
Friday, May 15, 2020

Group Dynamics Essay - 589 Words

The characteristics of effective Groups Much can be learned about the art of building an effective group. We now understand many of the principles that create the proper environment in which groups can blossom and flourish. Yet we remain unable to quot;guaranteequot; that any given group will reach its goals or be anything more than modestly successful. However, even a group composed of quot;the very best peoplequot; has some probability of failure.( ) Groups can take on so much more risk than individuals and can attempt a level of greatness that is beyond the realistic hope of any individual. To unleash the full power of groups, members need to sort out for themselves where and how they can best make use of their group and what,†¦show more content†¦The team focuses on problem solving rather than allowing by interpersonal issues or competitive struggles to drain the team’s energy. Defined Roles To get the most out of groups in any context you must clarify the relative roles of each other. It is vital to communicate clearly how you are going to foster leadership and groupwork simultaneously without appearing to be inconsistent. Roles are balanced and shared to facilitate both the accomplishment of tasks and feelings of team cohesion and morale. Participation To Reach Your Group’s Potential, participation and/or feedback it essential from other members Feedback provides you with the information you need to fix what is broken and keep what works. Some ways, to get feedback or participation are as follows: Ask each other. Communicate to all team members that you value their input. Some members may be shy and asking questions may help another participate. Ask a question like â€Å"Is there any problems or positive inputs that can be contributed to the project?† Make it clear that you seek information for your benefit and the benefit of the group Member must actively listen to one another. Ask the other person how or what can your group can improve on. Otherwise you get individuals making large contributions for the benefit of the group, however evolving in possible conflict. Self/Member assessmentShow MoreRelatedPrinciples Of A Group Dynamics849 Words   |  4 Pagesprinciples of a group dynamics, group process, development stage philosophies, group members’ roles and behaviors, and therapeutic factors of group. Through the use of Textbooks-, this CACPRE standard (2009) helped me to comprehend the process of all items that are basic to the unfolding of group from the beginning to end. 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