions and also with connections in every scene it also procure the unity of time by making all the scenes looks like bechance in just a day.Tragic hero, it was describe as a great man who is neither a paragon of virtue and justness nor undergoes the change to misfortune through any real badness or wickedness scarce because of some mistake. The tragic hero in the story is Oedipus.Hamartia, it may be accompanied by normal imperfection, it was describes as a situation where the hero makes an unintelligent act where you cannot immorally blame him/her. This concept can be searchn in the story when Oedipus gets angry on the prophet because of saying he is the one who kill Laius.Hubris, it was describe as the parapet that the tragic hero result encounter to achieve his goal. This was happen in the story when Oedipus was trying to know the truth, the herdsman didnt want to talk.Peripeteia, it is the valet de chambre actions made results exactly opposite to what was intended it is working in blindness to ones own defeat. This was seen in the story, it is wh en Oedipus tried to escape the prophecy, but charm escaping, he killed his father where 3 roads met.Anagnorisis, it is the realization of truth, it is the interruption of the eyes, sudden lighting flash in the darkness. This concept can see in the scene when herdsman tell the truth, and Oedipus was shocked, even Jocasta Oedipus made himself blind, while jocasta committed suicide.Catharsis, one of the most difficult concepts in poetics of Aristotle, describes as the purgation of the emotions of pity and fear that are aroused in the viewer of a tragedy. You can see this in the story, it happens in the scene where the herdsman was pressure by Oedipus to reveal the truth he was scared on how Oedipus will react.As a whole, the story is great. It touches the heart of every reader, and after course session this text, you wish that destiny will not happen to you or your friends and family. A nice text, must read.Sources1. http//www.slideshare.net/ashtri/aristotles-poetics-3096300 2. ht tp//www.english.hawaii.edu/criticalink/aristotle/terms/catharsis.html 3. http//www.ohio.edu/people/hartleyg/ref/aristotletragedy.html

Getting Emotional Essay Essay

There was a time that I had a conversation with a friend who is a foreigner and knew very petty ab divulge the cultures in the United States. He was basically biased against the sick carry or the Afri ordure-the Statesn races and spoke about them in a very discriminating manner. He believed that the scurrilous race in America is to the gameyest degreely composed of thugs and criminals who are dirty and cannot live the way most white Americans do. Although I didnt exactly argue with him, I so far did to switch over his beliefs and perceptions on the black race and fortunately, I succeeded.I original started out by spoting him the harsh realities that most of the people from this race used to face and are still facing today such as discrimination at work, education, and employment among others. I also pointed out that there are a lot of stories published in study newspapers that show that discrimination against people from other races and cultures are still stick in today. I shared with him stories of an outstanding student from a public high school who was allegedly not apt(p) a scholarship apparently because he is black.I also told him of certain cases wherein workers are not given the bonuses and benefits that are due to them because they belong to the black race. In short, I prime(prenominal) tried to make him sympathize with the plight of the black race and I believe I was successful in doing so. Moreover, I also told him that since he is an Asian, he too, can also be discriminated against. More importantly, I forceful to him that these black people are also human beings just the like everybody else and therefore, they should be treated the same way white Americans are treated. later on our conversation, my friend agreed me with and told me that he would be careful with his perceptions about the black race from now on. Based on my persuasive methods, it can be deduced that the most effective way to convince people or audiences to change the ir stand or views on a certain issue is to tell them real life stories that they can relate with. These true to life stories can represent the essence of ones arguments and make ones claims more credible.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Plaza Grocery Case Study Essay

I. inceptionMr. fasten Holden is the executive vice president of the family-owned business chain of half dozen branches, promenade foodstuff, in the metropolitan argona. Mr. Holdens recently been swamped with problems regarding his employees, specifically the stock certificate employees filling they are pay according to what is stated in the hourly pay count in the Federal Law. He observed that they are non efficient and effective bountiful in their jobs, which effected to empty shelves and in arrears run most of the time. He also had a hard time in obtaining enough appli dirty dogts for Plaza Grocery and worse is his employees are doing only the secondary level of effort in their jobs. He also noticed that his employees are overleaping indigenceal drives to strive harder in performing their jobs.With all these that he is facing through, he finally decided to look for possible solutions to these problems. He came up with consulting to a local compensation expert and talking to a bitty group and personally asking them what backside remedy their slow and forgetful capital punishment. The compensation expert inspireed to Mr. Holden that he resort to the more(prenominal) modern compensation governing body. In the small group, some suggested an increase in their hourly earnings rate, the new(prenominal)s pitched in about bonuss to be given for them to be caused and subject faster, while others did not take away any comment.For this plate study, we result be identifying the likely issues and problems. After which, we go out provide the mannikin or basis of argument which will relate the inadequacy of motivation or drive of the stock employees to the various models, theories and c oncepts discussed in class. We will recommend and suggest certain alternate blood lines of actions which might help Mr. Holden to properly motivate his employees as well as his employees to improve their cognitive operation.II. ISSUE/PROBLEM secure Holden is facing a situation in his grocery store where there is trouble obtaining enough stock clerks/carryout lopers to apply for the job. And when these appli toilettets get hired they await to lack the motivation to carry out their job which led to uneffective service and long checkout lines. These minimum hourly plight workers throw away expressed a desire for additional compensation. The problem that fix inescapably to solve is which of the major economic incentive remains he can use to motivate his employees to become productive and also to attract other applicants to apply for the job.III. OBJECTIVESThe objective of this study is to identify different theories, concepts and models under kind behavior that can be applied to understand the situation secure is facing. It will also identify and discuss what possible economic incentive system the management can use and then provide system recommendation that would lead to the trump out way in solving the problem.IV. FRAMEWO RKS/ founding OF ARGUMENTSThe difficulties that arise in Brad Holdens family-owned grocery stores are attri excepted to the lack of motivation of employees. Lack of motivation can be a result of poor rewarding of employees. In Plaza Grocery, employees are only paid the usual earnings rate or the minimum federal hourly wage. This can be a factor as to why the workers lack motivation in performing an effective and efficient job. M onenessy, as a means of rewarding employees may serve as a grand help for the company. It has status value and it represents to employees what their employer thinks of them. Using money as a reward is applicable in some of the motivational models previously studied.The apprehension model can be related to the companys situation. Employees in Plaza Grocery wanted a higher hourly wage rate which implies that money can act as a pissed incentive. If an employee wants more of it (valence), he believes that putting up an effort will progress to successful d esired mathematical operation (expectancy) and he trusts that monetary reward will follow better performance (instrumentality).Brad Holden can also consider the concept of incentives linking pay with performance. In order to get the employees motivated, he can adopt profit sharing. For profit sharing, employees are given a pile of the businesss profits. An implementation of this would get them encouraged to work harder and do whatever it takes to increase the sales of the business since they are looking by and by the possible income at the end.In addition, once the issue on wage is settled, the management can also do performance appraisal. Through this, performance of the employees can be evaluated and certain information about their work and its cash advance will be discussed. This will make way for the employees to be more motivated and get rewarded.The concept of performance feedback can also be related to the situation of Plaza Grocery. With proper implementation of feedback , employees will be aware of what to do and how well they are meeting their goals. Some of the guidelines in giving feedback are the following be specific, allow room for choices, intromit positive factors to praise, establish priorities for change, and check for understanding to name a few.V. pick COURSES OF ACTIONSNowadays, we can find different kinds of grocery stores around us and the supermarket is being dominant than local market in terms of quickness and accessibility to people. As we mentioned, it is not wrong that quickness of the market is one of the significant thing that has to be maintained first. To solve Plaza Grocerys problem about its workers lack of motivation, we would like to recommend three alternative courses of action.First, Brad Holden should figure out why employees seem to lack motivation once he hired them because motivation can be the total of the power source that can make the work environment lustrous or dull. Hence, we would like to state our fi rst course of action, which we call possession project. Brad Holden should encourage and convince the workers to think of themselves as a co-owner of the company or workplace. Before the hired applicants become permanent employees, they would bear an assessment. Their behavior in the workplace would be examined for at least one month to evaluate their attitude toward their work. After the examination, Brad can gear up the qualified employees through orientations on how to work efficiently and effectively.Second, an incentive system can be a good course of action for workers to work faster since money can be a good motivator and reward. If Brad Holden continues to pay the employees at the minimum wage without bonus, the employees would not assert effort to do their work harder and faster. Increasing of hourly wage rate can be a course of action, along with providing incentives. When the hourly wage rate is increased alone, all employees would benefit. This may increase the workers productiveness and motivation, but not fully since the benefit applies to all. Therefore, it will be better if Brad Holden applies an incentive system or bonus system. The incentives given would be base on the employees performance, measured by his/her productivity. Through this, it can be more assured that the workers will be motivated in their work to earn their money more.Third, under incentive system, manager should appraise who got the highest performance result among the workers, and provide incentives like support for old parents or gentility of children. This alternative course of action is enough to motivate workers because these concern their families. Brad Holden will have to make records of each employee to check their performance and ripening and this environment can create competition among workers.VI. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSIONPlaza Grocery experiences problems with its employees due to low compensation and lack of incentives. Even afterward consulting a local exp ert, the very(prenominal) causes are pointed as the reason for the employees poor performance. Given this situation, we recommend the company to apply the second alternative course of action, which is to increase the wage rate and apply an incentive system.The store, having only hexad branches, can easily increase the wage due to the relatively small number of workers. However, once an increase is implemented in one branch, the same shall be applied in the other branches to emphasize the sense of beauteousness among the employees of all branches. Although this may entail costs for the company, the increase in workers productivity may lead to higher sales, providing more revenue. In the long-run, the benefits would outweigh the costs.Although increase the wage rate may motivate the employees to work harder, it is not enough because it would not always and ultimately lead to the satisfaction of their needs. What the company can do is to adopt an incentive system. The incentives th e company can offer may be financial or non-financial in nature. Financial incentives would include performance bonuses, social security benefits, and paid absences. Non-financial incentives would include recognition and feeling of achievement, patterned advance opportunity, and flexible scheduling.Even though it is said that money is one of the best rewards, the non-financial rewards can also stimulate the employees motivation. It is not enough that employees are financially well-off. For them to stay long in the company, both the salary and the working conditions have to be satisfied. However, as we learned in class, according to Herzbergs dickens Factor Model, the pay is part of the hygiene factors, while the work itself is a motivational factor. Therefore, the employees must first be satisfied with their wage forward the company can meet the motivational factors.In conclusion, Plaza Grocery has to strengthen its workforces motivation by providing them just wages and work ince ntives. This entails an investment on the part of Plaza Grocery. But once the workers are motivated and their productivity gradually increase, Plaza Grocery will see itself being better-off in the future.